Making learning FUN in Ms. Jalloh's class!
In case you missed it, our Black History Month assembly was yesterday. Although we didn't get all of it on video, if you check out our Twitter feed, you can catch videos, photos, and highlights of the amazing performances by all of our Miner Elementary students!
The Miner Elementary Girls Basketball Team won their semi-final basketball game yesterday against Eaton ES and will PLAY FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP Monday, February 29 4pm Brown Education Campus 850 26th Street NE (just one mile from Miner!) Come CHEER ON the Miner Bears in the Championship!!
A Look Ahead
Download our complete calendar. Would you like to volunteer, add an item to our calendar or share news about Miner Elementary? Please email us at [email protected]! The Week Ahead:
A Look Ahead
Download our complete calendar. Would you like to volunteer, add an item to our calendar or share news about Miner Elementary? Please email us at [email protected]!
The Week Ahead:
A Look Ahead
Download our complete calendar. Would you like to volunteer, add an item to our calendar or share news about Miner Elementary? Please email us at [email protected]! PTO Members! We need your help!
The Miner community has a TON of upcoming events for you to participate in! Check out the list below and contact [email protected] for details. Volunteers Needed for February 16 Neighborhood Canvassing!
Volunteers Needed for February 18 Open House!
Donations Needed for Uniform Drive!
The Week Ahead:
A Look Ahead
Download our complete calendar. Would you like to volunteer, add an item to our calendar or share news about Miner Elementary? Please email us at [email protected]! Ms. Nicol Davis, Miner's visual arts teacher, helped coordinate a gallery showing from some of our most talented (and enthusiastic) young artists. Check out their work, or stop by the Hill Center at 9th & Pennsylvania SE now through February 29 to see the pieces in person.
September 2024