Re-Enrollment for rising PK4 through 5th graders: Get ahead of the curve and enroll your child(ren) now at Miner ES for 2017/18 for a chance to win a Visa Gift card! Families who submit complete enrollment forms (including residency paperwork) for their student(s)* by Friday, May 19th, 2017 will automatically be entered in a raffle for a chance to win one of five $100 Visa gift cards. The deadline for forms to be turned in to the main office to be eligible to participate is 4:30pm on Friday, May 19, 2017. See Ms. Stapleton or Ms. Cain with any questions.
*Please note: any families with multiple children will only have a chance to win one of the five Visa Gift Cards once they submit enrollment forms for at least one of their children. Enrollment Fair: Miner's team will host an Enrollment Fair by the Main Lobby (15th St side) to collect enrollment forms and residency paperwork, assist parents with filling them out, and answer any questions. The fair will be held on Tuesday, May 16th, 2016 at 8:15am, 3:15pm and 5:30pm respectively and snacks and beverages will be provided. Afterschool Registration: Enrollment for DCPS after care will be available online on May 1st, 2017 by visiting the DCPS Out of School Time Programs 2017-18 Afterschool Registration webpage. Only families who have completed the 2017/18 school day enrollment for their child(ren) will be eligible to enroll in the Afterschool Program. Please allow 2 business days for our Main Office team to complete school day enrollment. Seats are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Monday, May 1 - Friday, May 5
Monday, May 1
Tuesday, May 2
Wednesday, May 3
Thursday, May 4
Saturday, May 6
It's TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! Be sure to thank a teacher for all their hard work and all they do for Miner's students and community!
PTO SY16-17 YEAR IN REVIEW SURVEY At our May 2 PTO General Meeting will be conducting a "Year In Review" exercise to take stock of the PTO's activities this past school year: what we accomplished (well or otherwise), what we need to do better, and how useful our activities and events were. Whether you plan to attend the meeting and provide feedback in person, or whether you won't be able to attend at all, we'd love to get your thoughts on this topic prior to the meeting. We've created a short and *anonymous* survey to collect feedback here. You can download a PDF version from this page. SAVE THE DATE #1! NATIONAL BIKE-TO-SCHOOL DAY (Wednesday, May 10, at 7:30 AM in Lincoln Park) Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then bike/walk together to Miner to start the day! More information here. Point of Contact: Tammy Alexander SAVE THE DATE #2! SECOND ANNUAL FAMILY YOGA NIGHT (Thursday, May 11, from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the gym) Join us for a free night of movement, relaxation, & meditation with two certified yoga teachers! Class will be geared toward families and will feature poses and exercises for families. Mats and healthy snacks will be provided. No yoga experience necessary. Note that all children must be accompanied by an adult. Please RSVP by Monday, May 8. An RSVP form is on the flyer sent home in backpacks and emailed to the PTO listserve. Point of Contact: Ms. Brown (PK4). Monday, April 24
Wednesday, April 26
Thursday, April 27
From Principal Mial:Simply, thank you for "Bringing the Fun"!!! Tonight's dance was a hit for the kids big and little. I appreciate all the forefront and behind the scenes effort that went into making the night special for all who attended. It was great to see the students dressed up and enjoying themselves. It the words of several students and parents....let's do it again!!! Truly, Andrea From David Treat, PTO President:I would like to second Principal Mial, in addition to personally thanking all the teachers, staff, and parents who made this fun event possible. The decorations were festive and bright, there were engaging side activities, and most importantly everyone truly enjoyed themselves, especially the students. Hopefully this is the start of a new Miner tradition :-)
A few photos of the event are here: The biggest shout-outs go to Kristina Butts and Ms. Dorsey for their leadership and hard work in making all the pieces fall into place. It also takes a team working together, so I’d like to express my appreciation to all the teachers, staff, and parents who contributed to the success of this event. Thanks again everyone for all that you do for Miner and its students! Best, Dave DONATIONS SOUGHT!!!
Drop off your gently used household item donations to Miner Elementary School (601 15th Street NE) for our Community Yard Sale: Donations accepted: Monday – Friday, 8am – 6pm
We are NOT accepting donations of furniture and other large items until the week prior to the sale! We are CANNOT accept:
SAVE THE DATE Miner Community Yard Sale Saturday MAY 6 9am - NOON 601 15th Street NE Clothing, furniture, kids clothes, toys, housewares, games, strollers, bikes Cash and credit cards accepted The Miner PTO, which is a 501c3 charitable organization for tax purposes, can provide a donation receipt for your gently used clothing, books, toys, household goods and other items. All proceeds from the sale will go into the PTO general fund and become available for “mini-grants” for teachers and clubs. Monday, April 10
Wednesday, April 12
Thursday, April 13
Saturday, April 15
Monday, April 17 - Friday, April 21
Now that the lottery results are out, please consider filling out this short (and anonymous) survey to let us know if you're planning to stay at Miner next school year, or enroll in another school, and why: If you filled out the paper version sent home in backpacks, just drop it off at the front desk. Thanks! INTEREST IN UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS The PTO is still polling parents and friends of Miner to gauge interest in two opportunities for tours hosted by our school partner, Shrewsberry LLC (environmental & civil engineering firm). If you're interested in attending (or even think you might be), let us know by filling out the form here: Once details become finalized, we'll reach out to those who have indicated interest in participating.
Open the file below to read Miner's Pillar of the Month letter for April. This month, we're focusing on trustworthiness! ![]()
Now that the lottery results are out, please consider filling out this short (and anonymous) survey to let us know if you're planning to stay at Miner next school year, or enroll in another school, and why: If you filled out the paper version sent home in backpacks, just drop it off at the front desk or bring it to the PTO meeting Tuesday night. DCPS NIGHT at DC UNITED (Saturday, April 8 @ RFK - 4:00 PM kickoff) Miner families will be joining with other DCPS schools for "DCPS Night" at D.C. United's game at RFK on Saturday, April 8th. DC United will take on NYCFC who have former world cup winners David Villa and Andrea Pirlo. Special DC United ( offers for this event include:
Just return the form with a check made payable to “Miner PTO” by Tuesday April 4. You can drop it off at the front office, with your child's teacher, or bring it to the PTO meeting Tuesday night. INTEREST IN UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS The PTO is still polling parents and friends of Miner to gauge interest in two opportunities for tours hosted by our school partner, Shrewsberry LLC (environmental & civil engineering firm). If you're interested in attending (or even think you might be), let us know by filling out the form here: Once details become finalized, we'll reach out to those who have indicated interest in participating.
STEM SURVEY Don’t forget to provide feedback on the direction you’d like Miner’s new STEM program to take. A paper copy of the survey went home in student backpacks, and the online version is here: |
September 2024