On Saturday, July 25 the Miner Mutual Aid Network will host a Community Table and Support event in the Miner parking lot from 11:00am to 2:00pm. The Miner Mutual Aid Network will provide non-perishable food boxes; masks, gloves and other safety supplies; household items; and school supplies. All members of the Miner community are welcome to attend. Mutual Aid is solidarity. This is our opportunity to come together as a community and support one another. Below and attached is a flyer about the event. Please share this information with any contacts in the community who you think would be interested. The event is not restricted to Miner families or teachers, all members of the greater Rosedale/Kingman Park neighborhoods are welcome. Social distancing guidelines will be in place. Drive-up will be available. Children’s book and toy swap
The community table will feature a children’s book and toy swap. If you have books and toys that are no longer needed but are in good condition, we encourage you to bring them by for inclusion in a book and toy swap. Please disinfect your items before bringing to the event. Volunteers Needed The Mutual Aid Network is looking for volunteers to assist with the event. Click here to sign up for a time slot. Donations Needed If you have access to bulk household items or cleaning supplies, please contact the Miner Mutual Aid Network using the following email: [email protected]. Employment Referral It has become clear that a pressing need facing many in our community is employment. The Miner Mutual Aid Network has created a simple form for anyone with insight into businesses that are hiring. We envision maintaining a list of job openings to refer folks to as they seek employment. We invite you to view the form and add any opportunities you are aware of. Miner Mutual Aid Network Employment Form Comments are closed.
September 2024