Miner Elementary School is a proud recipient of a $1000 Parents for Healthy Kids grant made possible through Action for Healthy Kids® (AFHK) and funding from ALDI. The grant will help expand student access to physical activity and healthy foods in school, improve knowledge and behaviors around physical activity and healthy eating, and provide funding and support to parent groups as they work to engage parents and families in these efforts both at school and at home.
Miner will use its grant to fund:
Special thanks go out to Lindsey Jones-Renaud, Chair of the PTO's Fundraising & Grants Committee, for leading development of Miner's grant application! Miner is one of 150 schools receiving an ALDI-funded grant along with technical support to implement its grant utilizing AFHK’s Game On program in the 2017-2018 school year. For a complete list of schools funded by ALDI in the 2017-2018 school year, visit ActionforHealthyKids.org/ALDI. Parents are also encouraged to visit ParentsforHealthyKids.org, a new website designed to support parents in creating healthier schools and part of the Parents for Healthy Kids national initiative. About Action for Healthy Kids® Action for Healthy Kids® is a nationwide grassroots network supporting school-based healthy eating and physical activity improvements that increase academic success. With funding opportunities, expert technical assistance and our flagship program, Game On, we mobilize schools, administrators and parents to develop healthy school environments for children. To learn more about the ways our 90,000+ volunteer network is helping to make Every Kid Healthy™, visit us at ActionforHealthyKids.org, on Facebook (facebook.com/act4healthykids) and on Twitter (twitter.com/Act4HlthyKids). Comments are closed.
September 2024