DC Public Schools aspires be a model district for special education. Our goal is to provide high quality inclusion and special education services, and to dramatically improve academic outcomes for students with disabilities. Our four strategic goals are to:
For more information about special education programs, please download our Programs and Resources Guide.
- Increase academic achievement
- Include more students
- Involve families in their child’s success
- Prepare students for college and the workforce
For more information about special education programs, please download our Programs and Resources Guide.
Determining If Your Child Needs Special Education
The world of special education can seem complicated and overwhelming at times. It’s important for parents of students with special needs to understand special education, as well as their child’s progress, so they can be the best possible advocates for their child. If you have any questions, you can contact the Division of Specialized Instruction, and someone can help answer your question.
Local Education Agency (LEA) Representative DesigneeThe Special Education Coordinator is responsible for assisting families who believe that their child may need educational assistance due to a mental, physical, psychological and/or learning disability. This support may or may not result in special education assessments.
Point of Contact: Ms. Nicole Stroman ([email protected]) |
English Language LearnersThe ELL teacher is responsible for providing language services to multilingual students. There are four domains of focus: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. Some supports are provided in the general education classroom and some supports are provided in small groups or one on one in a separate classroom.
Office of Language Acquisition Welcome Center: https://dcpsreopenstrong.com/welcome/ Helpful Resources: ELL Resources |
504 Plan CoordinatorsA 504 Plan is document that contains the accommodations and services an eligible student with disability needs to have equal access to the general educational curriculum and other school activities. To be eligible under Section 504, a student must have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Section 504 is a federal civil rights law offering protections to individuals with disabilities. IT IS NOT SPECIAL EDUCATION. Click here for the DCPS 504 Plan overview.
Points of Contact:
MTSS Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) CoordinatorMTSS is evidence-based model that uses data-based problem-solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention. All systems at the school are part of the MTSS system and work together to support students. If your child is not doing well in school, having behavior problems or not making progress, MTSS can help!
Point of Contact: Dr. Eva Ramsey-Henry, DCPS School Psychologist ([email protected]) |