Upcoming Events
Who We Are
All Miner staff and caregivers are welcome and encouraged to join the Green Team. We have many focus areas, and we welcome all levels of interest - from leading a focus area to lending a hand in the garden once in a while. Follow the Miner Garden Program on Instagram: www.instagram.com/Minerelementarygarden/ |
Our Focus Areas
Garden Program
Food Waste Reduction
Recycling and Sustainability
Nature and the Environment
Equity and Access
- “Peace” Garden - vegetable, flower, and herb garden adjacent to the field and playground
- “Discovery” Garden - pollinator garden adjacent to the ECE playground
- Classroom Resources & Instruction
- Garden Club
- Composting
- Nutrition
- Community Service
Food Waste Reduction
Recycling and Sustainability
Nature and the Environment
Equity and Access
Benefits of School Gardening
Improving Students’ Nutrition, Health, and Behavior: Exposure to a school garden increases children’s vegetable consumption and the variety of vegetables eaten, contributing to better overall health. Studies show that garden programs help children improve life skills, including self-understanding, conveying emotions, and working with groups. Gardening has also been shown to reduce symptoms and improve skills in children with ADHD and learning disabilities.
Improving Educational Outcomes: Integrating hands-on garden programs with math, science, reading, and social studies curricula has been shown to improve these test scores. In a comprehensive review of 20 years of literature on school garden programs, 93% of the studies reported improved student performance in science, 80% saw improvement in math, and 72% noted improvement in language arts.
Environmental Stewardship: School gardening instills appreciation and respect for nature that lasts into adulthood. Garden programs also improve environmental attitudes, especially in younger students.
For more on the above info, visit greenourplanet.org, populationeducation.org, and kidsgardening.org. To download a seed-to-table classroom curriculum, visit edibleschoolyardnyc.org.
Our Events
- Campus and Garden Cleanup - August, before school starts
- Garden Club - weekly
- Community Garden Parties - autumn and spring
- Earth Day - in April
- Garden tours and crafts - during Miner Community Days
Current & Past PartnershipsFoodPrints (freshfarm.org/foodprints)
FoodCorps (foodcorps.org) Apogee Farms (apogeefarms.com) Cultivate the City (www.cultivatethecity.com) Anacostia Watershed Society (www.anacostiaws.org) Washington Youth Garden (www.washingtonyouthgarden.org) Mayor’s Office of the Clean City (communityaffairs.dc.gov/mocc) |
GrantsOffice of the State Superintendent of Education (osse.dc.gov)
DC Department of Energy & Environment (doee.dc.gov) Capitol Hill Community Foundation (www.capitolhillcommunityfoundation.com) Whole Kids Foundation (www.wholekidsfoundation.org) ANC 6A (anc6a.org/grant-applications/) |