Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week, so the Miner administration and PTO worked together to host a variety of meals, snacks, and surprises to let our teachers and staff know just how special they are. The PTO sponsored a waffle bar breakfast Monday morning to start the week off right. Throughout the week we provided goodies to teachers such as granola bars (because our teachers "raise the bar"), delivered thank you cards hand-made by some of our Miner Bears, passed out sweet treats (because we wanted our teachers to know just how "sweet it is" to be taught by them), and created a beautiful thank you banner with the help of some young student artists.
On the school side, Dr. King and his team planned special events and meals, and left gifts and momentos in teacher mailboxes every day. The PTO owes a very special thank you to Jessica and Justin Burniske of the Appreciation & Recognition Committee who planned and coordinated all of the PTO activities this week. And we also want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to our incredible teachers for everything you do for our students. You truly are the best! On Wednesday, May 9, the Miner family was excited to once again participate in the annual Bike to School Day festivities with our fellow Capitol Hill schools and community members. The fun began in Lincoln Park with the JO Wilson cheerleaders and warmups with local fitness instructors and bicycle advocates. We also heard from Mayor Bowser, Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen, and DCPS Interim Chancellor Dr. Amanda Alexander.
For even more photos, see the CHPSPO gallery on Flickr.
The Miner PTO would like to express our gratitude to the parents, staff, and community members who made our Third Annual Community Yard Sale such a success! Every year the sale keeps getting bigger, and this year we received more donations and had more visitors than ever! We truly appreciate the support that the surrounding community gives to Miner
The sale raised over $2,000 for the PTO’s general fund, which is used in myriad ways to further the PTO’s mission to “enhance and support the educational experience at Miner, to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging family and teacher involvement, and to improve the environment at Miner.” After the sale, we hauled the collection of e-waste and hazardous waste up to DPW’s Fort Totten Transfer Station, and donated the unsold clothing, toys, books, games, and household items to Goodwill. We would especially like to thank Holly Harper, a Miner parent alum, who headed up this effort. She was joined by a small army of parent volunteers, including David & Amy Treat, Julie & John Muir, Derek Herr & Beth Craft, Katy Thomas, Lolly Axley & Marc Borbelly, Terri Rupar, CarolAnne Otto, Sarah & Mike Bell, Sara Saxton, Sarah Sayko, and Emily & Ryan Cahill. Several Miner staff members went above and beyond the call of duty to help us get ready for the sale. The PTO is greatly appreciative of the assistance provided by Dr. King, Ms. Bonilla, and Mr. Moore. We couldn’t have done this without each of you! |
September 2024