December 23 - January 1
Tuesday, January 7
- School Closed - Winter Break
Tuesday, January 7
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for our monthly PTO General Meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Dr. Broquard, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
December 2024
Tuesday, December 3
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for our monthly PTO General Meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Dr. Broquard, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Friday, December 6
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Holiday Greenery and Baked Goods Sale: The Miner PTO will be partnering with Eliot-Hine Middle School to sell Christmas trees, holiday greenery, poinsettias, homemade baked goods, and more. Click here to visit our event page.
Saturday, December 7
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Holiday Greenery and Baked Goods Sale: The Miner PTO will be partnering with Eliot-Hine Middle School to sell Christmas trees, holiday greenery, poinsettias, homemade baked goods, and more. Click here to visit our event page.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for our monthly PTO General Meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Dr. Broquard, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Friday, December 6
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Holiday Greenery and Baked Goods Sale: The Miner PTO will be partnering with Eliot-Hine Middle School to sell Christmas trees, holiday greenery, poinsettias, homemade baked goods, and more. Click here to visit our event page.
Saturday, December 7
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Holiday Greenery and Baked Goods Sale: The Miner PTO will be partnering with Eliot-Hine Middle School to sell Christmas trees, holiday greenery, poinsettias, homemade baked goods, and more. Click here to visit our event page.
Saturday, December 14
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, household items, clothes, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. Please click here to visit the dedicated Mutual Aid page of our website.
December 16-20
- Winter Spirit Week: Dress the part each day as we celebrate the last week of school before Winter Break! Click here for the flyer with each day's theme.
Monday, December 16
- My School DC Lottery Opens: New families wanting to join the Miner family apply here. If you're already enrolled at Miner and wish to continue, there is no need to reapply.
Tuesday, December 17
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Dr. Broquard. Click here for more information on the Miner LSAT.
December 23 - January 1
- School Closed - Winter Break
November 2024
Monday, November 4
Tuesday, November 5
Monday November 11
Tuesday, November 12
Friday, November 15
November 14-21
Tuesday, November 19
Saturday, November 23
Tuesday, November 26
November 27-29
- Professional Development Day/Records Day for Staff (No School for Students)
Tuesday, November 5
- Election Day (No School for Students)
- Time TBD // Election Day Bake Sale: While members of our community come to Miner to vote, our volunteers will have a bake sale set up. Please email [email protected] if you would like to donated baked goods or volunteer to help!
Monday November 11
- School Closed (Veterans' Day holiday)
Tuesday, November 12
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for our monthly PTO General Meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Dr. Broquard, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Friday, November 15
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Happy Hour: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO happy hour at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming Happy Hour dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
November 14-21
- Thanksgiving Food Drive: Drop off non-perishable food items in the box in the front lobby until November 21. All donations will directly benefit Miner families.
Tuesday, November 19
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Dr. Broquard. Click here for more information on the Miner LSAT.
Saturday, November 23
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, household items, clothes, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. Click here to volunteer at the event.
Tuesday, November 26
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
November 27-29
- School Closed - Thanksgiving Break
October 2024
October 1-31
Tuesday, October 1
Wednesday, October 2
Wednesday, October 9
Thursday, October 10
Friday, October 11
Monday, October 14
Friday, October 18
Saturday, October 19
Tuesday, October 22
Friday, October 25
October 28-31
- National Principals Month!
Tuesday, October 1
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for our monthly PTO General Meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Dr. Broquard, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, October 2
- Custodian Appreciation Day
Wednesday, October 9
- 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM in Lincoln Park // Walk and Roll to School Day: Join us as we meet up with our fellow Capitol Hill Schools and local dignitaries as we have a blast celebrating safe routes to school. We will meet in Lincoln Park for the program and then walk together to school.
Thursday, October 10
- Parent Teacher Conferences (No School for Students)
Friday, October 11
- Professional Development Day for Staff (No School for Students)
Monday, October 14
- School Closed (Indigenous Peoples Day holiday)
Friday, October 18
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Happy Hour: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO happy hour at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming Happy Hour dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Saturday, October 19
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, household items, clothes, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. Please click here to visit the dedicated Mutual Aid page of our website.
Tuesday, October 22
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
Friday, October 25
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Trunk-or-Treat: Students and their families are invited to come (in costume of course!) to join us for our annual Trunk-or-Treat tradition. Click here for the event flyer. If you would like to volunteer to decorate your trunk, please contact us at [email protected].
October 28-31
- Halloween Spirit Week!
September 2024
Monday, September 2
Wednesday, September 4
Tuesday, September 10
September 18-20
Friday, September 20
Tuesday, September 24
- School Closed (Labor Day)
Wednesday, September 4
- 5:30 PM - 7:00PM in the Cafeteria // Back to School Night: All Miner families are invited to meet with the leadership team and staff at Miner and hear about what Miner has planned for the year. Families are then invited to visit their students' classrooms in person, meet their teachers, and hear about what the students will be learning this year.
Tuesday, September 10
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the first PTO General Meeting of the 2024-25 school year! This is a great opportunity to hear from Dr. Broquard and our new admin team. Plus, you will learn more about the PTO, what we do, and how you can help! Visit our dedicated PTO page for more information.
September 18-20
- Wednesday - Friday in Prince William National Forest // NatureBridge 5th Grade Camping Trip: Our 5th grade students will be going on an exciting three day/two night field trip to Prince William Forest where they will hike, explore, and have a great time discovering the wonder of science and nature. Click here for more information on NatureBridge. Click here for the slide presentation for parents.
Friday, September 20
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Happy Hour: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO happy hour at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming Happy Hour dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Tuesday, September 24
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
August 2024
Wednesday, August 14
Monday, August 19
Friday, August 23
Monday, August 26
Thursday, August 29
- New Educator Orientation Begins
Monday, August 19
- Preservice Week Begins
Friday, August 23
- 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM // Miner Elementary School // Back to School Bash: Enjoy festivities, food, and music as we kick off the 24-25 school year! Click here for the event flyer.
Monday, August 26
- First Day of School - K-5
- 11:00 AM on the ECE Playground // Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Families are invited to join us on the Miner ECE playground as Mayor Muriel Bowser officially opens our new ECE building with a special ceremony!
Thursday, August 29
- First Day of School - ECE
July 2024
Tuesday, July 30
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM // Rosedale Community Center // Popsicles with the Principal: Join us at Rosedale Community Center to meet the Principal and Assistant Principals of Miner Elementary School. Resources and school updates will also be provided. Click here for the event flyer.
June 2024
Tuesday, June 4
Wednesday, June 5
Thursday, June 6
Friday, June 7
- Election Day (School Closed)
- 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM at Miner // Election Day Bake Sale: Our PTO is hosting a baked goods sale at Miner on Election Day. Click here to sign up to bake something or to help out at the sale!
Wednesday, June 5
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Interim Principal Plenty. Click here for more information on the Miner LSAT.
Thursday, June 6
- All Day // Field Day: Our K-5 students will participate in fun events to celebrate the final weeks of the school year. Each grade should wear their class color (K-green; 1st-yellow; 2nd-purple; 3rd- blue; 4th-orange; 5th-red). Don't forget sunscreen and a water bottle! Click here for the Field Day flyer.
- 12:00 PM Online // DCPS OSTP Aftercare Enrollment Opens: All students who have completed their enrollment for SY24-25 are eligible to enroll in DCPS aftercare. Seats are limited. Please see this flyer for more information.
- 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM // LEGO Night: Join Mr. Yoho, Ms. Hillenbrand, and the LEGO Club for a night of fun, food, and of course LEGOs! Click here for the event flyer.
Friday, June 7
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM on the Playground // End of Year Cookout: All Miner families and staff are invited to join us for our annual end of year cookout. We will have food, music, prizes, and fun! We hope to see you there. Click here for more information.
May 2024
May 6-10
Tuesday, May 7
Wednesday, May 8
Thursday, May 9
Friday, May 17
Tuesday, May 21
May 20-28
Monday, May 27
May 28-31
Tuesday, May 28
Wednesday, May 29
Thursday, May 30
Friday, May 31
- Teacher Appreciation Week!
Tuesday, May 7
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Interim Principal Plenty, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, May 8
- 7:45 AM in Lincoln Park // Walk (and Roll) to School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then bike together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
Thursday, May 9
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM at Maketto // Maketto for Miner: One of our H Street restaurants, Maketto, is hosting a fundraiser for the Miner PTO. All you have to do is place an order for pick up and the 20% service charge will benefit the PTO. Click here for the event flyer and plan to eat at Maketto for any of your meals on May 9!
Friday, May 17
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Staff & Family Engagement Event: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO engagement event at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Tuesday, May 21
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Interim Principal Plenty. Click here for more information on the Miner LSAT.
May 20-28
- PTO and LSAT Combined Election // Voting Period: Caregivers and staff may cast their ballots for LSAT Parent Representatives and PTO Executive Board at this time. Voting information will be shared via Remind and PTO emails
Monday, May 27
- Memorial Day (School Closed)
May 28-31
- Mental Health Awareness Month Spirit Week!
Tuesday, May 28
- Spirit Week // Field Day: Wear your grade color and have a blast on "Team Up Tuesday" (K-green, 1st-yellow, 2nd-purple, 3rd-blue, 4th-orange, 5th-red).
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
Wednesday, May 29
- Spirit Week // Be Seen in Green: Wear green to support Mental Health Awareness Month!
Thursday, May 30
- Spirit Week // Tie Dye Day: Show your colorful side by wearing tie dye or colorful clothes that represent the range of emotions we feel.
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM // Art Show & Specials Night: Join us for a gallery show featuring the artists of Miner Elementary along with a fun night with our Special Subjects Team. Click here for the detailed event flyer!
Friday, May 31
- Spirit Week // Funny Friday: Show your sense of humor by wearing your clothing inside out or mismatched. Laugher is important!
April 2024
April 1-5
Tuesday, April 2
Friday, April 5
Monday, April 8
Friday, April 12
April 22 - May 13
April 15-19
Monday, April 22
Thursday, April 25
Friday, April 26
Saturday, April 27
Sunday, April 28
Monday, April 29
- Assistant Principal's Appreciation Week
Tuesday, April 2
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Interim Principal Plenty, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Friday, April 5
- Professional Development Day for Staff (No School for Students)
Monday, April 8
- 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM on the Playground // STEM Eclipse Event: Ms. Hillenbrand, our STEM teacher, has an exciting afternoon planned around the partial eclipse on April 8. Click here for the flyer with more information.
Friday, April 12
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Gym // Spring Dance: All students and families are invited to join us for our annual Spring Dance! Please visit the dedicated dance webpage for detailed information, including the RSVP form and an opportunity to volunteer.
April 22 - May 13
- PTO and LSAT Combined Election // Nomination Period: The nomination period for the election of LSAT Parent Representatives and PTO Executive Board opens on Monday, April 22. Only parents/guardians may run for LSAT Parent Representative but both parents/guardians and teachers/staff may run for PTO Executive Board. Please visit our dedicated election page (coming soon) for more details and email [email protected] with any questions you may have. The nomination period closes at 5pm on May 13.
April 15-19
- Spring Break (School Closed)
Monday, April 22
- Earth Day
Thursday, April 25
- 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM in the Library // Kendra Scott Foundation and First Book Event: The Kendra Scott Foundation and First Book will be coming to Miner to do a reading for our 3rd grade students. Miner was awarded a grant for $2,000 worth of new library books from these amazing organizations, and on Thursday we will finally receive them, along with a Little Yellow Library to house them.
Friday, April 26
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Staff & Family Engagement Event: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO engagement event at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Saturday, April 27
- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Miner // Enrollment Saturday: From 9am-12pm Miner staff will be at school to help anyone with enrollment questions they may have. And from 9:30-11:30am the PTO will be hosting a playdate for our new PreK families. So please stop by and join us this weekend! Click here for information.
- 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Capital Candy Jar // Fundraiser: Join us for the sweetest deal in town! Just mention Miner Elementary at The Capital Candy Jar (201 15th St NE) and you’ll get 5% off your purchase. The Capital Candy Jar will generously donate 25% of those sales to the Miner PTO. Support your school, a local business, and your sweet tooth all with one purchase! Click here for the event flyer.
Sunday, April 28
- 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Capital Candy Jar // Fundraiser: Join us for the sweetest deal in town! Just mention Miner Elementary at The Capital Candy Jar (201 15th St NE) and you’ll get 5% off your purchase. The Capital Candy Jar will generously donate 25% of those sales to the Miner PTO. Support your school, a local business, and your sweet tooth all with one purchase! Click here for the event flyer.
Monday, April 29
- 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
March 2024
Friday, March 1
Tuesday, March 5
Thursday, March 14
Friday, March 15
Friday, March 22
Tuesday, March 26
Friday, March 29
- My School DC Lottery Application Deadline: Today is the last day for students entering grades PreK3 - 8 to submit (or edit) a lottery application for school year 2024-25. Visit for more information and to complete your application today. Visit our admission and lottery page for more information.
Tuesday, March 5
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Interim Principal Plenty, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, March 14
- Parent Teacher Conferences (No School for Students)
Friday, March 15
- Professional Development Day for Staff (No School for Students)
Friday, March 22
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Staff & Family Engagement Event: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO engagement event at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Tuesday, March 26
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
Friday, March 29
- SY24-25 Enrollment Opens: All students, new or returning, must enroll each school year. Students who were matched with Miner via the My School DC Lottery must enroll by May 1, 2024 or they will lose their seat. Enrollment forms (as well as any required supporting documents) can be completed online or can by submitted in person to the Miner Main Office. Both electronic and paper forms can be found on the DCPS Enrollment Website. SY24-25 enrollment forms are not yet available. Visit our admission and lottery page for more information, including required documentation.
February 2024
February 5-9
Monday, February 5
Tuesday, February 6
Wednesday, February 7
Thursday, February 8
Friday, February 9
February 12-15
Monday, February 12
Tuesday, February 13
Wednesday, February 14
Thursday, February 15
Friday, February 16
Monday, February 19
Tuesday, February 20
Wednesday, February 21
Friday, February 23
Monday, February 26
Tuesday, February 27
- Kindness Week: Each day will include fun kindness activities, plus be sure to dress the part. Click here for the flyer to see what to wear each day!
Monday, February 5
- Kindness Week // Kindness "Ties" Us Together Day: Wear a tie or tie-dye!
Tuesday, February 6
- Kindness Week // Think with Your "Head" Day: Wear a hat!
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Interim Principal Plenty, and special guest Jenn Comey from the DME's office. Visit our dedicated PTO page to learn more about the Miner PTO, and click here for the flyer, which includes a QR code to join us virtually if you can't attend in person.
Wednesday, February 7
- Kindness Week // "Workout" Your Problems Day: Wear your workout gear!
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Interim Principal Plenty. As this is the first budget meeting, it is possible that we will move into a closed session at which point only the principal, the DCPS Community Action Team representative, and elected members of the LSAT may remain. Click here for more information on the Miner LSAT.
Thursday, February 8
- Kindness Week // Mighty Kind "Bear" Day: Wear your Miner swag!
Friday, February 9
- Kindness Week // Go "Crazy" with Kindness Day: Wear your craziest outfit!
February 12-15
- Black History Month Spirit Week: Click here to see the flyer so you know what to wear each day as we celebrate Black History Month Spirit Week!
Monday, February 12
- Black History Month Spirit Week // HBCU Day: Wear your HBCU or Greek gear!
Tuesday, February 13
- Black History Month Spirit Week // Black in Wax Day: Wear attire symbolizing an African American hero.
Wednesday, February 14
- Black History Month Spirit Week // Red and White Day: Wear red and white and have a blast at our Valentine's Day Kindness Dance!
- 8:20 AM - 8:40 AM in the Library // ECE Valentine's Day Event: After dropping off their students, all PreK families are invited to join the PreK team in the Library for a fun card-making event. Click here for more information.
Thursday, February 15
- Black History Month Spirit Week // Blackout Day: Wear all black!
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the Kindergarten Wing // K-5 Open House: Prospective Miner K-5 families are invited to join us for an Open House to learn more about what it means to be a Mighty Miner Bear! You'll hear from our administration, current teachers, current K-5 parents, and of course other parents going through the lottery process. Future Miner Bears are welcome to join and will get a chance to see a classroom. Please click here to RSVP.
Friday, February 16
- Professional Development/Records Day for Staff (No School for Students)
Monday, February 19
- Presidents' Day Holiday (School Closed)
- 11:00 AM - 8: 00 PM at Captain Cookie and the Milkman (Eastern Market) // Cookies for a Cause Fundraiser: Stop by the Eastern Market location of Captain Cookie and the Milkman (660 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) for a sweet treat. Be sure to mention Miner Elementary, and the PTO gets 10% of the proceeds! Click here for more information.
Tuesday, February 20
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Interim Principal Plenty. As this is the second budget meeting, we will likely move into closed session fairly early at which point only the principal, the DCPS Community Action Team representative, and elected members of the LSAT may remain. Click here for more information on the Miner LSAT.
Wednesday, February 21
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the ECE Wing // ECE Open House: Prospective Miner PreK3 and PreK4 families are invited to join us for an Open House to learn more about what it means to be a Mighty Miner Bear! You'll hear from our administration, current teachers, current PreK parents, and of course other parents going through the lottery process. Future Miner Bears are welcome to join and will get a chance to see a classroom. Please click here to RSVP.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the ECE Wing // ECE Open House: Prospective Miner PreK3 and PreK4 families are invited to join us for an Open House to learn more about what it means to be a Mighty Miner Bear! You'll hear from our administration, current teachers, current PreK parents, and of course other parents going through the lottery process. Future Miner Bears are welcome to join and will get a chance to see a classroom. Please click here to RSVP.
Friday, February 23
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Staff & Family Engagement Event: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO engagement event at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Monday, February 26
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Cafeteria // ANC Community Outreach Committee Meeting: This is a final opportunity to meeting with representatives of the Deputy Mayor for Education's Office to discuss the possible pairing of Miner and Maury Elementary Schools. After the presentation from the DME, the meeting will turn to breakout sessions for small group discussions. All are welcome.
Tuesday, February 27
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
January 2024
Tuesday, January 2
Wednesday, January 3
Tuesday, January 9
Monday, January 15
Tuesday, January 16
Friday, January 19
Tuesday, January 23
Friday, January 26
- Professional Development Day for Staff: No school for students.
Wednesday, January 3
- Students Return to School!
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 231 // 3rd Grade Meet and Greet: All 3rd grade families are invited to a meet and greet to get to know Miner's new 3rd grade math teacher, Ms. Pedersen. We hope to see you there. Click here for more information, and click here to get to know Ms. Pedersen (even though she's new to 3rd grade, she isn't new to Miner so you may already know her)!
Tuesday, January 9
- No DCPS Aftercare: Students must be picked up during regular dismissal (3:15-3:30PM)
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: The first PTO General Meeting of the calendar year will begin with a visit by Jenn Comey of the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) to continue the discussion of the Boundary and Student Assignment Study (including the proposal of a merger with Maury Elementary), followed by a brainstorming session to help plan the rest of our school year. Join us with your questions for the DME plus your ideas for upcoming events, fundraisers, and more. We can't wait to hear from you! Click here for the meeting flyer. Click here to fill out an anonymous survey to tell us what you think of the DME's proposal.
Monday, January 15
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (School Closed)
Tuesday, January 16
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Interim Principal Plenty. For more information on the Miner LSAT, click here.
Friday, January 19
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Staff & Family Engagement Event: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO engagement event at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Tuesday, January 23
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the ECE Wing // ECE Open House: Prospective Miner PreK3 and PreK4 families are invited to join us for an Open House to learn more about what it means to be a Mighty Miner Bear! You'll hear from our administration, current teachers, current PreK parents, and of course other parents going through the lottery process. Future Miner Bears are welcome and will have the opportunity to sit in on an ECE class for a few minutes.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the ECE Wing // ECE Open House: Prospective Miner PreK3 and PreK4 families are invited to join us for an Open House to learn more about what it means to be a Mighty Miner Bear! You'll hear from our administration, current teachers, current PreK parents, and of course other parents going through the lottery process. Future Miner Bears are welcome to join and will get a chance to see a classroom.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
Friday, January 26
- Professional Development/Records Day for Staff (No School for Students)
December 2023
Friday, December 1
Saturday, December 2
Monday, December 4
Tuesday, December 5
Wednesday, December 6
Monday, December 11
Tuesday, December 12
December 4-16
Friday, December 15
Saturday, December 16
December 18-21
Monday, December 18
Tuesday, December 19
Wednesday, December 20
Thursday, December 21
December 22-January 2
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Holiday Greenery and Baked Goods Sale: The Miner PTO will be partnering with Eliot-Hine Middle School to sell Christmas trees, holiday greenery, poinsettias, homemade baked goods, and more. Click here to visit our event page.
Saturday, December 2
- 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Holiday Greenery and Baked Goods Sale: The Miner PTO will be partnering with Eliot-Hine Middle School to sell Christmas trees, holiday greenery, poinsettias, homemade baked goods, and more. Click here to visit our event page.
- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at the DC Armory // DCPS EdFEST: EdFEST returns in person this year! Students and families will be able to explore the city’s public and public charter school options, chat directly with school representatives, and learn more about the public school lottery. With the launch of the public school lottery application on Dec. 11, 2023 for the 2024-25 school year, this year’s EdFEST events will help families make informed choices. Click here to register.
Monday, December 4
- 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM via Zoom // Ward 6 Boundary Discussion: Join Councilmember Charles Allen and SBOE Rep Brandon Best for a discussion about the future of Miner Elementary. This is relevant to all Miner families, not just those residing in Ward 6. Click here to register for the virtual meeting.
Tuesday, December 5
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Interim Principal Plenty, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, December 6
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Miner // 1st and 2nd Grade Meet and Greet: Join your fellow 1st and 2nd grade families at Miner for a meet and greet to get to know your students' new teachers! Click here for the 1st grade flyer; click here for 2nd grade.
Monday, December 11
- My School DC Lottery Opens: New families wanting to join the Miner family apply here. If you're already enrolled at Miner and wish to continue, there is no need to reapply.
Tuesday, December 12
- No DCPS Aftercare: Students must be picked up during regular dismissal (3:15-3:30PM)
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM via Zoom // Meeting with Deputy Chancellor Bey: Join us for a virtual meeting with Dr. Bey for a discussion about the recent leadership change at Miner and what to expect going forward. Click here for the link to join.
December 4-16
- Holiday Donation Drive: Please donate winter outerwear, new/gently used toys, non-perishable food, and diapers in one of the bins in front of Miner during the Mutual Aid Network's holiday donation drive. Please contact [email protected] if you need a donation receipt for tax purposes. Click here for more information.
Friday, December 15
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Staff & Family Engagement Event: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO engagement event at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Saturday, December 16
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, house hold items, clothes, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. Please click here to visit the dedicated Mutual Aid page of our website.
December 18-21
- Holiday Spirit Week: See the flyer below. Please remember to keep all Spirit Week attire school appropriate.
Monday, December 18
- Holiday Spirit Week // Holiday Accessories Day: Accessorize your school uniform with holiday hair, hats, socks, and more!
Tuesday, December 19
- Holiday Spirit Week // Candy Cane Day: Wear red and white!
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Interim Principal Plenty. We will also be joined by someone with the Deputy Mayor for Education's office to discuss the 2023 Boundary Study. Click here for the link to join the virtual meeting. Visit the dedicated LSAT page of our website for more information on the Miner LSAT.
Wednesday, December 20
- Holiday Spirit Week // Ugly Sweater Day: Wear your ugliest holiday sweater or shirt! ECE students are also encouraged to wear Holiday PJs today.
- 9:30 AM in the Miner Gym // K-2 Awards Ceremony: Parents, guardians, and family members of Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade students receiving awards are invited to attend and help recognize student success. Teachers will contact families regarding individual student awards.
- 9:35 AM - 11:05 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE Holiday Extravaganza: Our PreK students will be participating in storytime, cookie decorating, dance parties, and more during their holiday party. There will be two sessions: 9:35-10:20am and 10:20-11:05am. Click here for the flyer or contact your teacher for more information.
- 1:30 PM in the Miner Gym // 3-5 Awards Ceremony: Parents, guardians, and family members of 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade students receiving awards are invited to attend and help recognize student success. Teachers will contact families regarding individual student awards.
Thursday, December 21
- Holiday Spirit Week // Pajama Day: Wear your coziest holiday PJs!
- No DCPS Aftercare: Students must be picked up during regular dismissal (3:15-3:30PM) from their playgrounds.
December 22-January 2
- Winter Break (School Closed)
November 2023
October 27 - November 17
Wednesday, November 1
Thursday, November 2
Friday, November 3
Tuesday, November 7
Thursday, November 9
Tuesday, November 14
Friday, November 17
Tuesday, November 21
November 22-24
Tuesday, November 28
Wednesday, November 29
Thursday, November 30
- Thanksgiving Food Drive: We are collecting non-perishable Thanksgiving type food items to accompany turkeys that have been donated. Please start bringing donations at Trunk-or-Treat or send them with your student to school. The class that donates the most food will receive a pizza or donut party. See the event flyer for more information, including contact info and suggested food items.
Wednesday, November 1
- 10:00 AM around the Miner Neighborhood // Anti-Bullying Parade: Students are encouraged to wear orange to school to promote a bully-free school environment. They will make signs and march around the neighborhood (weather permitting) during their annual anti-bullying parade.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: All are invited to cheer on the DC Scores Junior Team (Grades 1-2) as they host Kimball Elementary. Go Mighty Miner Bears!
Thursday, November 2
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Kimball Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: All are invited to support our boys and girls DC Scores Elementary Scores teams as they take on Kimball ES. The girls will play first followed by the boys.
Friday, November 3
- Records/Professional Development Day for Staff (No School for Students)
Tuesday, November 7
- School Picture Day
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the monthly meeting of the Miner Parent Teacher Organization for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and more. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, November 9
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Thomas Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: All are invited to support our boys and girls DC Scores Elementary Scores teams as they take on Thomas ES. The girls will play first followed by the boys.
- Veterans' Day Holiday (School Closed)
Tuesday, November 14
- No DCPS Aftercare: Students must be picked up during regular dismissal (3:15-3:30PM)
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. For more information on the Miner LSAT, click here.
Friday, November 17
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Staff & Family Engagement Event: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO engagement event at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Tuesday, November 21
- No DCPS Aftercare: Students must be picked up during regular dismissal (3:15-3:30PM)
November 22-24
- Thanksgiving Break (School Closed)
Tuesday, November 28
- 1:00 - 3:00 PM in the Gym // K-5 Perfect AttenDANCE Party: All K-5 students who have perfect attendance for the month of November are invited to a dance party on November 28. Please encourage daily attendance so your student can participate in the fun! See the flyer for more information.
Wednesday, November 29
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
Thursday, November 30
- 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM at Ballou High School // DC Scores Poetry Slam: Our Elementary (grades 3-5) DC Scores Teams will participate in the DC Scores Poetry Slam where they will perform original poetry set to music and more! All are invited to support our Mighty Miner Bears!
October 2023
October 1-31
Monday, October 2
Tuesday, October 3
Wednesday, October 4
Thursday, October 5
Monday, October 9
Thursday, October 12
Friday, October 13
Tuesday, October 17
Wednesday, October 18
Thursday, October 19
Friday, October 20
October 23-27
Monday, October 23
Tuesday, October 24
Wednesday, October 25
Thursday, October 26
Friday, October 27
October 27 - November 17
Tuesday, October 31
- National Principals Month!
Monday, October 2
- Custodian Appreciation Day
Tuesday, October 3
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the monthly meeting of the Miner Parent Teacher Organization for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and more. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, October 4
- 7:45 AM in Lincoln Park // Walk (and Roll) to School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then walk together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
Thursday, October 5
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: All are invited to support our boys and girls DC Scores Elementary Scores teams as they host Houston ES for their first home games of the season. The girls will play first followed by the boys.
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM at Eastern High School Football Field // Eastern High School Football Feeder Night: Join all the Eastern High School feeder schools in cheering on the Ramblers in their football game versus Jackson-Reed. Be sure to wear your Miner gear! Click here for more information.
Monday, October 9
- School Closed (Indigenous Peoples' Day)
Thursday, October 12
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: All are invited to support our boys and girls DC Scores Elementary Scores teams as they host Thomas ES. The girls will play first followed by the boys.
- 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM in the Miner Gym // Math Night: Join us for a fun evening filled with creative, hands-on math activities that will get your kids to think about and make sense of numbers! There will be go-at-your-own pace stations to explore with three activity levels at each station. We'll be playing games, making projects, and discovering how much fun math can be. And since all the activities are designed around our math standards, it's a great way to reinforce the learning that goes on in the classroom. So, bring the whole family and come join your friends for some fun and engaging hands-on math! Click here for more info. En español.
Friday, October 13
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Happy Hour: All are invited to join us for our monthly PTO happy hour at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming Happy Hour dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
Tuesday, October 17
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. For more information on the Miner LSAT, click here.
Wednesday, October 18
- 4:00 PM - 6:00PM at The Fields at RFK Campus (Field 2) // DC Scores Junior Scores Fall Frenzy: All Junior Scores players and their families are invited to participate in the fall season celebration featuring soccer games, activity booths, healthy snacks, music, and more. Click here for the flyer for this free event.
Thursday, October 19
- Parent Teacher Conferences (No School for Students)
Friday, October 20
- Professional Development Day for Staff (No School for Students)
October 23-27
- Halloween Spirit Week! Click here for the flyer.
Monday, October 23
- Halloween Spirit Week: Pajama Day! Start the week in your coziest PJs or sweats.
Tuesday, October 24
- Halloween Spirit Week: Wacky Tacky Day! Let's be silly and wear mismatched clothes today!
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner Parent Teacher Organization.
Wednesday, October 25
- Halloween Spirit Week: Favorite Team Day! Rep your team with a jersey, hat, or other apparel.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: All are invited to cheer on the DC Scores Junior Team (Grades 1-2) as they host Drew Elementary. Go Mighty Miner Bears!
Thursday, October 26
- Halloween Spirit Week: Miner Pride Day! Wear blue and white to show your pride for Miner.
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Burrville Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: All are invited to support our boys and girls DC Scores Elementary Scores teams as they take on Burrville ES. The girls will play first followed by the boys.
Friday, October 27
- Halloween Spirit Week: Costume Day! Get ready for Trunk-or-Treat by wearing your costume to school. Remember, no masks, weapons, fake blood, or scary costumes will be allowed.
- Perfect Attendance Skate Party: K-5 students with perfect attendance in October will be invited to participate in a skate party. Please click here for the flyer and contact your teacher or Mr. Copeland for more information.
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Trunk-or-Treat: Students and their families are invited to come (in costume of course!) to join us for our annual Trunk-or-Treat tradition. Click here for the event flyer. If you would like to volunteer to decorate your trunk, please contact us at [email protected].
October 27 - November 17
- Thanksgiving Food Drive: We are collecting non-perishable Thanksgiving type food items to accompany turkeys that have been donated. Please start bringing donations at Trunk-or-Treat or send them with your student to school. The class that donates the most food will receive a pizza or donut party. See the event flyer for more information, including contact info and suggested food items.
Tuesday, October 31
- Book-O-Ween! Miner staff and students will be celebrating this fun event school-wide on Halloween. Stay tuned for more events but plan to dress as a character from a book you enjoy!
September 2023
Monday, September 4
Tuesday, September 5
Thursday, September 7
Monday, September 11
Tuesday, September 12
Wednesday, September 13
Friday, September 15
September 18-22
Friday, September 22
Wednesday, September 27
Thursday, September 28
- School Closed (Labor Day)
Tuesday, September 5
- First Day of DCPS Aftercare
Thursday, September 7
- 5:30 PM - 7:00PM in the Cafeteria // Back to School Night: All Miner families are invited to meet with the leadership team and staff at Miner and hear about what Miner has planned for the year. Families are then invited to visit their students' classrooms in person, meet their teachers, and hear about what the students will be learning this year. Click here for more information.
Monday, September 11
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. For more information on the Miner LSAT, click here.
Tuesday, September 12
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the first monthly meeting of the Miner Parent Teacher Organization for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and more. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, September 13
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Meeting: Join us to learn more about DC Scores for the upcoming season. DC Scores is for students in grades 1-5. Our Junior Scores team is for grades 1-2 and our Elementary Scores team is for grades 3-5. Please be sure to complete the registration form before the meeting (it's free!).
Friday, September 15
- Hispanic Heritage Month Begins!
September 18-22
- National Security Officer Appreciation Week
Friday, September 22
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // Mighty Miner Happy Hour: All are invited to join us for our first monthly PTO happy hour at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, the PTO gets $1. Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your kids. All are welcome. Just be sure to mention "Miner Elementary" when you place your order! For more info (including upcoming Happy Hour dates) click here. We hope to see you there! Atlas Brew Works is located at 2052 West Virginia Avenue NE.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, September 27
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Leckie Education Campus // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: All are invited to cheer on the DC Scores Junior Team (Grades 1-2) as they kick off their season against Leckie Education Campus. Go Mighty Miner Bears!
Thursday, September 28
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at KIPP DC Quest Academy // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: All are invited to support our boys and girls DC Scores Elementary Scores teams as they start their season at KIPP DC Quest Academy. The girls will play first followed by the boys.
August 2023
Friday, August 25
Saturday, August 26
Monday, August 28
Monday, August 28 - Wednesday, August 30
Thursday, August 31
- 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM in the Miner Kindergarten Wing // Kindergarten Orientation: All Kindergarteners and their families are invited to meet their teacher, explore the classroom, make back-to-school-bracelets, and have a snack. After the fun activities, stay for an "all things Kindergarten" info session. Contact your Kindergarten teacher with questions.
- 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Miner // Back to School Bash: Join us at Miner for a full day of fun as we say good bye to summer! We will have backpacks and school supplies for anyone who needs them, info from many of our in-school partners, the Kona Shaved Ice Truck, PreK Popsicles with the Principal, and two orientation sessions to prepare parents for the school year. Click here for the flyer, which includes the full schedule of events.
Saturday, August 26
- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Miner // Campus Clean Up: Help us get the school ready for students to return this week! We will be cleaning the grounds as well as getting the gardens ready for our K-5 students to return on Monday, August 28 and our ECE students to return on Thursday, August 31. Weed wackers and other garden tools would be appreciated! We will provide the trash bags and lots of water!
Monday, August 28
- First Day of School for K-5 Students!
Monday, August 28 - Wednesday, August 30
- PreK Meet and Greet: Stop by for a chance to meet your PreK teacher! More info to follow!
Thursday, August 31
- First Day of School for PreK Students!
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM in the Cafeteria // PreK Parent Orientation: After dropping off their students, families of our PreK students are invited to an orientation and welcome from our school leadership and PTO.
July 2023
Saturday, July 29
- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Cafeteria and Gym // Enrollment BBQ Party: Please join us July 29 at Miner for an Enrollment BBQ Party! Stop by for a good time, and don’t forget to enroll your student(s) if you haven’t already done so. Come early for a chance to win some cool prizes! See the flyer for more information.
June 2023
Thursday, June 1
Friday, June 2
Tuesday, June 6
Thursday, June 8
Saturday, June 10
Sunday, June 11
Monday, June 12
Tuesday, June 13
Thursday, June 15
Friday, June 16
Monday, June 19
Tuesday, June 20
Thursday, June 22
- K-5 School Picture Day: School pictures will be taken by Studio K. More information will follow.
Friday, June 2
- ECE School Picture Day: School pictures will be taken by Studio K. More information will follow.
Tuesday, June 6
- 12:00 PM Online // DCPS Aftercare Enrollment Opens: Starting at noon on June 6, anyone who has already completed their enrollment in the school day at Miner for next year can enroll in aftercare. Click here on your computer, tablet, or phone to enroll. To learn more, visit the DCPS Afterschool Webpage and see this flyer.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and special guests. A virtual option will be available. At this final meeting of the school year we will announce the winners of the PTO and LSAT election and transition to our new PTO Executive Board. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, June 8
- All Day at Miner // Field Day: Our amazing teachers and staff are planning an awesome Field Day for our K-5 Miner Bears this week. More information will follow, but be sure your students save the date for fun!
Saturday, June 10
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM on the Miner Playground // New Student Playdate: Our newest PreK families are invited to a playdate to meet their fellow incoming Miner Bears, as well as Principal Dance, PreK teachers, and members of the PTO. If weather is an issue, we will set up our bounce house in the gym.
Sunday, June 11
- 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM in the ECE Garden // Garden Clean-Up: The Green Team is hosting a garden clean up of our ECE garden. Located on the ECE playground (on the South side of the building) this garden is no less important than our larger Peace Garden, serving as a pollinator garden (plus it is home to some native fruits--be sure to try the pawpaws if they're ripe). This is where our youngest students are first exposed to the science of gardening and nutrition, so we would love some help cleaning it up as we transition into summer!
Monday, June 12
- 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LEGO League Explore Festival: Students in the 2nd-5th Grade LEGO Club will be presenting projects and showing what they have learned during LEGO Club this year. Families of the students as well as all K-1 LEGO Club participants are invited to attend. Please see the flyer or contact Ms. Hillenbrand for more information.
Tuesday, June 13
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. The newly elected LSAT Reps for SY23-24 are encouraged to attend this final LSAT meeting of the school year. For more information, visit our dedicated LSAT webpage.
Thursday, June 15
- 9:30 AM in the Gym // Kindergarten Promotion: Join us in celebrating and congratulating our Kindergarteners as they become first graders! More information on their ceremony to follow.
Friday, June 16
- 9:30 AM in the Gym // PreK 4 Promotion: Join us in celebrating and congratulating our PreK 4 Miner Bears who are moving up to Kindergarten! More information on their ceremony to follow.
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM on the Playground // End of Year Cookout: All staff, students, and their families are invited to join us for a cookout to celebrate the end of the school year. For more information click here to see the flyer.
Monday, June 19
- School Closed // Juneteenth Holiday
Tuesday, June 20
- 10:00 AM in the Gym // 5th Grade Promotion: Join us in celebrating and congratulating our oldest Miner Bears as they say goodbye to Miner and officially become Middle Schoolers! More information on their ceremony to follow.
- 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM in the Garden // Summer Garden Party: Come get a strawberry treat and enjoy the end of the school year with the Green Team! Contact Ms. Emma for more info!
Thursday, June 22
- Last Day of School for Students
May 2023
Monday, May 1
Tuesday, May 2
Wednesday, May 3
Thursday, May 4
Sunday, May 7
Monday, May 8 - Friday, May 12
Wednesday, May 10
Monday, May 15
Tuesday, May 16
Wednesday, May 17
Thursday, May 18
Friday, May 19
Monday, May 22 - Tuesday, May 30
Tuesday, May 23
Wednesday, May 24
Monday, May 29
Tuesday, May 30
- My School DC Enrollment Deadline: All students who were matched via the My School DC lottery are required to enroll no later than today, otherwise they may lose their seat. For more information visit
Tuesday, May 2
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and special guests. A virtual option will be available. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, May 3
- 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM in Lincoln Park // National Bike and Roll to School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then bike/walk/scoot/roll together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Junior Scores soccer team as they host Whitlock Elementary!
Thursday, May 4
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores girls and boys soccer teams as they host Whitlock Elementary! The girls play at 4pm and the boys play at 5pm.
Sunday, May 7
- 11:00 AM in the Miner Garden // Garden Work Day: Bring your sunscreen, water, gloves, and a weed whacker if you have one and join us for a garden work day. Our focus will be on weeding, rodent prevention, and mulching. Please email Ms. Emma to let her know if you're coming!
Monday, May 8 - Friday, May 12
- Teacher Appreciation Week
Wednesday, May 10
- School Nurse Appreciation Day
Monday, May 15
- 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM in Ms. Luttmer's Classroom // Green Team Meeting: Join us as we discuss a final school-wide event for students plus planning for summer in the garden. We will offer a virtual option as well.
- 5:00 PM // Nomination Period Closes: The nomination period for the election of LSAT Parent Representatives and PTO Executive Board opens on Monday, April 24. Only parents/guardians may run for LSAT Parent Representative but both parents/guardians and teachers/staff may run for PTO Executive Board. Please visit our dedicated election page for more details and email [email protected] with any questions you may have. The nomination period closes at 5pm on May 15.
Tuesday, May 16
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. For more information, visit our dedicated LSAT webpage.
Wednesday, May 17
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at C.W. Harris Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Junior Scores soccer team as they take on C.W. Harris ES!
Thursday, May 18
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at J.C. Nalle Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores girls and boys soccer teams as they take on J.C. Nalle ES!
Friday, May 19
- 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // PTO Fundraiser Happy Hour: All are invited to our third happy hour at Atlas Brew Works! For every pint purchased, Miner PTO gets $1. Just mention "Miner Elementary" when you buy your beer! Atlas Brew Works Ivy City is located at 2052 West Virginia Ave NE. Click here for the event flyer.
Monday, May 22 - Tuesday, May 30
- Combined PTO and LSAT Election // Voting Period: The period to vote for PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representative opens Monday, May 22 and closes at 5pm on Tuesday, May 30. Information about casting electronic ballots will be distributed to Miner families and staff (one ballot per family). Please remember that both parents/guardians and teachers/staff may vote for PTO Executive Board, but only parents/guardians may vote for LSAT Parent Representative.
Tuesday, May 23
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, May 24
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Trinity University Fields // DC Scores Junior Scores Jamboree: The season ending soccer showcase is scheduled for May 24. Students will participate in soccer, crafts, music, and more. The Trinity Fields are located at 125 Michigan Avenue NE.
Monday, May 29
- Memorial Day (School Closed)
Tuesday, May 30
- 5:00 PM // Ballot Closes: This is the final day to vote for PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representatives in the PTO and LSAT Combined Election (one vote per family, please). The ballot closes at 5pm. Please remember that both parents/guardians and teachers/staff may vote for PTO Executive Board, but only parents/guardians may vote for LSAT Parent Representatives.
April 2023
April 3-7 is Assistant Principal's Week!
Tuesday, April 4
Wednesday, April 5
Thursday, April 6
Monday, April 10
Tuesday, April 11
Wednesday, April 12
April 17-21
Tuesday, April 25
Thursday, April 27
Friday, April 28
Saturday, April 29
Tuesday, April 4
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and special guests. A virtual option will be available. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, April 5
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Leckie Education Campus // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Junior Scores soccer team as they take on Leckie EC!
Thursday, April 6
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at C.W. Harris Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores girls and boys soccer teams as they take on C.W. Harris ES!
Monday, April 10
- Professional Development and Records Day for Staff: No school for students.
- 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Miner Garden // Garden Work Hours: Join Ms. Emma in the garden today to help with shed assembly, weeding, and more. We will have power tools around, so please keep this adults only!
Tuesday, April 11
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. For more information, visit our dedicated LSAT webpage.
Wednesday, April 12
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in the Miner Garden // Open Garden Hours: We will have garden open hours on Wednesday afternoon to continue weeding, general maintenance, etc. We will have power tools around, so please keep this adults only!
April 17-21
- Spring Break (School Closed)
Tuesday, April 25
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, April 27
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Drew Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores girls and boys soccer teams as they take on Drew Elementary!
Friday, April 28
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Gym // Spring Dance: All Miner families are welcome to celebrate our students and Miner community by coming together for an evening of fun and elegance. We are looking forward to everyone coming out with their dancing shoes and dressed to impress for an evening to remember! There will be a raffle with fun prizes for any families who have completed their enrollment in advance of the dance. RSVP and volunteer on the dedicated Dance webpage.
Saturday, April 29
- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Miner Elementary // Miner + Eliot-Hine Enrollment Saturday: Families are welcome to stop by the Miner + Eliot Hine "Enrollment Saturday" event for help with enrolling or to speak to Administrative Staff from both schools with any questions they have about enrollment. See the event flyer for more information.
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM on the Miner K-5 Playground // Pre-K Playdate: Families of pre-K students who were matched with Miner via the My School DC Lottery are invited to the Miner Playground for a playdate for a chance to meet other incoming families! See the event flyer for more information.
March 2023
Wednesday, March 1
Thursday, March 2
Sunday, March 5
Tuesday, March 7
Wednesday, March 8
Thursday, March 9
Friday, March 10
Friday, March 17
Saturday, March 18
Sunday, March 19
Tuesday, March 21
Wednesday, March 22
Thursday, March 23
Tuesday, March 28
Wednesday, March 29
Thursday, March 30
Friday, March 31
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
- My School DC Lottery Application Deadline: Today is the last day for students entering grades PreK3 - 8 to submit (or edit) a lottery application for school year 2023-24. Visit for more information and to complete your application today. Visit our lottery and admissions page for more information.
Thursday, March 2
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM at Miner // Science in Your Backyard: Join our STEM teacher Ms. Hillenbrand and other Miner teachers and staff along with the Carnegie Institution for Science for this family-friendly night of science and exploration. See the event flyer or contact Ms. Hillenbrand with questions.
Sunday, March 5
- School Social Workers Appreciation Day: Thank you to Ms. Woodard and Ms. Braswell-Wright for all they do for our students and community!
Tuesday, March 7
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, March 8
- 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM in Room 121 // Green Team Meeting: All are invited to join the Green Team for their next meeting. Help Ms. Emma and Ms. Luttmer and the team as they begin planning for Earth Day! Please contact Ms. Emma for more information.
Thursday, March 9
- Parent Teacher Conferences: No school for students.
Friday, March 10
- Professional Development Day for Staff: No school for students.
Friday, March 17
- 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Donuts with Dance: Join Principal Dance on Friday morning for a chat about the school, the Community, and more. Drop off your students and then head upstairs for coffee, donuts, and conversation! See the flyer for more details.
Saturday, March 18
- 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Capital Candy Jar // Fundraiser: Join us for the sweetest deal in town! Just mention Miner Elementary at The Capital Candy Jar (201 15th St NE) and you’ll get 5% off your purchase. The Capital Candy Jar will generously donate 25% of those sales to the Miner PTO. Support your school, a local business, and your sweet tooth all with one purchase! See the flyer for all the details.
Sunday, March 19
- 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Capital Candy Jar // Fundraiser: Join us for the sweetest deal in town! Just mention Miner Elementary at The Capital Candy Jar (201 15th St NE) and you’ll get 5% off your purchase. The Capital Candy Jar will generously donate 25% of those sales to the Miner PTO. Support your school, a local business, and your sweet tooth all with one purchase! See the flyer for all the details.
- 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM at The Capital Candy Jar // Playdate: Join members of the PTO and their families at The Capital Candy Jar for a playdate. We will be enjoying our sweet treats at the tables outside the store, so stop by to support the fundraiser and hang out with your fellow Miner Bears!
Tuesday, March 21
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. For more information, visit our dedicated LSAT webpage.
Wednesday, March 22
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Drew Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Junior Scores soccer team as they take on Drew Elementary!
Thursday, March 23
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at KIPP DC: Quest Academy // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores girls and boys soccer teams as they take on KIPP DC: Quest Academy!
Tuesday, March 28
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, March 29
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Junior Scores soccer team as they host their first home match of the season (versus Kimball ES).
Thursday, March 30
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Matches: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores girls and boys soccer teams as they host their first home match of the season (versus Kimball ES).
Friday, March 31
- 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // PTO Fundraiser Happy Hour: All are invited to our second happy hour at Atlas Brew Works! We had so much fun at our fundraiser in February that we thought we would make it a monthly event. For every pint purchased, Miner PTO gets $1. Just mention "Miner Elementary" when you buy your beer! Atlas Brew Works Ivy City is located at 2052 West Virginia Ave NE. See the event flyer for detail and contact [email protected] with questions.
- My School DC Lottery Results Released: If you entered the My School DC Lottery, be sure to check your email on Friday, March 31 for your lottery results. For more information, visit
- DCPS Enrollment Opens: Beginning today, parents/guardians may enroll their students in DCPS schools. Students who were matched via the My School DC lottery are required to enroll by May 1, 2023 or they may lose their seat. For more information, visit the DCPS enrollment website and look for information from Miner in the coming days.
February 2023
February 1-28
Thursday, February 2
Tuesday, February 7
Thursday, February 9
February 13-17
Monday, February 13
Tuesday, February 14
Wednesday, February 15
Thursday, February 16
Friday, February 17
Saturday, February 18
Monday, February 20
Tuesday, February 21 - Friday, February 24
Sunday, February 26
- Black History Month! Stay tuned for events planned at school, plus be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram as we highlight an African American icon each day of the month.
Thursday, February 2
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Gym // Basketball Game: Come cheer on the Miner Boys' Basketball Team as they take on Browne Education Campus.
Tuesday, February 7
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and special guests. A virtual option will be available. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, February 9
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM // Open House for Incoming K-5 Families: Kindergarten through 5th grade families who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for an in-person open house to learn more about our school. Visit our lottery and admissions page for more information.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Open House for Incoming K-5 Families: Kindergarten through 5th grade families who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for an in-person open house to learn more about our school. Visit our lottery and admissions page for more information.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Burrville ES // Basketball Game: Cheer on the Miner Boys' Basketball Team as they take on Burrville Elementary.
February 13-17
- Black History Month Spirit Week: Each day this week students are encouraged to dress up to celebrate Black History Month. Each day is something new. Click here for the flyer to see what to wear!
Monday, February 13
- Black History Month Spirit Week // Heart Health Day: Wear red and/or heart-themed attire for healthy hearts!
Tuesday, February 14
- Black History Month Spirit Week // Dress to Impress Day: Wear your fancy clothes and get ready to dance the day away in Specials!
- 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM in the ECE Wing // Create a Valentine: All ECE families are invited to create a Valentine's Day card during drop off with their students. We hope to see you there! For more information, please contact your ECE teacher or click here for the event flyer.
- Valentine's Day Dance: Dress to impress and get ready for dancing, fun, and games during Specials! Click here for more info.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Gym // Basketball Game: Come cheer on the Miner Boys' Basketball Team as they take on Drew Elementary.
Wednesday, February 15
- Black History Month Spirit Week // Black Out Day: Dress in all black!
Thursday, February 16
- Black History Month Spirit Week // African Heritage Day: Wear dashikis, kente cloth, and/or t-shirts with inspiring quotes to celebrate Black culture.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the ECE Wing // Open House for Incoming ECE Families: ECE families who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for an in-person open house to learn more about our school. Visit our lottery and admissions page for more information.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Gym // Basketball Game: Come cheer on the Miner Boys' Basketball Team as they take on Payne ES.
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // Family Cooking Night: All are invited to join our Miner Family Cooking Night on Thursday, February 16th on Zoom. Please see the flyer QR codes linked for more information. If you are available to help us prepare for the event, please sign up to volunteer here. See you there!
Friday, February 17
- Black History Month Spirit Week // 70s and 80s Day: Wear your bell bottoms, tie dye, and other 70s and 80s themed attire.
- Black History Month Film Festival: Each grade will watch an age appropriate film during Specials. Click here for more info.
- 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City // PTO Fundraiser: We put the FUN in fundraiser at this event at Atlas Brew Works Ivy City Brewery and Taproom! Join us for a pint or two and be sure to mention Miner when you purchase so our PTO gets a portion of the proceeds. See this flyer for more information!
Saturday, February 18
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. Visit our dedicated Mutual Aid Network page for more information.
Monday, February 20
- Presidents' Day Holiday (School Closed)
Tuesday, February 21 - Friday, February 24
- February Break (School Closed)
Sunday, February 26
- Take and Upload COVID Tests: All students and staff are required to provide proof of a negative COVID test to return to school. Everyone must take their tests today and then upload them to the DCPS Reopen Strong page. If you did not receive a test from school, you can pick one up at one of the DC Health COVID Centers located across the city.
January 2023
Monday, January 2
Tuesday, January 3
Wednesday, January 4
Monday, January 9
Tuesday, January 10
Wednesday, January 11
Monday, January 16
Thursday, January 19
Tuesday, January 24
Wednesday, January 25
Thursday, January 26
Tuesday, January 31
- New Year's Day Observed (School Closed)
Tuesday, January 3
- Return to School: Students and staff return to school after Winter Break. Proof of a negative COVID test taken within 24 hours of returning is required. Click here for more information on this testing requirement.
Wednesday, January 4
- 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM in the Gym // Cheerleading Tryouts: Calling all 2nd - 5th graders who have Mighty Bear Spirit! You're invited to try-out for the Miner Cheerleading Squad. Additional tryouts will be held on January 9 and January 11. See this flyer and contact Ms. Clark for more information.
Monday, January 9
- 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM in the Gym // Cheerleading Tryouts: Calling all 2nd - 5th graders who have Mighty Bear Spirit! You're invited to try-out for the Miner Cheerleading Squad. Additional tryouts will be held on January 4 and January 11. See this flyer and contact Ms. Clark for more information.
Tuesday, January 10
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for a special session of the PTO's regular monthly meeting. Instead of our traditional meeting format, this will serve as a brainstorming session and will be in-person only. All are encouraged to attend as we plan ways to improve the school year for our entire Miner Community! Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, January 11
- 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM in the Gym // Cheerleading Tryouts: Calling all 2nd - 5th graders who have Mighty Bear Spirit! You're invited to try-out for the Miner Cheerleading Squad. Additional tryouts will be held on January 4 and January 9. See this flyer and contact Ms. Clark for more information.
Monday, January 16
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (School Closed)
Thursday, January 19
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Gym // Basketball Game: Come cheer on the Miner Boys' Basketball Team as they take on Maury Elementary.
Tuesday, January 24
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the ECE Wing // Open House for Incoming ECE Families: ECE families who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for an in-person open house to learn more about our school. Visit our lottery and admissions page for more information.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. For more information, visit our dedicated LSAT webpage.
Wednesday, January 25
- Records/Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Thursday, January 26
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Gym // Basketball Game: Come cheer on the Miner Boys' Basketball Team as they take on Watkins Elementary.
Tuesday, January 31
- 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM in the Gym // School Spelling Bee: Miner students who advanced beyond their classroom tests will compete in the School Spelling Bee. A virtual link will be sent out Monday, January 30. Please contact Ms. Hayes, our ELA Coach, with questions.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
December 2022
Friday, December 2
Saturday, December 3
Tuesday, December 6
Thursday, December 8
Saturday, December 10
Monday, December 12
Saturday, December 17
December 19-22
Tuesday, December 20
December 23-30
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM on the Blacktop // Holiday Greenery and Baked Goods Sale: The Miner PTO will be partnering with neighboring schools to sell Christmas trees, holiday greenery, homemade baked goods, and more. Click here to visit our event page.
Saturday, December 3
- 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM on the Blacktop // Holiday Greenery and Baked Goods Sale: The Miner PTO will be partnering with neighboring schools to sell Christmas trees, holiday greenery, homemade baked goods, and more. Click here to visit our event page.
Tuesday, December 6
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and special guests. A virtual option will be available. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, December 8
- TBD // K-5 Awards Ceremony
Saturday, December 10
- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Online // DCPS Virtual EdFEST: Students and families will be able to explore the city’s public and public charter school options (PK3 – Grade 12), chat directly with school representatives, and learn about the public school lottery – all from their device. With the launch of the public school lottery application on December 12, EdFEST is a timely event to help families make informed choices. Click here to register.
Monday, December 12
- MySchool DC Lottery Opens: New families wanting to join the Miner family apply here. If you're already enrolled at Miner and wish to continue, there is no need to reapply.
Saturday, December 17
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. Visit our dedicated Mutual Aid Network page for more information, including the event flyer.
December 19-22
- Holiday Spirit Week: Click here for the detailed flyer.
Tuesday, December 20
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the ECE Wing // Open House for Incoming Families: Families who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for an in-person open house to learn more about our school.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. For more information, visit our dedicated LSAT webpage.
December 23-30
- Winter Break (School Closed)
November 2022
Tuesday, November 1
Thursday, November 3
Monday, November 7
Tuesday, November 8
Wednesday, November 9
Friday, November 11
Tuesday, November 15
Saturday, November 19
Tuesday, November 22
November 23-25
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and special guests. A virtual option will be available. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, November 3
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Drew Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores soccer team as they take on Drew Elementary!
Monday, November 7
- Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Tuesday, November 8
- Election Day (School Closed)
- 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM at Miner Elementary // Election Day Bake Sale: Support the Miner PTO while you wait in line at the polls! Miner parent volunteers will be set up selling coffee and breakfast baked goods while people vote. What a great way to start the day!
Wednesday, November 9
- 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM at Miner Elementary // Anti-Bullying Parade: : Miner students are encouraged to wear orange today as they "Stomp Out Bullying" on anti-bullying awareness day. They will participate in an anti-bullying parade outside around the school with their homeroom teachers. For more information, contact your student's teacher.
Friday, November 11
- Veterans' Day (School Closed)
Tuesday, November 15
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Saturday, November 19
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. For more information, visit the Mutual Aid page of our website. To volunteer or donate, email [email protected].
Tuesday, November 22
- No DCPS OSTP Aftercare Today: For more information visit our dedicated before and afterschool page.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
November 23-25
- Thanksgiving Break (School Closed)
October 2022
October 1-31
October 2
Tuesday, October 4
Wednesday, October 5
Thursday, October 6
Friday, October 7
Monday, October 10
Wednesday, October 12
Thursday, October 13
Tuesday, October 18
Wednesday, October 19
Thursday, October 20
Saturday, October 22
October 24-28
Monday, October 24
Tuesday, October 25
Wednesday, October 26
Thursday, October 27
Friday, October 28
Saturday, October 29
- Principal Appreciation Month!
October 2
- National Custodian Appreciation Day!
Tuesday, October 4
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and special guests. A virtual option will be available. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, October 5
- 4:00 PM - 5:00PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Junior Scores soccer team as they take on Trinidad Rec Center.
Thursday, October 6
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (No School for Students)
Friday, October 7
- Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Monday, October 10
- Indigenous Peoples Day (School Closed)
Wednesday, October 12
- 7:45 AM in Lincoln Park // Walk-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then walk together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Junior Scores soccer team as they take on City Center Capitol Hill.
Thursday, October 13
- 4:00 PM - 6:00PM at KIPP DC Quest Academy // DC Scores Elementary Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores soccer team as they take on KIPP DC Quest Academy.
Tuesday, October 18
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Wednesday, October 19
- 3:45 PM - 6:00 PM at Audi Field // DC Scores Junior Scores Fall Frenzy: All Junior Scores players and their families are invited to participate in the fall season celebration featuring soccer games, activity booths, healthy snacks, music, and more. Click here for the flyer for this free event.
Thursday, October 20
- 4:00 PM - 6:00PM at Houston Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores soccer team as they take on Houston Elementary.
Saturday, October 22
- 8:45 AM - 2:30 PM at Anacostia Park Field 7 // DC Scores Elementary Scores Fall Frenzy: All Elementary Scores players and their families are invited to participate in the fall season celebration featuring soccer games, arts and crafts, yard games, food and drinks, and more. Click here for the flyer for this free event.
October 24-28
- Halloween Spirit Week! Click here for the flyer.
Monday, October 24
- Halloween Spirit Week // Pajama Day: Please make sure pajamas are school appropriate.
Tuesday, October 25
- Halloween Spirit Week // Sports Jersey Day
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, October 26
- Halloween Spirit Week // Wacky Tacky Day
- 4:00 PM - 5:00PM at Thomas Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Junior Scores soccer team as they take on Thomas Elementary!
Thursday, October 27
- Halloween Spirit Week // Throwback Thursday: Dress like the 1990s.
- 4:00 PM - 6:00PM at C.W. Harris Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores soccer team as they take on C.W. Harris Elementary!
Friday, October 28
- Halloween Spirit Week // Dress Like a Character Day: Wear your Halloween costume to school, but remember: no masks, weapons, or gory costumes.
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM on the Miner Blacktop // Trunk-or-Treat: Students and their families are invited to come (in costume of course!) to join us for our annual Trunk-or-Treat tradition. If you would like to volunteer to decorate your trunk, please contact us at [email protected]. There will be prizes! Click here for the event flyer.
Saturday, October 29
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. For more information, visit the Mutual Aid page of our website. To volunteer or donate, email [email protected].
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Miner Garden // Fall Garden Party: Join us in the garden for snacks, crafts, and more. We can't wait to see you! Email Ms. Emma with questions.
September 2022
Thursday, September 1
Monday, September 5
Tuesday, September 6
Thursday, September 8
Tuesday, September 13
Sunday, September 18
September 19-21
Tuesday, September 20
Tuesday, September 27
Wednesday, September 28
Thursday, September 29
- First Day of School for PreK Students!
- 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM in the Outdoor Classroom // New PreK Family Orientation: After dropping off their students, families of our new PreK students are invited to an orientation and welcome from our school leadership.
Monday, September 5
- Labor Day (School Closed)
Tuesday, September 6
- First Day of DCPS Aftercare
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Dance. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Thursday, September 8
- 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM in the Cafeteria // Back to School Night: All Miner families are invited to meet with the leadership team and staff at Miner and hear about what Miner has planned for the year. Families are then invited to visit their students' classrooms in person, meet their teachers, and hear about what the students will be learning this year.
Tuesday, September 13
- Time TBD at Miner Elementary // SMILE-4 Parent Support Session: How much smiling are you doing these days? Can you use some fun that results in prizes? Are you looking for practical ways to help your child succeed this school year? Come Join SMILE-4 facilitated by Dr. Janae Moore. To register contact Ms. ShaLisa Richardson, our Community School Coordinator, at [email protected]. See the flyer on the Community School page of our website here.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM via Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Dance, and special guests. The first meeting will be virtual. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Sunday, September 18
- 12:00 PM // Special Election Nomination Period Closes: All Nomination Forms for LSAT Parent Representative and PTO Treasurer are due by noon today. For more information on the Special Election, please email [email protected].
September 19-21
- Special Election // Voting Period: The period to vote for LSAT Parent Representatives and PTO Treasurer opens Monday, September 19 and closes at 5pm on Wednesday, September 21. Information about casting electronic ballots will be distributed to Miner families and staff (one ballot per family). Please remember that both parents/guardians and teachers/staff may vote for PTO Treasurer, but only parents/guardians may vote for LSAT Parent Representatives.
Tuesday, September 20
- 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM via Zoom // SMILE-4 Parent Support Session: How much smiling are you doing these days? Can you use some fun that results in prizes? Are you looking for practical ways to help your child succeed this school year? Come Join SMILE-4 facilitated by Dr. Janae Moore. To register contact Ms. ShaLisa Richardson, our Community School Coordinator, at [email protected]. See the flyer on the Community School page of our website here.
Tuesday, September 27
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, September 28
- 4:00 PM - 5:00PM at Miner Elementary // DC Scores Junior Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Junior Scores soccer team as they take on Drew Elementary for the first home game of the season!
Thursday, September 29
- 4:00 PM - 6:00PM at Nalle Elementary // DC Scores Elementary Scores Match: Help us support our Mighty Miner Bears Elementary Scores soccer team as they take on Nalle Elementary for the first game of the season!
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM at Miner Elementary // LEGO Night: Come join us for some fun, including the Kona Ice Truck and of course LEGOs! Click here for the event flyer, and email Mr. Yoho or Ms. Hillenbrand with questions.
August 2022
Wednesday, August 10
Tuesday, August 23
Wednesday, August 24
Thursday, August 25
Friday, August 26
Saturday, August 27
Sunday, August 28
Monday, August 29
Tuesday, August 30
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM on the K-5 Playground // Popsicles with the Principal: Join us in welcoming our new Principal, Mr. Lawrence Dance, and our new Assistant Principal, Ms. Tonya Combs with a sweet treat to cool us down this hot summer! All Miner families and staff are welcome.
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM on the ECE Playground // PreK Playdate: Our youngest Miner Bears are invited to a playdate to get to know their classmates before school starts. Please join us on the Early Childhood Education (ECE) playground for a fun afternoon (and feel free to head to the K-5 playground for "Popsicles with the Principal" on the K-5 playground as well).
Tuesday, August 23
- 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // COVID Test Distribution: Stop by Miner Tuesday, August 23 - Friday, August 26 (or visit any COVID Center, located in all 8 Wards) to pick up a Rapid Antigen COVID test. K-5 students must take the test and upload results on August 28; PreK students must do so on August 31. Tests can be uploaded here.
Wednesday, August 24
- 12:00 PM - 5:30 PM in the Main Office // COVID Test Distribution: Stop by Miner Tuesday, August 23 - Friday, August 26 (or visit any COVID Center, located in all 8 Wards) to pick up a Rapid Antigen COVID test. K-5 students must take the test and upload results on August 28; PreK students must do so on August 31. Tests can be uploaded here.
Thursday, August 25
- 12:00 PM - 5:30 PM in the Main Office // COVID Test Distribution: Stop by Miner Tuesday, August 23 - Friday, August 26 (or visit any COVID Center, located in all 8 Wards) to pick up a Rapid Antigen COVID test. K-5 students must take the test and upload results on August 28; PreK students must do so on August 31. Tests can be uploaded here.
Friday, August 26
- 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // COVID Test Distribution: Stop by Miner Tuesday, August 23 - Friday, August 26 (or visit any COVID Center, located in all 8 Wards) to pick up a Rapid Antigen COVID test. K-5 students must take the test and upload results on August 28; PreK students must do so on August 31. Tests can be uploaded here.
Saturday, August 27
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM // Community Clean Up Day: The entire community is invited to join us as we tend to the garden, spend some quality time with our friends and neighbors, and help clean up the campus before our students return to school.
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need, as well as school supplies (including backpacks) for students in the community.
Sunday, August 28
- K-5 Students Take and Upload COVID Tests: All students are required to provide proof of a negative COVID test to return to school. K-5 students must take their tests today and then upload them to the DCPS Reopen Strong page.
Monday, August 29
- First Day of School for K-5 Students!
- PreK3 Family and Teacher Meet and Greet: Our youngest Mighty Miner Bears and their families are invited to come to school to meet their teachers, see their classrooms, and become familiar with their new school before their first day. This event will be communicated via your teacher.
Tuesday, August 30
- PreK4 Family and Teacher Meet and Greet: Our PreK4 Mighty Miner Bears and their families are invited to come to school to meet their teachers, see their classrooms, and become familiar with the school before their first day. This event will be communicated via your teacher.
- 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Miner Elementary // SMILE-4 Parent Support Sessions: How much smiling are you doing these days? Can you use some fun that results in prizes? Are you looking for practical ways to help your child succeed this school year? Come Join SMILE-4 facilitated by Dr. Janae Moore. Ongoing 15 minute sessions begin today, running from 4-7pm. To register contact Ms. ShaLisa Richardson, our Community School Coordinator, at [email protected]. See the flyer on the Community School page of our website here.
- ECE Students Take and Upload COVID Tests: All students are required to provide proof of a negative COVID test to return to school. PreK3 and PreK4 students must take their tests today and then upload them to the DCPS Reopen Strong page.
- PreK Mixed Age Family and Teacher Meet and Greet: Our Mighty Miner Bears in mixed age PreK3/4 classes and their families are invited to come to school to meet their teachers, see their classrooms, and become familiar with school before their first day. This event will be communicated via your teacher.
June 2022
Thursday, June 2
Saturday, June 4
Monday, June 6
Tuesday, June 7
Wednesday, June 15
Thursday, June 16
Friday, June 17
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Miner Elementary // STEAM Night: All are invited to participate in a fun night of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. More information to follow!
Saturday, June 4
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM on the Playground // Incoming Families Playdate: We would like to welcome all incoming and prospective families to come and meet current parents and staff and hear about all the great things happening at our school!
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Garden // Garden Party: Join Ms. Emma and the Green Team for a festive morning in the Miner Garden, complete with cool drinks and fun activities for kids of all ages! We hope to see you there.
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need.
Monday, June 6
- 12:00 PM Online // DCPS OSTP Aftercare Enrollment Opens: If you are interested in signing your student(s) up for DCPS OSTP aftercare for the 2022-23 school year, the registration period opens at noon on June 6. You must be enrolled in school for 48 hours in order to register for aftercare. Visit the DCPS afterschool page for information, including the link to enroll.
Tuesday, June 7
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal White, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Miner's Administration. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Wednesday, June 15
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Miner // Art Show: All are welcome to attend the 2022 Miner Elementary Art Show! Ms. Pratt, our Visual Arts Teacher, will be displaying the amazing works of art our Miner Bears have created this year. If your student is in aftercare and would like to attend, we ask you to check them out at the front door before proceeding inside.
- 5:30 PM on Teams // Historic Miner Building Community Meeting: All are encouraged to join this virtual meeting to learn the District's plans for the old Miner Building (next door, just to the north, of the current school building). A Microsoft Teams link will be sent in advance of the meeting.
Thursday, June 16
- All Day at Miner // Field Day: Our amazing teachers and staff are planning an awesome Field Day for our K-5 Miner Bears this week. More information will follow, but be sure your students save the date for fun!
- 4:00 PM at Miner // PreK to K Transition Meeting: All PreK4 families who are staying at Miner for Kindergarten are invited to this meeting that will help prepare families as they make the transition from PreK to K.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // Students vs. Staff Soccer Game: Cheer on your favorite team as the students take on the staff. No matter the final score, Miner wins!
Friday, June 17
- 10:00 AM in the Gym // 5th Grade Promotion: Join us in celebrating and congratulating our oldest Miner Bears as they say goodbye to Miner and officially become Middle Schoolers! More information on their ceremony to follow.
- 1:30 PM in the Gym // Kindergarten Promotion: Join us in celebrating and congratulating our Kindergarteners as they become first graders! More information on their ceremony to follow.
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM on the Playground // End of Year Cookout: All staff, students, and their families are invited to join us for a cookout to celebrate the end of the school year. Click here for the flyer and more information!
- School Closed // Juneteenth Holiday
May 2022
Monday, May 2 - Friday, May 6
Monday, May 2
Tuesday, May 3
Wednesday, May 4
Wednesday, May 11
Saturday, May 14
Monday, May 16
Tuesday, May 17
Friday, May 20
Tuesday, May 24
Monday, May 30
May 23 - May 31
Tuesday, May 31
- Teacher Appreciation Week!
Monday, May 2
- My School DC Enrollment Deadline: All students who were matched via the My School DC lottery are required to enroll no later than today, otherwise they may lose their seat. For more information visit
Tuesday, May 3
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Angry, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, May 4
- 7:45 AM - 8:15 AM in Lincoln Park // National Bike and Roll to School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then bike/walk/scoot/roll together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM on Zoom // LSAT and PTO Election Info Session: If you are interested in running for LSAT Parent Representative or PTO Executive Board, or if you would like more information on either the LSAT or PTO, join members of both the LSAT and PTO Executive Board during a virtual info session.
Wednesday, May 11
- 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM // Spring Personality Photo Day: Studio K will be at Miner to take spring personality photos. Order forms will be sent home in student backpacks, or can be obtained from the front office. Cash, check, or money order payable to Studio K are the only accepted forms of payment.
Saturday, May 14
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need.
Monday, May 16
- 5:00 PM // Nomination Period Closes: The nomination period for the election of LSAT Parent Representatives and PTO Executive Board opens on Monday, April 25. Only parents/guardians may run for LSAT Parent Representative but both parents/guardians and teachers/staff may run for PTO Executive Board. Please visit our dedicated election page for more details and email [email protected] with any questions you may have. The nomination period closes at 5pm on May 16.
Tuesday, May 17
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Miner's Administration. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Friday, May 20
- 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM in the Miner Parking Lot // Coffee with the PTO: Join the PTO Leadership for coffee, donuts, and conversation during morning drop off!
Tuesday, May 24
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Monday, May 30
- School Closed // Memorial Day Holiday
May 23 - May 31
- Combined PTO and LSAT Election // Voting Period: The period to vote for PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representative opens Monday, May 23 and closes at 5pm on Tuesday, May 31. Information about casting electronic ballots will be distributed to Miner families and staff (one ballot per family). Please remember that both parents/guardians and teachers/staff may vote for PTO Executive Board, but only parents/guardians may vote for LSAT Parent Representative. Visit our dedicated election page for more information.
Tuesday, May 31
- 5:00 PM // Ballot Closes: This is the final day to vote for PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representatives in the PTO and LSAT Combined Election (one vote per family, please). The ballot closes at 5pm. Please remember that both parents/guardians and teachers/staff may vote for PTO Executive Board, but only parents/guardians may vote for LSAT Parent Representatives.
April 2022
Friday, April 1
Saturday, April 2
Monday - Friday, April 4-8
Monday, April 4
Tuesday, April 5
Wednesday, April 6
Thursday, April 7
Friday, April 8
Monday, April 11 - Thursday, April 14
Friday, April 15
Monday, April 18
Tuesday, April 19
Saturday, April 23
April 25 - May 16
Tuesday, April 26
- My School DC Lottery Results Released: If you entered the My School DC Lottery, be sure to check your email on Friday, April 1 for your lottery results. For more information, visit
- DCPS Enrollment Opens: Beginning today, parents/guardians may enroll their students in DCPS schools. Students who were matched via the My School DC lottery are required to enroll by May 2, 2022 or they may lose their seat. For more information, visit the DCPS enrollment website and look for information from Miner in the coming days.
Saturday, April 2
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need.
Monday - Friday, April 4-8
- Autism Acceptance Spirit Week!
Monday, April 4
- Spirit Week // Fun Hat or Wild Hair Day
Tuesday, April 5
- Spirit Week // Rainbow or Tie-Dye Day
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Angry, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Wednesday, April 6
- Spirit Week // Dress to Show What You Love Day
Thursday, April 7
- Spirit Week // Wear Red or Gold for Love and Acceptance Day
Friday, April 8
- Spirit Week // Comfy Clothes Day
- 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM in the Miner Parking Lot // Coffee with the PTO: Join the PTO Leadership for coffee, donuts, and conversation during morning drop off!
Monday, April 11 - Thursday, April 14
Friday, April 15
- School Closed: Emancipation Day Holiday
Monday, April 18
- No School for Students: End of Term
Tuesday, April 19
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Miner's Administration. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
- 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM on Teams // Principal Selection Committee Info Session: Please join us to learn about the selection process and share your input about the qualities needed in the next Miner Principal. Click here to join the meeting.
Saturday, April 23
- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM // Enrollment Event // Miner Main Office: Families are welcome to stop by during Miner's "Enrollment Saturday" for help with enrolling or to speak to Administrative Staff with any questions they have about enrollment.
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM // New Student Playdate // K-5 Playground: Families of students who were matched with Miner via the My School DC Lottery are invited to the Miner Playground for a playdate for a chance to meet other incoming families!
April 25 - May 16
- PTO and LSAT Combined Election // Nomination Period: The nomination period for the election of LSAT Parent Representatives and PTO Executive Board opens on Monday, April 25. Only parents/guardians may run for LSAT Parent Representative but both parents/guardians and teachers/staff may run for PTO Executive Board. Please visit our dedicated election page for more details and email [email protected] with any questions you may have. The nomination period closes at 5pm on May 16.
Tuesday, April 26
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
- During the School Day // Skate Mobile Event on the Blacktop: All current students who have re-enrolled for the SY22-23 school year by April 27 will be invited to participate in a roller skating event hosted by our school administration. Email [email protected] with enrollment questions or visit the DCPS enrollment page to enroll today.
March 2022
Saturday, March 26 & Sunday, March 27
Tuesday, March 22
Friday, March 18
Thursday, March 17
Wednesday, March 16
Tuesday, March 15
Monday, March 14
Friday, March 11
Thursday, March 10
Saturday, March 5
Tuesday, March 1
- 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Capital Candy Jar // Fundraiser: Join us for the sweetest deal in town! Just mention Miner Elementary at The Capital Candy Jar (201 15th St NE) and you’ll get 5% off your purchase. The Capital Candy Jar will generously donate 25% of those sales to the Miner PTO. Support your school, a local business, and your sweet tooth all with one purchase! See the announcement for all the details.
Tuesday, March 22
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Friday, March 18
- Literacy Spirit Week // Fancy Dress Day: Wear your fanciest or sharpest clothes
- 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM in the Miner Parking Lot // Coffee with the PTO: Join the PTO Leadership for coffee, donuts, and conversation during morning drop off!
Thursday, March 17
- Literacy Spirit Week // Wear Green: Wear green for St. Patrick's Day
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM // Family Literacy Night: Families are invited for an evening of literacy fun. Things kick off with the whole community at 6:00 followed by two breakout sessions at 6:30: ECE-1st and 2nd-5th grades. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link to join in the fun.
Wednesday, March 16
- Literacy Spirit Week // Read It!: Wear a shirt you can read
Tuesday, March 15
- Literacy Spirit Week // Pajama Day: Wear your jammies for a PJ reading day
Monday, March 14
- Literacy Spirit Week // Book Character Day: Dress like your favorite literary character
Friday, March 11
- No school for students: Teacher Professional Development
Thursday, March 10
- No school for students: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Saturday, March 5
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. See the announcement for details.
Tuesday, March 1
- MySchoolDC Lottery closes: Make sure to apply here before the deadline.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Angry, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
February 2022
Tuesday, February 22 - Friday, February 25
Monday, February 21
Friday, February 18
Thursday, February 17
Wednesday, February 16
Tuesday, February 15
Monday, February 14
Saturday, February 12
Friday, February 11
Thursday, February 10
Saturday, February 5
Thursday, February 3
Tuesday, February 1
- School Closed: February Recess
Monday, February 21
- School Closed: President's Day Holiday
Friday, February 18
- Spirit Week // Black Film Festival Day: Wear something from a Black History film; students will watch an age appropriate movie in class
Thursday, February 17
- Spirit Week // Blacks in Wax Dress Up Day: Dress as an African American icon
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Budget Meeting - CLOSED SESSION: The LSAT will meet in a closed session to discuss the budget for the 2022-23 school year. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Wednesday, February 16
- Spirit Week // Blackout Day: Wear black to show solidarity and support
Tuesday, February 15
- Spirit Week // Heritage Day: Wear Kente print, Dashikis, Black heritage clothing or t-shirts with positive quotes
Monday, February 14
- Spirit Week // Health and Wellness Day: Dress in red and white or red and black for Valentine's Day
Saturday, February 12
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the ECE Wing // Open House for Incoming ECE Families (In Person): ECE families who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for an in-person open house to learn more about our school.
Friday, February 11
- 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM in the Miner Parking Lot // Coffee with the PTO: Join members of PTO leadership to learn about the organization, what we do, and how to get involved. We will have a tent set up with information and of course coffee!
Thursday, February 10
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Angry. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Saturday, February 5
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. This month we will be distributing a limited number of rapid antigen COVID as well - see the announcement for details.
Thursday, February 3
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Open House for Incoming K-5 Families (Virtual): Families with students in grades K-5 who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for a virtual open house to learn more about our school.
Tuesday, February 1
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Angry, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
January 2022
Wednesday, January 26
- No School for Students: End of Term
Tuesday, January 25
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, January 20
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // Open House for Incoming ECE Families (Virtual): ECE families who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for a virtual open house to learn more about our school.
Tuesday, January 18
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Angry. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Monday, January 17
- School Closed: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Tuesday, January 11
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Angry, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, January 6
- 8:20 AM at Miner // First day of School: All students with a negative COVID test result (taken in the 24 hours before school opening and uploaded by 4:00 PM on January 5) may return to school. If your student tested positive or did not take a test, contact Miner at (202) 397-3960 or [email protected] for information on virtual learning and when your student may return. Please note that students who did not meet the mandatory testing requirements will be turned away if they show up at school.
Wednesday, January 5
- School Closed: COVID Test Distribution
- 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM at Miner // COVID Test Distribution: Pick up a Rapid Antigen Test. A negative result is required to return to school on Thursday, January 6. Visit for more information.
- 8:45 AM - 4:00 PM at Home // Take Your COVID Test and Upload Results: Students and staff must take a COVID test within 24 hours of returning to school on Wednesday, January 5. Upload test results to by 4:00 PM. If you receive a positive test, contact Miner immediately at (202) 397-3960 or [email protected]. Visit for more information.
Tuesday, January 4
- School Closed: COVID Test Distribution
- 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM at Miner // COVID Test Distribution: Pick up a Rapid Antigen Test. A negative result is required to return to school on Thursday, January 6. Visit for more information.
Monday, January 3
- School Closed: Snow day
- PTO & LSAT Special Election Voting Ends: This is the final day to vote for PTO Secretary and LSAT Parent Representative in our Special Election. The ballot closes at 5pm.
December 2021
Thursday, December 23 - Friday, December 31
Tuesday, December 21 - Wednesday, December 22
Tuesday, December 21
Monday, December 20
Saturday, December 18
Friday, December 17
Thursday, December 16
Monday, December 13
Monday, December 13 - Friday, December 17
Thursday, December 9
Tuesday, December 7
Saturday, December 4
Friday, December 3
- School Closed: Winter Break
Tuesday, December 21 - Wednesday, December 22
- School Closed: Virtual instruction only due to rise in number of COVID cases.
Tuesday, December 21
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Angry. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Monday, December 20
- PTO & LSAT Special Election Voting Begins: Vote for PTO Secretary and LSAT Parent Representative in our Special Election through January 3, 2022.
Saturday, December 18
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. This month we will be distributing toys as well - see the announcement for details.
Friday, December 17
- 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM in the Miner Parking Lot // Coffee with the PTO: Join members of PTO leadership to learn about the organization, what we do, and how to get involved. We will have a tent set up with information and of course coffee!
Thursday, December 16
- Parent Connections Family Workshop: New families wanting to join the Miner family apply here. If you're already enrolled at Miner and wish to continue, there is no need to reapply.
Monday, December 13
- MySchoolDC Lottery opens: New families wanting to join the Miner family apply here. If you're already enrolled at Miner and wish to continue, there is no need to reapply.
Monday, December 13 - Friday, December 17
- Mutual Aid Network Toy and Winter Clothing Drive: Miner's Mutual Aid Network will be collecting new and like-new tosy fo distribution to families in our community. See the announcement for full details.
Thursday, December 9
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Open House for Incoming ECE Families (Virtual): ECE families who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for an in-person open house to learn more about the Miner Community.
Tuesday, December 7
- 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM // "Fall Personality" Photo Day: Studio K will be at Miner to take "fall personality" photos. Order forms will be sent home in student backpacks, or can be obtained from the front office. Cash, check, or money order payable to Studio K are the only accepted forms of payment.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Angry, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Saturday, December 4
- 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery. Click for the event page with all the details.
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the ECE Wing // Open House for Incoming ECE Families (In Person): ECE families who are considering Miner for next school year are invited to join the administration for an in-person open house to learn more about the Miner Community.
- 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Garden // Winter Garden Open House: The Miner Green Team invites all Miner friends and families to make bird feeders and warm up with some apple cider in Miner's garden. Click here for event details.
Friday, December 3
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery. Click for the event page with all the details.
November 2021
Wednesday, November 24 through Friday, November 26
- School Closed: Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 22
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Saturday, November 20
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM // Community Clean Up: Miner's Community School program and Miner's Green Team have partnered to host a Community Clean-Up day. Our target areas will include the playground, parking lot and garden. Parents please come out to meet other parents! Community Service hours will provided to our 5th graders.
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. Click to see the full announcement.
Thursday, November 18
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM on Teams // Administration Office Hours: Caregivers are invited to join Miner's leadership in an informal Q&A setting. See the link provided via Remind.
- 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM on Zoom // Green Team Meeting: All teachers, staff, parents, and caregivers who are interested in Miner's garden and environmental programs are welcome to attend! Click here for more information about the Green Team.
Wednesday, November 17
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Tuesday, November 16
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the the Local School Advisory Team's discussions with Principal Angry. Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Friday, November 12
- 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM in the Miner Parking Lot // Coffee with the PTO: Join members of PTO leadership to learn about the organization, what we do, and how to get involved. We will have a tent set up with information and of course coffee!
Thursday, November 11
- School Closed: Veterans Day Holiday
Tuesday, November 9
- 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Angry, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
- 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM on Zoom // Administration & Family Townhall: All families are invited to join Miner's leadership in a discussion about current matters of interest. This event will use the same Zoom link as the PTO meeting.
Friday, November 5
- No School for Students: End of Term
Thursday, November 4
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Burrville ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
Wednesday, November 3
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Seaton ES // DC Scores Jr. Soccer vs Seaton: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears!
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the Outdoor Classroom // Camp Kindergarten: Kindergarten families are invited to a fun family engagement where the Kindergarten team will share strategies that can help your child have a successful year. SMORES included!! Click here for full event details.
Tuesday, November 2
- No School for Students: Election Day
October 2021
Friday, October 29
- Spirit Week // "Costume Day": Show off your Halloween costume (must be school appropriate) or dress like your favorite book character!
- **CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN** 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM in the Parking Lot // Trunk-or-Treating: Join us in the parking lot for our annual trunk-or-treat event! Staff and families will transform their cars’ trunks into fun and spooky booths full of treats for our Miner Bears. Costumes are encouraged! Contact Ms. Coles ([email protected]) if you would like to decorate your trunk.
Thursday, October 28
- Spirit Week // "Wacky Tacky": Let your silly self shine by wearing mismatched clothing!
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Thomas ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
Wednesday, October 27
- Spirit Week // "Stomp Out Bullying": Show your support for Bully Prevention Month by wearing the color ORANGE!
Tuesday, October 26
- Spirit Week // "Sweater Weather": Wear your favorite sweater or sweatshirt :-)
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Monday, October 25
- Spirit Week // "Pajama Day": Wear your coziest fall PJs!
Saturday, October 23
- 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM at the Fields at RFK // DC Scores Fall Frenzy: DC Scores participants and their families are invited to attend this annual, all-day elementary school soccer tournament and community festival!
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM // Community Clean Up: Miner's Community School program and Miner's Green Team have partnered to host a Community Clean-Up day. Our target areas will include the playground, parking lot and garden. Parents please come out to meet other parents! Community Service hours will provided to our 5th graders.
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. Click to see the full announcement.
Wednesday, October 20
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // DC Scores Jr. Soccer vs Aiton ES: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears!
Tuesday, October 19
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe Miner's Local School Advisory Team meeting (If you would like to attend the LSAT meeting, please email [email protected] for the Zoom link). Click here for more information about the Miner LSAT.
Friday, October 15
- 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM in the Miner Parking Lot // Coffee with the PTO: Join members of PTO leadership to learn about the organization, what we do, and how to get involved. We will have a tent set up with information and of course coffee!
Thursday, October 14
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at KIPP DC: Quest Academy // DC Scores Soccer vs KIPP DC: Quest Academy: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
- 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM on Zoom // Green Team Meeting: All teachers, staff, parents, and caregivers who are interested in Miner's garden and environmental programs are welcome to attend!
Wednesday, October 13
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at the Fields at RFK // DC Scores Junior Frenzy: All DC Junior Scores participants and their families are invited to participate in this free celebration. Transportation will be provided for this fun afternoon of soccer, activities, snacks, music, and more. Reach out to your DC Junior Scores coaches for more information or click to download the flyer.
Tuesday, October 12
- 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM at Miner // Moderna Vaccine: United Medical Center will be at Miner from 10 AM- 4 PM to distribute the Moderna vaccine, while supplies last. Click to download the consent form.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
- 6:00 PM // Community School Advisory Board: Provide feedback and ask questions about Miner's Community School program. All Miner parents/caregivers and community partners are welcome to attend. The meeting will be held on Zoom (meeting ID: 812 9153 7926).
Monday, October 11
- School Closed: Indigenous Peoples Day Holiday
Friday, October 8
- No school for students: Teacher Professional Development
Thursday, October 7
- No school for students: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 6
- 7:45 AM in Lincoln Park // Walk-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then walk together to Miner to start the day!
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // DC Scores Jr. Soccer vs Kimball ES: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears!
Tuesday, October 5
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Angry, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
September 2021
Thursday, September 30
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Houston ES // DC Scores Soccer vs Houston ES: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
- 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM on Zoom // Green Team Meeting: All teachers, staff, parents, and caregivers who are interested in Miner's garden and environmental programs are welcome to attend!
Tuesday, September 28
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Saturday, September 25
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM // Community Clean Up: Miner's Community School program and Miner's Green Team have partnered to host a Community Clean-Up day (see flyer for details). Our target areas will include the playground, parking lot and garden. Parents please come out to meet other parents! Community Service hours will provided to our 5th graders.
Thursday, September 23
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at JC Nalle Community School // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears! Girls' game at 4:00 PM and boys' game at 5:00 PM
Tuesday, September 21
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the first of the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Angry, and special guests. Click here for more information about the Miner PTO.
Thursday, September 16
- 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM // Back to School Night: All Miner families are invited to meet outdoors with the leadership team and staff at Miner and hear about what Miner has planned for the year. Families are then invited to come inside and visit their students' classrooms in person, meet their teachers, and hear about what the students will be learning this year.
Tuesday, September 14
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the first Local School Advisory Team meeting of the 2021-22 school year. More information about the LSAT here.
Tuesday, September 7
- 3:30 PM - 5:45 PM // DCPS Out of School Time (OSTP) Afterschool Programming Starts
Monday, September 6
- School Closed: Labor Day Holiday
Thursday, September 2
- First Day of School for PreK: Welcome (and welcome back) to our youngest Miner Bears! Doors will open at 8:20 AM.
- 3:34 PM - 4:15 PM in the parking lot // DC Scores Meeting: Join us in learning more about DC Scores for the upcoming season.
August 2021
Tuesday, August 31
Monday, August 30 through Wednesday, September 1
Monday, August 30
Saturday, August 28
Tuesday, August 10
Friday, August 6
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the ECE Garden // Garden Cleanup: The Miner Green Team is sponsoring a cleanup of the flower garden next to the ECE playground. Bring your gloves and lend a hand to make the space welcoming for our youngest bears. Children welcome!
Monday, August 30 through Wednesday, September 1
- Time varies // Orientation for PreK classes: Families with students in mixed PreK3/PreK4 classes are invited to hear all about Miner's PreK program, what to expect, and ask questions.
Monday, August 30
- First Day of School for K-5: Welcome back to our returning Miner Bears for School Year 2021-22! Doors will open at 8:20 AM.
Saturday, August 28
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM // Campus Cleanup: The Miner Green Team is sponsoring a campus and garden cleanup, so bring your gloves and help make Miner spotless to welcome students back to school. View the flyer.
- 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM // Miner Community Day: Miner's families, friends, and neighbors are invited to have some fun together and celebrate the upcoming school year.
Tuesday, August 10
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM // New Principal Information Session: Join Instructional Superintendent Stover and new Interim Principal Katrel Angry to answer questions and meet the new principal.
Friday, August 6
- 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM // Family Fun Day: Miner families and staff are invited to celebrate Family Fun Day at Miner hosted by our friends and partners at Edgewood/Brookland. Join us for music, food, prizes, and lots of fun! If you have questions, please see the announcement or contact our Community School Coordinator Monica Woodson at [email protected].
July 2021
Saturday, July 31
Thursday, July 29
Wednesday, July 28
Wednesday, July 21
Wednesday, July 14
Tuesday, July 13
Saturday, July 10
Thursday, July 8
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need. Click here for all the event details.
Thursday, July 29
- 3:30 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Club: All elementary students throughout the Miner/Rosedale Community are welcome to learn about gardening, food, and nutrition!
Wednesday, July 28
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM // Evening Enrollment & A Movie: Families are invited to come enroll for next school year, or drop off required documents. Then stay to enjoy a fun family favorite movie!
Wednesday, July 21
- 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM on the Playground // Popsicles with the Principal: All are invited to join new Principal Greer for some sweet treats. School tours are also available for those interested. See also the announcement and flyer.
Wednesday, July 14
- 3:30 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Club: All elementary students throughout the Miner/Rosedale Community are welcome to learn about gardening, food, and nutrition!
Tuesday, July 13
- 3:30 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Club: All elementary students throughout the Miner/Rosedale Community are welcome to learn about gardening, food, and nutrition!
Saturday, July 10
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Miner // Miner Mutual Aid Network "Birthday Cookout": The Miner community is invited to celebrate a year of the Mutual Aid Network's success in their mission of "neighbors helping neighbors." See the flyer for event details.
Thursday, July 8
- 3:30 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Club: All elementary students throughout the Miner/Rosedale Community are welcome to learn about gardening, food, and nutrition!
- 6:00 PM on Teams // Principal Greer Meet and Greet: The Miner community is invited to an opportunity to meet Principal Greer in a virtual space and learn more about her educational philosophy. See the flyer for how to join by computer or phone.
June 2021
Saturday, June 26
- 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM // Miner Community Day: Join us for a few hours of joy and togetherness after a year like no other. See the event announcement for all the details.
Friday, June 25
- End of Term: Records/PD Day for Staff
Thursday, June 24
- Last Day of School for Students!
- 3:30 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Club: All elementary students throughout the Miner/Rosedale Community are welcome to learn about gardening, food, and nutrition!
Wednesday, June 23
- 10:00 AM // PreK4 Promotion Ceremony: Virtual morning ceremony and in-person afternoon fun at Miner!
Tuesday, June 22
- 9:00 AM // DCPS Aftercare Enrollment Opens: Students must be enrolled in school for SY21-22 before enrolling in aftercare. This must be done at least 24 hours prior (i.e., June 18th)
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Monday, June 21
- 10:00 AM // Kindergarten Virtual Promotion Ceremony: We will be celebrating our Kindergarteners and their accomplishments as they prepare to enter First Grade.
- 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM at Miner // KIndergarten Gift Pick Up: Kindergarteners and their families are invited to Miner to pick up their gifts and see their teachers and classmates!
Friday, June 18
- School Closed - No classes/No Instruction: Juneteenth Holiday
Thursday, June 17
- 3:30 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Club: All elementary students throughout the Miner/Rosedale Community are welcome to learn about gardening, food, and nutrition!
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM on the ECE Playground & Garden // Playdate and Gardening Event: Join us for some fun on the playground! Big kids (and adults) can help weed the garden, and everyone can take turns making delicious smoothies on the smoothie bike. See the event announcement for all the details.
Wednesday, June 16
- 9:30 AM // 5th Grade Virtual Promotion Ceremony: We will be celebrating the incredible accomplishments of our Fifth graders in a virtual promotion ceremony.
- 1:30 PM at Miner // 5th Grade In-Person Celebration: Fifth graders and their families are invited to Miner to come together for an afternoon of fun!
Tuesday, June 15
- 9:00 AM at Miner // Field Day (3rd-5th Grades): Join your classmates for a morning of fun physical activities! Check in between 9:00 and 9:25. Masks are required. Click here for all the details.
- 12:15 PM at Miner // Field Day (K-2nd Grades): Join your classmates for an afternoon of fun physical activities! Check in between 12:15 and 12:35. Masks are required. Click here for all the details.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Tuesday, June 8
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Saturday, June 5 through Friday, June 18
- Scholastic Virtual Book Fair: Our Book Fair is online and helps our students discover new books, favorite characters, and more! Every purchase earns our school rewards for much needed resources. Plus, shipping is free on book-only purchases over $25. Click here for the Book Fair webpage.
Saturday, June 5
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need.
Thursday, June 3
- 3:30 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Club: All elementary students throughout the Miner/Rosedale Community are welcome to learn about gardening, food, and nutrition!
Tuesday, June 1
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
May 2021
Monday, May 31
Tuesday, May 25
Monday, May 24 through Friday, May 28
Thursday, May 20
Monday, May 17
Saturday, May 15
Friday, May 14
Thursday, May 13
Wednesday, May 12
Tuesday, May 11
Monday, May 10
Thursday, May 6
Wednesday, May 5
Tuesday, May 4
Monday, May 3 - Friday, May 7
Saturday, May 1
- School Closed - No classes/No Instruction: Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 25
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Monday, May 24 through Friday, May 28
- Elections for PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representatives: Information about casting electronics ballots will be distributed to Miner families (one ballot per family, please). More information about the election here.
Thursday, May 20
- 3:30 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Club: All elementary students throughout the Miner/Rosedale Community are welcome to learn about gardening, food, and nutrition!
Monday, May 17
- 5:00 PM // PTO Executive Board & LSAT Parent Rep Nominations Due: Please submit your nomination form by 5:00 PM to be included on the ballot for SY21-22 PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representatives. Visit the Election webpage for additional details, including a nomination form.
Saturday, May 15
- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM on the Miner Track & Field // March of Dimes 3K Run & Walk: The entire Miner community is invited to join in a Run & Walk 3K event to support the March of Dimes. Useful links: Event announcement, event flyer, and online registration form (via EventBrite).
Friday, May 14
- Spirit Week // "Fabulous Friday": Wear Miner swag or school colors (Navy Blue & White)
Thursday, May 13
- Spirit Week // "Thankful Thursday": Wear a superhero shirt
- 3:30 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Club: All elementary students throughout the Miner/Rosedale Community are welcome to learn about gardening, food, and nutrition!
Wednesday, May 12
- Spirit Week // "Wacky Tacky" Day: Dress wacky & tacky
Tuesday, May 11
- Spirit Week // "Tourist Tuesday": Wear a shirt from a vacation place
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Monday, May 10
- Spirit Week // "HATitude" Day: Wear your favorite hat
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Thursday, May 6
- 5:30 PM on Microsoft Teams // Principal Selection Community Meeting: The entire Miner Elementary community is invited to participate in the Principal Selection Community Meeting. This will be an opportunity for all of the school community to provide input in the qualities we seek in our next principal for the 2021-2022 school year. Click to download the flyer.
Wednesday, May 5
- 7:30 AM in Lincoln Park // National Bike-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then bike/walk together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM on Zoom // PTO/LSAT Election Info Session: PTO and LSAT elections are coming up! To prepare, we are holding an informal information and Q&A session for parents interested in learning more about parent leadership opportunities at Miner. This includes PTO, Local School Advisory Team (LSAT), Equity Team, Green Team, and the school Personnel Committee.
Tuesday, May 4
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
Monday, May 3 - Friday, May 7
Saturday, May 1
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, PPE, and other necessities for any member of the community in need.
April 2021
Wednesday, April 28
Tuesday, April 27
Tuesday, April 20
Tuesday, April 13 - Friday, April 16
Monday, April 12
Tuesday, April 6
Monday, April 5 - Friday, April 9
Saturday, April 3
- 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM in the Miner Garden // Earth Day Event: Join the Miner Green Team for an Earth Day Event complete with fun activities such as birdhouse building, wildflower seed bombs, bean planting, and more! Click here for the event flyer.
- 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM at Miner // Building Tours for Incoming ECE Families: ECE families who will be new to Miner in the fall are invited to attend a walk-through of the building. There will be multiple time slots available, each limited to 5 families. The sign up form will be sent via email to incoming families.
Tuesday, April 27
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM on Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // Open House for Incoming ECE Families: ECE families who will be new to Miner in the fall are invited to join the administration for a virtual open house to learn more about the Miner Community.
Tuesday, April 20
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Tuesday, April 13 - Friday, April 16
Monday, April 12
- No School or Virtual Learning for Students: Professional Development Day for Teachers and Records Day
Tuesday, April 6
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
Monday, April 5 - Friday, April 9
Saturday, April 3
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, winter clothing, and PPE for any member of the community in need.
March 2021
Tuesday, March 30
Saturday, March 27 - Sunday, March 28
Thursday, March 25
Tuesday, March 23
Tuesday, March 16
Saturday, March 6
Friday, March 5
Tuesday, March 2
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Saturday, March 27 - Sunday, March 28
- 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM at The Capital Candy Jar (201 15th St NE) // Candy Sale Fundraiser: Support Miner while satisfying your sweet tooth this weekend at The Capital Candy Jar! Mention Miner and get a discount. A portion of the proceeds will benefit our PTO! Download the event flyer.
Thursday, March 25
- 5:30 PM on Zoom // Administration/Family Townhall: All families are invited to join Principal Jackson and AP Lee in a discussion about current matters of interest.
Tuesday, March 23
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Tuesday, March 16
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Saturday, March 6
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network's Community Table in the Miner parking lot. We will once again feature free food boxes, winter clothing, and PPE for any member of the community in need. Click here for the event flyer.
Friday, March 5
- No classes or virtual Learning: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, March 2
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
February 2021
Thursday, February 25
- 5:30 PM via Teams // Black History Family Trivia Night: Be a part of history! 3rd-5th families are cordially invited to an hour of learning and fun to celebrate Black History! Fun for the whole family, including raffle prizes! Click to download the flyer.
Wednesday, February 24
- 9:30 AM via Teams // Black History Celebration: "Honoring the past...creating the future" is the theme for this year's celebration of Black History Month. Join us live after morning meeting!
Tuesday, February 23
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Wednesday, February 17
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // ECE Open House: Are you considering Miner for your PreK student next year? Join us for a virtual Open House to learn more about our school and community!
Tuesday, February 16
- Virtual Instruction Only: No in-person learning today
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, February 15
- School Closed & No Instruction: President's Day Holiday
Tuesday, February 9
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Tuesday, February 2
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
January 2021
Saturday, January 30
Friday, January 29
Thursday, January 28
Tuesday, January 26
Wednesday, January 20
Tuesday, January 19
Monday, January 18
Wednesday, January 13
Tuesday, January 12
Tuesday, January 5
- 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network’s Monthly Community Table event for the Miner community to access food boxes and fresh produce, PPE, household items, and children's books and toys. Click here for the event flyer.
Friday, January 29
- No Virtual Learning: Professional Development Day for Teachers and Records Day
Thursday, January 28
- 6:00 PM on Zoom // Administration/Family Townhall: All families are invited to join Principal Jackson and AP Lee in a discussion about current matters of interest.
Tuesday, January 26
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Wednesday, January 20
- School Closed & No Instruction: Inauguration Day Holiday
Tuesday, January 19
- No Instruction: No instruction for students or teachers.
Monday, January 18
- School Closed & No Instruction: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Wednesday, January 13
- 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM on Zoom // ECE Open House: Are you considering Miner for your PreK student next year? Join us for a virtual Open House to learn more about our school and community!
Tuesday, January 12
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Tuesday, January 5
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
December 2020
Wednesday, December 23 through Friday, January 1
Tuesday, December 22
Monday, December 21
Saturday, December 19
Friday, December 18
Thursday, December 17
Wednesday, December 16
Tuesday, December 15
Monday, December 14
Monday, December 14 - Friday, December 18
Wednesday, December 9
Tuesday, December 8
Saturday, December 5
Friday, December 4
Wednesday, December 2
Tuesday, December 1
- School Closed: Winter Break (school resumes on Monday, January 4)
Tuesday, December 22
- Spirit Week // Festive Holiday Fun Wear Day: Wear your ugly holiday sweater or festive holiday/winter colors!
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Monday, December 21
- Spirit Week // Pajama Day: Wear your coziest pajamas!
Saturday, December 19
- 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network’s Monthly Community Table event for the Miner community to access food boxes and fresh produce, PPE, household items, and children's books and toys. Click here for the event flyer.
Friday, December 18
- Spirit Week // Fictional Character Day: Dress up as your favorite fictional character! It can be from a book, movie, video game, etc!
Thursday, December 17
- Spirit Week // Crazy Hat/Hair Day: Wear a crazy hat or make your hair look crazy!
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM on Teams // STEAM Night: Join us for a night of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math!
Wednesday, December 16
- Spirit Week // Miner Spirit Day: Dress in your white and blue Miner colors to celebrate being a Miner Bear!
Tuesday, December 15
- Spirit Week // Dress for Success Day: Dress up in your nicest!
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, December 14
- Spirit Week // Comfy Cozy Day: Wear your comfiest clothes, bring a stuffed animal or fluffiest blanket to class!
Monday, December 14 - Friday, December 18
- Spirit Week!!
Wednesday, December 9
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM on Zoom // ECE Open House: Are you considering Miner for your PreK student next year? Join us for a virtual Open House to learn more about our school and community!
Tuesday, December 8
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Saturday, December 5
- 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery. Click for the event page with all the details.
Friday, December 4
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery. Click for the event page with all the details.
Wednesday, December 2
- 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM on Teams // Coffee with the Specials Team: Miner families, meet with your favorite Specials Team! This is an opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback from your Art, Music, P.E.and Spanish teachers. Please choose 1 session time to join us live on Microsoft Teams.
- 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM on Teams // Tea with the Specials Team: Miner families, meet with your favorite Specials Team! This is an opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback from your Art, Music, P.E.and Spanish teachers. Please choose 1 session time to join us live on Microsoft Teams.
Tuesday, December 1
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
November 2020
Wednesday, November 25 through Friday, November 27
Tuesday, November 24
Saturday, November 21
Wednesday, November 18
Tuesday, November 17
Wednesday, November 11
Tuesday, November 10
Friday, November 6
Thursday, November 5
Tuesday, November 3
- School Closed / No Virtual Learning: Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, November 24
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Saturday, November 21
- 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network’s Monthly Community Table event for the Miner community to access food, PPE, household items, children's books and toys, and distance learning support. Click here for the event flyer.
- 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Thanksgiving Food Drive: Miner's Green Team, Equity Team, and PTO are partnering with Arcadia Mobile Market to collect food and donations to create holiday food boxes for local families. To donate to this "Give a Box" campaign, donate via the PTO's Donation webpage. Click here for the event flyer.
Wednesday, November 18
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // Community School Advisory Board Meeting: All are welcome to discuss the Community School Model at Miner, its vision, and how to incorporate different ideas within the school! Click the event on the shared calendar on the Miner homepage for Zoom info.
Tuesday, November 17
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Wednesday, November 11
- School Closed / No Virtual Learning: Veterans Day Holiday
Tuesday, November 10
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
Friday, November 6
- No Virtual Learning: Professional Development Day for Teachers and Records Day
Thursday, November 5
- 5:30 PM on Zoom // Administration/Family Townhall: All families are invited to join Principal Jackson and AP Lee for a special discussion about changes to the reopening plan for Term 2.
Tuesday, November 3
- School Closed / No Virtual Learning: Election Day
October 2020
Saturday, October 31
Thursday, October 29
Tuesday, October 27
Saturday, October 24
Tuesday, October 20
Tuesday, October 13
Monday, October 12
Friday, October 9
Wednesday, October 7
Tuesday, October 6
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Garden // Halloween "Spooktacular": The Miner PTO is hosting a garden scavenger hunt and pumpkin decorating. Social distancing and masks required. Costumes are welcomed! Click to download the flyer.
Thursday, October 29
- 5:30 PM on Zoom // Administration/Family Townhall: All families are invited to join Principal Jackson and AP Lee in a discussion about current matters of interest.
Tuesday, October 27
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Saturday, October 24
- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network’s Monthly Community Table event for the Miner community to access food, PPE, household items, children's books and toys, and distance learning support. This month's event features FREE flu shots - Click here to sign up for a time slot.
Tuesday, October 20
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Tuesday, October 13
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Monday, October 12
- School Closed / No Virtual Learning: Indigenous Peoples Day Holiday
Friday, October 9
- No Virtual Learning: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 7
- 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM in Lincoln Park and Online // Walk-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park or (take your own socially distant walk) to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then walk together to Miner and/or your local ballot drop box to start the day! Please wear a mask and your school gear - and keep physical distance. Click here for details.
Tuesday, October 6
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
September 2020
Wednesday, September 30
Tuesday, September 29
Saturday, September 26
Thursday, September 24
Tuesday, September 22
Friday, September 18
Thursday, September 17
Tuesday, September 15
Tuesday, September 15 - Friday, September 18
Friday, September 11
Tuesday, September 8
Monday, September 7
Thursday, September 3
Tuesday, September 1
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Tuesday, September 29
- 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Saturday, September 26
- 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM at Miner // Miner Community Day: Join us for a day of togetherness: garden tours, playground fun, a chance to drop off your hazardous and e-waste, and mutual aid support table. Masks will be required and social distancing rules will be in place.
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Tour & Activities: Miner's Green Team will be offering tours of the incredible Peace Garden and have fun activities for the kids, including healthy snacks.
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Miner // Campus Cleanup: Miner's recently renovated field and landscape need a little TLC to remove weeds, trash, and debris. Bring a pair of gloves to spruce up the grounds while your little ones enjoy the garden or playground. PTO will provide trash bags. Thank you for helping keep Miner clean, green, and beautiful!
- 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM by the loading dock // Hazardous Household & E-Waste Dropoff: Time to clean out your storage area or garage of paint, chemicals, old electronics and other items not fit to go into a landfill. We'll have an area set aside to collect these items for transport up to the Fort Totten Transfer Station for proper disposal. Information on accepted/prohibited hazardous waste is here: Information on accepted e-waste is here:
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Miner Parking Lot // Miner Mutual Aid Network Community Table: Join us for the Miner Mutual Aid Network’s Monthly Community Table event for the Miner community to access food, PPE, household items, children's books and toys, and distance learning support.
Thursday, September 24
- 5:30 PM on Zoom // Administration/Family Townhall: All families are invited to join Principal Jackson and AP Lee in a discussion about current matters of interest.
Tuesday, September 22
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM on Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Friday, September 18
- 6:00 PM // PTO and LSAT Ballots due: Submit your ballots for candidates for the PTO Executive Board and for Parent Representatives to Miner's Local School Advisory Team (LSAT).
Thursday, September 17
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on Teams // Back to School Night: Our first big event of the year! All Miner families are invited back to meet with the leadership team and staff at Miner. Learn what we have planned for the year and what your students will be learning this year.
Tuesday, September 15
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Zoom // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the first of the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests.
Tuesday, September 15 - Friday, September 18
- Election Period: Cast your ballots for candidates for the PTO Executive Board and for Parent Representatives to Miner's Local School Advisory Team (LSAT). Ballots are due by 6:00 PM on Friday, September 18. Visit the Election webpage for additional details.
Friday, September 11
- 6:00 PM // PTO & LSAT Nominations Due: Please submit your nomination form by 6:00 PM to be included on the ballot for SY20-21 PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representatives. Visit the Election webpage for additional details, including a nomination form.
Tuesday, September 8
- 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM on Zoom // Parent Leadership Information Session #1: PTO and LSAT elections are coming up! To prepare, Miner is holding two informal information and Q&A sessions for parents interested in learning more about parent leadership opportunities at Miner. This includes PTO, Local School Advisory Team (LSAT), PreK Parent Committee, Equity Team, Green Team, and the school Personnel Committee.
- 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM on Zoom // Parent Leadership Information Session #2
Monday, September 7
- No Instruction: Labor Day Holiday
Thursday, September 3
- First Day of Classes (Virtual) for PreK: Learning will be virtual through the end of Term One on Friday, November 6. Visit the DCPS #ReopenStrong website for details.
Tuesday, September 1
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM on Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
August 2020
Monday, August 31
Saturday, August 29
Thursday, August 27
Monday, August 24
Friday, August 21
Tuesday, August 18
Saturday, August 15
Tuesday, August 11
Monday, August 10 - Thursday, August 20
Tuesday, August 4
- First Day of Classes (Virtual) for K-5: Learning will be virtual through the end of Term One on Friday, November 6. Visit the DCPS #ReopenStrong website for details.
Saturday, August 29
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // "Back-to-School" Community Table: The Miner Mutual Aid Network is once again partnering with Serve Your City and Ward 6 Mutual Aid to provide non-perishable food boxes, masks and other PPE, household items, and children’s books and toys. In addition, as we prepare for distance learning we will have school supplies, including a limited number of devices, and a table set up for distance learning support. This event is open to the entire Miner community and we encourage everyone to come out and support each other. Masks and social distancing will be required. Click here to download the event flyer and visit the Miner Mutual Aid Network webpage for all the details.
Thursday, August 27
- 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM & 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM on MS Teams // Teacher Meet & Greets: Miner teachers will be available in Microsoft Teams to meet families and introduce themselves. There will be two 30-minute sessions. Links to join these meetings can be found here: Teacher Meet and Greet Links.
Monday, August 24
- 6:00 PM on Zoom // Back to School Discussion: Please join Principal Jackson and members of the leadership team to talk about SY 20-21 and ask any questions that you may have!
Friday, August 21
- 1:00 PM on Zoom // Back to School Discussion: Please join Principal Jackson and members of the leadership team to talk about SY 20-21 and ask any questions that you may have!
Tuesday, August 18
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Saturday, August 15
- 4:00 PM starting at Miner // March for Black Lives Matter: The Miner Equity Team's Solidarity Committee invites the Miner family and community to make signs and march from Miner to Rosedale Community Center in a peaceful protest against police brutality and the systemic oppression of Black people in America. This is the perfect opportunity for our children to be a part of something that isn’t just a moment. Need poster supplies? They will be available for contactless pick up at Miner August 10–14 from 10AM to 2PM. Important: please wear a facemask and adhere to social distancing guidelines. Click to download the event flyer.
Tuesday, August 11
- 5:30 PM on Zoom // Virtual Meet & Greet with AP Lee: Please join us for a virtual Meet and Greet with our new assistant principal, Mr. Antwan Lee! It will be an opportunity to say hello and hear a little bit more about AP Lee as he joins the Miner Community this year.
Monday, August 10 - Thursday, August 20
- 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM online // Third Grade Summer Bridge: Summer Bridge is an opportunity for students rising 3rd graders to support relationship building through academic and social-emotional learning activities. This all online program will support students as they transition to a new grade level or school building.
Tuesday, August 4
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
July 2020
Saturday, July 25
- 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the parking lot // Mutual Aid Network Community Table: The Miner Mutual Aid Network will host a Community Table and Support event. The Mutual Aid Network will provide non-perishable food boxes; masks, gloves and other safety supplies; household items; and school supplies. All members of the Miner community are welcome to attend.
Tuesday, July 21
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Tuesday, July 7
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
June 2020
Tuesday, June 23
Monday, June 15
Tuesday, June 9
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Monday, June 15
- Enrollment Deadline for Matched Students
Tuesday, June 9
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
May 2020
Friday, May 29
Wednesday, May 27
Tuesday, May 26
Monday, May 25
Tuesday, May 19
Wednesday, May 13
Tuesday, May 12
Tuesday, May 5
Monday, May 4 - Friday, May 8
- Last Day of School!
Wednesday, May 27
- Enrollment Deadline for Matched Students
Tuesday, May 26
- 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM via Zoom // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: the monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Monday, May 25
- No Instruction: Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 19
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM via Zoom // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Wednesday, May 13
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
Tuesday, May 12
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
- 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Tuesday, May 5
- 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Monday, May 4 - Friday, May 8
April 2020
Wednesday, April 29
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
Tuesday, April 28
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
Monday, April 27
- Enrollment Opens: Enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year is now available online at If you need more information, would like a fillable PDF version of the form, or would like the Spanish version, please visit the enrollment website at
Tuesday, April 21
- 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Thursday, April 16
- No Instruction: Emancipation Day Holiday
Wednesday, April 15
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
Tuesday, April 14
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
- 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
Saturday, April 11
- 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM via Zoom // Virtual Info Session for New PreK Families: This is one of several opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer!
Tuesday, April 7
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM via Zoom // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details. Email [email protected] for the meeting login information.
- 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM via Zoom // Virtual Info Session for New PreK Families: This is one of several opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer!
Wednesday, April 1
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
March 2020
Tuesday, March 31
Monday, March 23
Friday, March 20
Thursday, March 19
Tuesday, March 17 - Monday, March 23
Monday, March 16
Thursday, March 12
Sunday, March 8
Thursday, March 5
Tuesday, March 3
Monday, March 2
Monday, March 2 - Friday, March 6
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
Monday, March 23
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
Friday, March 20
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
Thursday, March 19
- 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Distance Learning Packet Pickup: If you need a copy of the packet, school will be open to do so. Or you can download the packet from DCPS (
Tuesday, March 17 - Monday, March 23
Monday, March 16
- No School for Students: Professional Development Day for Teachers
Thursday, March 12
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Sunday, March 8
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Workday & Playdate: Spring is coming and Miner's Green Team is leading the effort to prepare the Peace Garden for instructional use. Come out and lend a hand tidying up the garden, while the little ones can enjoy playing on the new playground and field.
Thursday, March 5
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in the Library // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: The PreK Parent Committee will hold their monthly meeting to discuss upcoming events and the Head Start Policy Council. All ECE parents are welcome to attend.
Tuesday, March 3
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided. More information about the PTO here.
Monday, March 2
- MySchoolDC Lottery closes: Make sure to apply here before the deadline.
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM in Room 143 // Green Team Meeting: All those interested in Miner's garden and environmental programs are welcome to attend the Green Team's monthly status meeting.
Monday, March 2 - Friday, March 6
- Literacy Week: Miner's scholars will be celebrating reading and literacy all week long with special classroom and extracurricular events.
February 2020
Thursday, February 27
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the Library // Upper Grade Open House: Parents of students K-5 are invited to hear all about Miner and have their questions answered. No RSVP is necessary and kids are welcome to attend too!
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in Room 101 // Parent Workshop: "Power Tools for Power Struggles": Please contact the Community School Coordinator Ms. Woodson ([email protected]) for further details.
Wednesday, February 26
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the ECE Wing // ECE Open House: This is one of several opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the Library // Upper Grade Open House: Parents of students K-5 are invited to hear all about Miner and have their questions answered. No RSVP is necessary and kids are welcome to attend too!
Tuesday, February 25
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in Room 143 // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: the monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Monday, February 24
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Takoma // Girls Basketball vs. Takoma: Come cheer on the Mighty Bears Girls' Team as they take on Takoma!
Tuesday, February 18 - Friday, February 21
- No School for students: February Recess
Monday, February 17
- School Closed: President's Day Holiday
Friday, February 14
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // Girls Basketball vs. Payne: Come cheer on the Mighty Bears Girls' Team as they take on Payne!
Thursday, February 13
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the ECE Wing // ECE Open House: This is one of several opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // Boys Basketball vs. J.O. Wilson: Come cheer on the Mighty Bears Boys' Team as they take on J.O. Wilson!
7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Tuesday, February 11
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // Boys Basketball vs. Maury: Come cheer on the Mighty Bears Boys' Team as they take on Maury!
Monday, February 10
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Oyster Adams // Girls Basketball vs. Oyster Adams: Come cheer on the Mighty Bears Girls' Team as they take on Oyster Adams!
Sunday, February 9
- Noon to 8:00 PM at The Capitol Candy Jar (201 15th St NE) // Candy Sale Fundraiser: Support Miner and make this Valentine's Day even sweeter! Just mention Miner and receive 5% off your entire purchase. The Capitol Candy Jar will generously donate 25% of the profits from those sales to the Miner PTO.
Friday, February 7
- 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 101 // Prevention of Blindness Vision Screening: Contact Miner's Community School Coordinator, Ms. Woodson, at [email protected] to sign up.
Thursday, February 6
- 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM in the Library // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: The PreK Parent Committee will hold their monthly meeting to discuss upcoming events and the Head Start Policy Council. All ECE parents are welcome to attend.
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details.
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: This will be an extended version of the regular February LSAT meeting dedicated to SY20-21 budget discussions. The first part will be open to all, with the remainder a closed session. More information about the LSAT here.
Tuesday, February 4
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Watkins // Boys Basketball vs. Watkins: Come cheer on the Mighty Bears Boys' Team as they take on Watkins!
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided. More information about the PTO here.
January 2020
Thursday, January 30
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM at JO Wilson Elementary (660 K St NE) // Summer Camp Fair: Here's your chance to visit over 40 camp exhibitors representing a wide variety of summer activities, ranging from traditional camps to academic, arts, music, sports, early childhood, and special interest camps. See for all the details.
Wednesday, January 29
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the ECE Wing // ECE Open House: This is one of several opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. Children are welcome to attend!
Tuesday, January 28
- No School for Students: Professional Development Day for Teachers
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in Room 143 // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: the monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Monday, January 27
- No School for Students: Records Day for Staff
Friday, January 24
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // Girls Basketball vs. West: Come cheer on the Mighty Bears Girls' Team as they take on West!
Thursday, January 23
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // Boys Basketball vs. Ludlow Taylor: Come cheer on the Mighty Bears Boys' Team as they take on Ludlow Taylor!
- 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details.
Tuesday, January 21
- 9:00 AM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Restorative Justice Workshop: Antonio Carter, Miner's Social Work Intern and Restorative Program Specialist, will be conducting a "Why Restorative? Workshop for Parents." All are welcome to attend to learn more about Restorative Justice, tools to use at home and how to get involved. Please contact [email protected] with questions. Click to download the flyer.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, January 20
- School Closed: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Friday, January 17
- No school for students: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thursday, January 16
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Van Ness // Boys Basketball vs. Van Ness: Come cheer on the Mighty Bears Boys' Team as they take on Van Ness!
Wednesday, January 15
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM in Room 101 // Parenting Workshop "Healthy Body-Healthy Mind": All parents and guardians are invited to attend this workshop co-sponsored by MIner's Community School Coordinator and the ECE Family Services
Thursday, January 9
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in the PTO Room (Room 143) // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: The PreK Parent Committee will hold their monthly meeting to discuss upcoming events and the Head Start Policy Council. All ECE parents are welcome to attend.
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the ECE Wing // ECE Open House: This is one of several opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, January 8
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Miner // Girls Basketball vs. H.D. Cooke: Come cheer on the Mighty Bear Girls' Team as they take on H.D. Cooke!
Tuesday, January 7
- *CANCELLED* 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the ECE Wing // ECE Open House: This is one of several opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. Children are welcome to attend! Afterwards, all are invited to attend the monthly PTO meeting.
- *CANCELLED* 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided. More information about the PTO here.
- *CANCELLED* 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Uniform Exchange: Miner Bears grow so fast? Come to the PTO meeting to exchange old uniforms for larger sizes donated by fellow families. Donations may be dropped off on January 2, 3, and 6 outside the Main Office and outside of the cafeteria.
December 2019
Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1
Friday, December 20
Thursday, December 19
Wednesday, December 18
Tuesday, December 17
Monday, December 16
Monday, December 16 - Friday, December 20
Thursday, December 12
Saturday, December 7
Friday, December 6
Tuesday, December 3
- School Closed: Winter Break starts (school resumes on Thursday, January 2)
Friday, December 20
- Spirit Week "Long Winter Naps": Wear your favorite, most cozy pajamas!
- 3:15 PM - 6:00 PM // No Aftercare programming: Due to the Winter Break, there will be no aftercare programming today.
Thursday, December 19
- Spirit Week "Holiday Festive Wear": Wear your ugly holiday sweater/shirt or your festive holiday/winter colors!
- 8:15 AM - 8:45 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE Holiday Card Craft Activity: Before dropping off your students, join the fun in creating festive holiday cards! All ECE parents and students are invited!
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in TBD location // Holiday Treats for Staff: The PTO will sponsor a "dessert bar" with a wide selection of baked goodies to express parents' continued appreciation of what Miner's teachers, staff, and administrators do for our students.
Wednesday, December 18
- Spirit Week "Holiday Best": Dress in your best holiday outfit! Dress to impress!
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the gym // 1st Advisory Honor Roll & Student Achievement Assembly (K-2): Parents, guardians, and family of students receiving awards are invited to attend and help recognize student success and "excellence for all."
- 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM in the gym // 1st Advisory Honor Roll & Student Achievement Assembly (3-5): Parents, guardians, and family of students receiving awards are invited to attend and help recognize student success and "excellence for all."
Tuesday, December 17
- Spirit Week "Snug as a Bug": Wear flannel, wacky hats, and socks.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, December 16
- Spirit Week "Rep Your Team Day": Wear a jersey or shirt for your favorite team!
- MySchoolDC Lottery opens: New families wanting to join the Miner family apply here. If you're already enrolled at Miner and wish to continue, there is no need to reapply.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details.
Monday, December 16 - Friday, December 20
- Holiday Spirit Week: Every day will have a different and fun theme during the final week before Winter Break.
Thursday, December 12
- 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM // "Holiday Personality" Photo Day: Studio K will be at Miner to take "holiday personality" photos. Order forms will be sent home in student backpacks, or can be obtained from the front office. Cash is only accepted form of payment.
- 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM in the PTO Room (Room 143) // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: The PreK Parent Committee will hold their monthly meeting to discuss upcoming events and the Head Start Policy Council. All ECE parents are welcome to attend.
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Saturday, December 7
- 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery. Visit the event page for all the details.
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE Open House: This is one of several opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. Children are welcome to attend!
Friday, December 6
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery. Visit the event page for all the details.
Tuesday, December 3
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided. More information about the PTO here.
November 2019
Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29
Tuesday, November 26
Thursday, November 21
Wednesday, November 20
Tuesday, November 19
Monday, November 18
Thursday, November 14
Wednesday, November 13
Tuesday, November 12
Monday, November 11
Friday, November 8
Thursday, November 7
Tuesday, November 5
Monday, November 4
Sunday, November 3
- School Closed: Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, November 26
- 3:15 PM - 6:00 PM // No Aftercare programming: Due to the Thanksgiving break, there will be no aftercare programming today.
Thursday, November 21
- 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM in Room 117 // "Calm Down" Party: ECE families will be creating "calm down" boxes for use at home to create a safe place to help your child practice self-regulation. If you have a shoebox or basket/container you would like to use, please bring it with you, but the team will have some available if you need one. Child care is available.
Wednesday, November 20
- 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM in Room 101 // TB Test Part 2 (Reading): For parents who participated in Part 1 on Monday, reading of results is this morning.
- 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM in Room 103 // DCPS Fingerprinting: Parents wishing to volunteer at Miner or chaperone field trips must undergo the DCPS clearance process (more info here), the final steps of which are submitting an application and getting fingerprinted by DCPS. Miner's Community School Coordinator, Ms. Woodson, has arranged for onsite fingerprinting to coincide with TB test reading. To reserve a spot, email Ms. Woodson at [email protected]. Prior to fingerprinting, please submit an application to
- 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // First Aid, CPR, and AED Training: 15 spots are available for this FREE training. Contact Miner's Community School Coordinator, Ms. Woodson, at [email protected] to sign up.
Tuesday, November 19
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
- 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in TBD location // W6PSPO Meeting: Miner welcomes the Ward 6 Public School Parents Organization for its monthly meeting! More information about W6PSPO here.
Monday, November 18
- 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM in Room 101 // TB Testing Part 1: Parents wishing to volunteer at Miner or chaperone field trips must undergo the DCPS clearance process (more info here), the first step in which is a TB test. Miner's Community School Coordinator, Ms. Woodson, has arranged for onsite TB testing. To reserve a spot, email Ms. Woodson at [email protected]. Note that a follow-up is required on Wednesday, November 20 to read the results. Reading will also be done onsite at Miner.
- 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM and 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Miner Equity Team meeting: All members of the Miner community are welcome to join the Equity Team as we build relationships and develop ideas and actions to improve racial equity and inclusion at Miner. Visit the Equity Team webpage for all the details.
Thursday, November 14
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Tyler ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Tyler!
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, November 13
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM in Room 101 // Positive Discipline Workshop: Come and learn how to move away from punishment and toward using encouragement! Contact Miner's Community School Coordinator, Ms. Woodson, at [email protected] to sign up.
Tuesday, November 12
- 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 143 // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided. More information about the PTO here.
Monday, November 11
- School Closed: Veteran's Day Holiday
Friday, November 8
- 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM // School Picture Day: Studio K will be at Miner to take either formal portraits or "fall personality photos." Order forms will be sent home in student backpacks, or can be obtained from the front office. Cash is only accepted form of payment.
Thursday, November 7
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Nalle ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Nalle!
Tuesday, November 5
- No School for Students: Professional Development Day for Teachers
Monday, November 4
- No School for Students: Records Day for Staff
Sunday, November 3
- Daylight Saving Time Ends: Remember to "fall back" and set your clocks back one hour.
October 2019
Thursday, October 31
Wednesday, October 30
Tuesday, October 29
Saturday, October 26
Friday, October 25
Thursday, October 24
Wednesday, October 23
Tuesday, October 22
Wednesday, October 16
Tuesday, October 15
Monday, October 14
Friday, October 11
Thursday, October 10
Wednesday, October 9
Thursday, October 3
Wednesday, October 2
Tuesday, October 1
- 9:00 AM - 11:20 AM in the ECE Wing // Book-o-Ween: Our youngest Bears will dress in costumes representing a character from their favorite book. There will be fun family engagement activities such as apple dipping, cookie decorating, dance party, book reading, and more!
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM // Oktoberfest: Miner's annual fall party will include a DJ, games & activities, food, and "trunk"-or-treating. All the details are on our dedicated Oktoberfest webpage, including a link to RSVP and how to volunteer.
Wednesday, October 30
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM in the PTO Room (Room 143) // ECE Workshop: Miner's Family Services Coordinator will be hosting a workshop on "Managing Challenging Behaviors." All ECE parents and guardians are welcome to attend!
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Amidon-Bowen ES // DC Scores Jr. Soccer: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Amidon-Bowen!
Tuesday, October 29
- 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM // In-School Dental Screening: Gordon Dental Associates will provide FREE dental screening for Miner students. They are 100% covered by Medicaid/CHIP, and take private dental insurance as well. This is a great opportunity to complete your student’s oral exam for the 2019-20 school year. Contact Jerry Williams ( or Ms. Woodson ([email protected]) with any questions.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 143 // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Saturday, October 26
- 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM at Trinity University // DC Scores Fall Frenzy: DC Scores participants and their families are invited to attend this annual, all-day elementary school soccer tournament and community festival!
Friday, October 25
- 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM at Eastern Market // Hilloween: Come out and have some Halloween fun at this Capitol Hill tradition!
Thursday, October 24
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Leckie ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Leckie!
Wednesday, October 23
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Jefferson Middle School // DC Scores Jr. Fall Frenzy: DC Scores Jr. participants and their families are invited to attend this fun afternoon soccer tournament and festival!
Tuesday, October 22
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the Gym // Special Subject Teachers Meet and Greet: All families are invited to meet Miner's incredible specials teachers (PE, Art, Music, Spanish, and Library) and participate in some special classroom activities.
Wednesday, October 16
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in Room 143 // PreK Parent Committee Elections: Interested in serving as chair (or co-chair) of the PreK Parent Committee? Or perhaps on the DC Head Start Policy Council? If you are, or would like more information, come to hear more about how you can make a difference for our youngest Bears!
Tuesday, October 15
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, October 14
- School Closed: Columbus Day Holiday
Friday, October 11
- No school for students: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 10
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Drew ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Drew!
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, October 9
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Trinidad Recreation Center // DC Scores Jr. Soccer: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Trinidad!
Thursday, October 3
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Equity Committee Kickoff Meeting: This is the first meeting of MIner's new Equity Committee, which is an outgrowth of work that Kindred did at Miner last spring. All parents and teachers/staff interested in ensuring equity at Miner are invited to share their thoughts and ideas as we get the committee established. There is an identical afternoon session as well.
- 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Equity Committee Kickoff Meeting: This is an identical session to the meeting held in the morning.
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Burrville ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Burville!
Wednesday, October 2
- 7:30 AM in Lincoln Park // Walk-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then walk together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
- 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM in Room 143 // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Aiton ES // DC Scores Jr. Soccer: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Aiton!
Tuesday, October 1
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
September 2019
Friday, September 27
Thursday, September 26
Wednesday, September 25
Tuesday, September 24
Monday, September 23
Friday, September 20
Tuesday, September 17
Thursday, September 12
Wednesday, September 11
Tuesday, September 10
Friday, September 6
Monday, September 2
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Cultivate the City’s H Street Farm // Parent and Teacher Garden Party: Please join our garden partner Cultivate the City as they host a garden party for Miner families and teachers on their rooftop garden (at WS Jenks Hardware, 910 Bladensburg Rd NE). Download the event flyer.
Thursday, September 26
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Beers ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Beers!
Wednesday, September 25
- 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM in Room 101 // TB Test Part 2 (Reading): For parents who participated in Part 1 on Monday, reading of results is this morning.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Truesdell EC // DC Scores Jr. Soccer: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Truesdell!
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in Room 143 // PTO Family Engagement & Events Committee Meeting: All are invited to the Family Engagement & Events (FE&E) Committee kickoff planning meeting to review the 2019/2020 events calendar of events as well as plan for Miner's annual OktoberFest extravaganza.
Tuesday, September 24
- 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM in Room 143 // Garden Team Meeting: All those interested in Miner's garden program are welcome to attend the Garden Team's monthly status meeting.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 143 // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: The monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
Monday, September 23
- 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM in Room 101 // TB Testing Part 1: Parents wishing to volunteer at Miner or chaperone field trips must undergo the DCPS clearance process (more info here), the first step in which is a TB test. Miner's Community School Coordinator, Ms. Woodson, has arranged for onsite TB testing. To reserve a spot, email Ms. Woodson at [email protected]. Note that a follow-up is required on Wednesday, September 25 to read the results. Reading will also be done onsite at Miner.
Friday, September 20
- 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Kitchen // Welcome Back Breakfast: All of Miner's teachers and staff are invited to come by and pick up a "welcome back" breakfast courtesy of the PTO.
Tuesday, September 17
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Thursday, September 12
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, September 11
- 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM // Back to School Night: Our first big event of the year! All Miner families are invited back to meet with the leadership team and staff at Miner. Learn what we have planned for the year and what your students will be learning this year.
Tuesday, September 10
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the first of the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Friday, September 6
- 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM in the Cafeteria // Grandparents Day Breakfast: Grandparents and grandparent figures are our honored guests for a very special breakfast event sponsored by Miner's Community School Coordinator, Ms. Woodson.
Monday, September 2
- School Closed: Labor Day Holiday
August 2019
Thursday, August 29
Tuesday, August 27
Monday, August 26
Saturday, August 24
Friday, August 23
Monday, August 19
- First Day of School for PreK: Welcome (and welcome back) to our youngest Miner Bears! Doors will open at 8:20 AM.
- 9:15 AM in the Cafeteria // ECE Family Orientation: Principal Jackson will meet with all ECE families to give an overview of what to expect and answer questions.
- 3:15 PM // Aftercare begins: For ECE students enrolled in DCPS and Apollo programs.
Tuesday, August 27
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Rosedale Recreation Center // ECE Teacher Meet-n-Greet and Playdate: All incoming and current ECE families are invited to join the ECE teachers at the Rosedale Playground (1701 Gales St) for introductions and to welcome back returning students.
Monday, August 26
- First Day of School for K-5: Welcome back to our returning Miner Bears for School Year 2018-19! Doors will open at 8:20 AM.
- 3:15 PM // Aftercare begins: For students enrolled in DCPS (K), The Fishing School (Grades 1-5) and Apollo (K-5) programs.
Saturday, August 24
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM // ECE Garden Beautification Day: The PTO is hosting a garden cleanup in the brand new ECE garden - plus ECE play date in the ECE playground. The kids can play and get to know their classmates while parents mingle and help pull weeds and tidy up the garden for the first day of school.
- 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM // Welcome Back Community Day: You're invited to join the Miner community for a fun afternoon of giveaways, food, yoga, a petting zoo, and more. See the event flyer for details, including a complete schedule of events.
Friday, August 23
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM // Meet-Your-Teacher: Parents are invited to come in and meet their child's teacher before the first day of school. Teachers will be working on their rooms still but we wanted to begin to let you say an informal "hello."
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Summer "Meet and Greet": LSAT members for SY19-20 are invited to get to know each other and prepare for the year ahead. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, August 19
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in Room 143 // PTO Leadership Team Meeting: the monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs is open to anyone interested in attending and/or providing feedback to PTO leadership.
July 2019
Saturday, July 27
- 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the Gym // PreK and K Playdate: Incoming and current PreK3/4 and K families are invited to a summer playdate. We will be set up in the gym—the kids can have fun on the bounce castle or the playground while families get to talk with Principal Jackson, meet PTO leadership, and get an early look at class rosters.
June 2019
Friday, June 14
Thursday, June 13
Wednesday, June 12
Tuesday, June 11
Monday, June 10
Friday, June 7
Thursday, June 6
Tuesday, June 4
- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: Students dismissed at 3:15
Thursday, June 13
- School Picture Day: Cap & Gown and Class Photos for PK4, Kindergarten, and 5th grade
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, June 12
- School Picture Day: Individual & Class Photos for PreK3 and 1st-4th grades
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Tuesday, June 11
- 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM on the ECE Playground // ECE Field Day: Families are invited to join their students for a fun morning of games and activities.
- 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM on the north field // K-2 Field Day: Families are invited to join their students for a fun morning of games and activities.
- 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM on the north field // 3-5 Field Day: Families are invited to join their students for a fun afternoon of games and activities.
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the Peace Garden // School Garden Team Meeting: The monthly status meeting about Miner's garden program. All interested in Miner's gardens are welcome to attend.
Monday, June 10
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the Gym // Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony: It's a celebration as our Kindergarten students are promoted to the 1st Grade!
Friday, June 7
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the Gym // PreK-4 Promotion Ceremony: It's a celebration as our PreK-4 students graduate from our ECE program!
- 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM in the Gym // 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony: It's a celebration as our 5th grade students graduate from Miner on their way to Middle School! Congratulations!
Thursday, June 6
- 8:20 AM - 9:10 AM in Room 101 // ECE Father's Day Breakfast: Join us as we celebrate fathers and father-figures. Space is limited. Please RSVP to Ms. Brissett by June 4 ([email protected]).
Tuesday, June 4
- 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the Cafeteria // 5th Grade Dance: It's an end-of-year celebration to help send off our 5th graders in style!
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
May 2019
Thursday, May 30
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Art Show: All are invited to view outstanding artwork created by our scholars this year.
Tuesday, May 28
- No school for students: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Monday, May 27
- School Closed: Memorial Day Holiday
Thursday, May 23
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Walker-Jones!
Wednesday, May 22
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Jr. Soccer: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Turkey Thicket for the last game of the season!
Tuesday, May 21
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, May 20
- 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM in the ECE Garden // Garden Installation: The Anacostia Watershed Society will be installing a brand new garden in the ECE green space with plants, landscaping, and educational features. Students and families are welcome to come help plant something wonderful! Shovels and other tools will be provided.
Thursday, May 16
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the ECE Garden // Garden Prep w/ AWS: The Anacostia Watershed Society will be on hand to help weed and prep the garden space for plant installation and other landscaping on May 20. Come on out to lend a hand!
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
- 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 101 // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
Wednesday, May 15
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Audi Field // DC Scores Jr. Jamboree: Families of our Jr. Bears Soccer team are welcome to attend this fun annual event hosted by DC Scores. This year at Audi Field for the first time!
Monday, May 13
- 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM in Room 101 // Girl Scout Troop Formation Meeting: Please attend if you're interested in helping to organize a Girl Scout Troop for Miner.
Thursday, May 9
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Thomas ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Thomas!
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM at Eastern High School // "Basketball Fever": Eliot-Hine Middle School is hosting a basketball fundraiser featuring its feeder schools, including Miner!
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, May 8
- 7:30 AM in Lincoln Park // National Bike-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then bike/walk together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
- 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM in Large Group Instruction Room // Parent Leadership Information Session #1: PTO and LSAT elections are coming up! To prepare, Miner is holding three informal information and Q&A sessions for parents interested in learning more about parent leadership opportunities at Miner. This includes PTO, Local School Advisory Team (LSAT), PreK Parent Committee, and various school committees that have parent membership (such as Wellness, Garden, and Personnel). This first session is designed for parents who pick up their students graders at the regular dismissal time.
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Jr. Soccer: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Amidon-Bowen ES!
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM in Large Group Instruction Room // Parent Leadership Information Session #2: This second session is designed for parents who pick up their students after clubs and afterschool activities.
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in Large Group Instruction Room // Parent Leadership Information Session #3: This third and final session is designed for parents who pick up their students from PAL and Springboard aftercare.
Tuesday, May 7
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Monday, May 6 - Friday, May 10
Thursday, May 2
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
Wednesday, May 1
- Enrollment Deadline for Matched Students
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Bancroft ES // DC Scores Jr. Soccer: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Bancroft ES!
April 2019
Saturday, April 27
- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Main Office // Enrollment Open House: Miner will be open and staff will be on hand to assist current and incoming families complete the enrollment process for School Year 2019-2020.
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Gym // Incoming & Prospective Family Playdate: All incoming and prospective families from all grade levels are welcome to come and meet current parents and staff and hear about all the great things happening at our school! The bounce castle will be up and running to tire out the little ones just in time for nap! Miner's Garden Team will have fun activities set up in the Peace Garden too!
Thursday, April 25
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Soccer vs. Kimball: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Kimball!
Wednesday, April 24
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Jr. Soccer vs. Reed ES: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Reed!
Tuesday, April 23
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, April 22
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the ECE Wing // ECE Earth Day Celebration: Friends and families of our youngest Bears are invited to celebrate Earth Day with six fun environmentally-themed stations: healthy snacks, banner painting, planting center, recycling center, bird watching, and Earth Day books.
Monday, April 15 - Friday, April 19
Sunday, April 14
- 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM at Miner // Christ City Church Block Party: Everyone is invited to a fun afternoon of food, games, crafts, face painting, and the bounce castle!
Friday, April 12
- PARCC Spirit Week "Pajama Day": All students & staff dress in their pajamas...don't forget your slippers!!
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Gym // Spring Dance: All Miner families are welcome to celebrate our students and Miner community by coming together for an evening of fun and elegance. We are looking forward to everyone coming out with their dancing shoes and dressed to impress for an evening to remember! RSVP and volunteer on the dedicated Dance webpage.
Thursday, April 11
- PARCC Spirit Week "Dress for Success": All students & staff dress to impress in their favorite suit or dress...don't forget your tie fellas!
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the ECE Kitchen // School Garden Team Meeting: The monthly status meeting about Miner's garden program. All interested in Miner's gardens are welcome to attend.
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Soccer vs. Imagine Hope: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Imagine Hope!
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, April 10
- PARCC Spirit Week "Wacky Tacky Day": All students & staff dress in a wacky way...wear mismatch shoes & socks, crazy colored shirts, and maybe do a funny thing with your hair too!
- PARCC Testing: 5th Grade Science
Tuesday, April 9
- PARCC Spirit Week "Twin Day": All students & staff dress up as a twin with a friend or teacher.
- PARCC Testing: 5th Grade Science
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in Room 101 // Girl Scout Troop Formation Meeting: Discover how your family can become a Girl Scout Family! Learn about troop opportunities and the newly forming troop at Miner. For girls K-5th.
Monday, April 8
- PARCC Spirit Week "Rep Your Team": All students & staff show team spirit by dressing in the gear of your favorite team!
Saturday, April 6
- 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Main Office // Enrollment Open House: Miner will be open and staff will be on hand to assist current and incoming families complete the enrollment process for School Year 2019-2020.
Friday, April 5
- No School for Students: Professional Development Day for Teachers and Records Day
Thursday, April 4
- No School for Students: Professional Development Day for Teachers
Wednesday, April 3
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Truesdell EC // DC Scores Jr. Soccer vs. Truesdell: Come cheer on our Junior Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Truesdell!
Tuesday, April 2
- 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 101 // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
March 2019
Thursday, March 28
Monday, March 25
Thursday, March 21
Tuesday, March 19
Friday, March 15
Thursday, March 14
Wednesday, March 13
Tuesday, March 12
Monday, March 11
Monday, March 11 through Friday, March 15
Sunday, March 10
Saturday, March 9
Friday, March 8
Thursday, March 7
Tuesday, March 5
Monday, March 4
Sunday, March 3 through Saturday, March 23
Friday, March 1
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Drew ES // DC Scores Soccer vs. Drew: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Drew Elementary School!
- 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM in TBD Location // ECE Parent Cafe: Join with fellow ECE parents to share ideas that can help us take care of ourselves and our families, and raise strong happy children. Dinner and child care provided. To register contact Ms. Brissett ([email protected]) or Ms. Kraemer ([email protected])
Monday, March 25
- In-School Dental Screening: Gordon Dental Associates will provide FREE dental screening for Miner students. They are 100% covered by Medicaid/CHIP, and take private dental insurance as well. This is a great opportunity to complete your student’s oral exam for the 2019-20 school year. Click to download the flyer and contact Ms. Brissett ([email protected]) or Ms. Woodson ([email protected]) with any questions.
Thursday, March 21
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Soccer vs. Turner: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Turner Elementary School!
Tuesday, March 19
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Friday, March 15
- 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM in the Library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
Thursday, March 14
- 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM in the Library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the ECE Kitchen // School Garden Team Meeting: The monthly status meeting about Miner's garden program. All interested in Miner's gardens are welcome to attend.
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, March 13
- 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM in the Library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
Tuesday, March 12
- 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM in the Library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
Monday, March 11
- 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM in the Library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
Monday, March 11 through Friday, March 15
- Scholastic Book Fair: During our twice-yearly event, families will have the opportunity to browse an incredible selection of age-appropriate books and make purchases that support Miner's library and literacy programs. Parents, please consider buying an additional book or two and donating it to your child's classroom library!
Sunday, March 10
- Daylight Saving Time Begins: Remember to "spring forward" and set your clocks ahead one hour.
Saturday, March 9
- 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Cafeteria and Gym // 4th Annual Community Yard Sale: You're invited to shop, donate, or volunteer for this important PTO fundraiser. See the dedicated Yard Sale webpage for all the details on how you can get involved.
- 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM in the Gym // Incoming & Prospective Family Playdate: We would like to welcome all incoming and prospective families from all grade levels to come and meet current parents and staff and hear about all the great things happening at our school! The bounce castle will be up and running to tire out the little ones just in time for nap!
Friday, March 8
- No school for students: Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, March 7
- 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 101 // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
Tuesday, March 5
- 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE Mardi Gras Craft Activity: Join your fellow ECE parents and students in creating festive masks and bead necklaces.
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the gym // 2nd Advisory Student Achievement Assembly (3rd-5th grades): Parents are invited to join in recognizing and celebrating the hard work and determination of our Mighty Bear scholars during the 2nd Advisory period.
- 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM in the gym // 2nd Advisory Student Achievement Assembly (K-2nd grades): Parents are invited to join in recognizing and celebrating the hard work and determination of our Mighty Bear scholars during the 2nd Advisory period.
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Monday, March 4
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the Library // New Playground - Parent Feedback Session: DCPS will present playground equipment concept plans for the outdoor space and they would like parent feedback. This is an open house style event and is focused on the equipment for the space, not the overall concept. See the Master Site Plan webpage for details.
Sunday, March 3 through Saturday, March 23
- Scholastic Online Book Fair: All purchases benefit Miner. Free shipping to the school! Visit Miner's page on Scholastic's website.
Friday, March 1
- MySchoolDC Lottery closes: Make sure to apply here before the deadline.
- 1:45 PM in the Gym // Black History Month Program: Parents and guardians are invited to come see Miner scholars perform a "Legends of Motown" celebration of Black History Month!
February 2019
Thursday, February 28
Wednesday, February 27
Tuesday, February 26
Tuesday, February 19 - Friday, February 22
Monday, February 18
Friday, February 15
Thursday, February 14
Wednesday, February 13
Tuesday, February 12
Thursday, February 7
Tuesday, February 5
- 9:00 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE Black History Month Presentation: Each class will be performing at 9:00 AM in the ECE wing. Parents are welcome to attend.
Wednesday, February 27
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in Room 101 // ECE Open House: This is the final of six opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. Children are welcome to attend!
Tuesday, February 26
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: This will be an extended version of the regular February LSAT meeting dedicated to SY19-20 budget discussions. The first part will be open to all, with the remainder a closed session.. More information about the LSAT here.
- 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM in TBD Location // ECE Parent Cafe: Parent Cafés are physically and emotionally safe spaces where parents and caregivers talk about the challenges and victories of raising a family. Through individual deep self-reflection and peer-to-peer learning, participants explore their strengths, learn about the Protective Factors, and create strategies from their own wisdom and experiences to help strengthen their families. Dinner and child care provided.
Tuesday, February 19 - Friday, February 22
- School Closed: February Recess
Monday, February 18
- School Closed: President's Day Holiday
Friday, February 15
- Time & Location TBA // Parent Appreciation Week: Giveaways!: To thank our parents and guardians, we will be conducting giveaways to cap off Parent Appreciation Week. Thank you parents!
Thursday, February 14
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the ECE Kitchen // School Garden Team Meeting: The monthly status meeting about Miner's garden program. All interested in Miner's gardens are welcome to attend.
- 4:00 PM at Watkins ES // Basketball Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Watkins ES!
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, February 13
- 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE Valentine Craft Activity: We want to know what your little one loves about Miner. Before dropping your child please take a few minutes to stop by to decorate a heart with festive stickers and write why they love being a Miner Bear. The hearts will be hung in the hallway for everyone to enjoy!
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM in Room 101 // Parent Appreciation Week: Yoga Night: Yoga District will be leading a yoga class. If you're interested, see Community School Coordinator Ms. Woodson ([email protected]) or ECE Family Services Coordinator Ms. Brissett ([email protected]). 25 spots are available.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 103 // Upper Grade Open House: Parents of students K-5 are invited to hear all about Miner and have their questions answered. No RSVP is necessary and kids are welcome to attend too!
Tuesday, February 12
- 8:20 AM - 9:00 AM in Room 101 // Parent Appreciation Week: Muffins for Mom & Donuts for Dad: All Miner parents and guardians are welcome to kick off Parent Appreciation Week with some tasty morning treats.
- 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM in the Art Studio // Parent Appreciation Week: Paint & Sip: Miner's Art teacher, Ms. Rosettie, will be hosting a fun painting event. If you're interested, see Community School Coordinator Ms. Woodson ([email protected]). 20 spots are available.
Thursday, February 7
- 4:00 PM at HD Woodson HS // Basketball Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
- 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 101 // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
Tuesday, February 5
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
January 2019
Thursday, January 31
Wednesday, January 23
Tuesday, January 22
Monday, January 21
Thursday, January 17
Wednesday, January 16
Tuesday, January 15
Friday, January 11
Thursday, January 10
Tuesday, January 8
- 4:00 PM at Watkins ES // Basketball Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Watkins ES!
Wednesday, January 23
- No school for students: Professional Development Day
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 103 // Upper Grade Open House: Parents of students K-5 are invited to hear all about Miner and have their questions answered. No RSVP is necessary and kids are welcome to attend too!
Tuesday, January 22
- No school for students: Professional Development day & Records Day
Monday, January 21
- School Closed: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Thursday, January 17
- 4:00 PM at Brown Education Campus // Basketball Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Brown EC!
- 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM in the gym // Movie Night: Families are invited to Miner's first ever Movie Night! Doors open at 5:30 for snacks, and the movie begins at 6:00. We will be showing the 2018 animated comedy adventure "Smallfoot."
Wednesday, January 16
- 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM in Room 101 // ECE Open House: This is the fifth of six opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
Tuesday, January 15
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Friday, January 11
- 9:15 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE Morning Meeting: Join your PreK3 or PreK4 student during their weekly Morning Meeting. Miner's music teacher Mr. Chubb and a kindergarten class will perform a few songs and Mr. Chubb will also play several instruments.
Thursday, January 10
- 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 101 // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Tuesday, January 8
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 101 // ECE Open House: This is the fourth of six opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. Children are welcome to attend!
December 2018
Monday, December 24 through Tuesday, January 1
Friday, December 21
Thursday, December 20
Wednesday, December 19
Tuesday, December 18
Monday, December 17
Friday, December 14
Thursday, December 13
Wednesday, December 12
Monday, December 10
Saturday, December 8
Thursday, December 6
Tuesday, December 4
Saturday, December 1
- School Closed: Winter Break
Friday, December 21
- Spirit Week "Festive Friday": Wear your ugly holiday sweater/shirt or your most festive outfit!
Thursday, December 20
- Spirit Week "Blizzard White Out": Wear all white!
- 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in Room 103 // Holiday Treats for Staff: The PTO will sponsor a "dessert bar" with a wide selection of baked goodies to express parents' continued appreciation of what Miner's teachers, staff, and administrators do for our students.
Wednesday, December 19
- Spirit Week "Long Winter Naps": Wear your favorite, most cozy pajamas!
Tuesday, December 18
- Spirit Week "Snug as a Wacky Bug": Wear flannel, wacky hats, and socks.
- 9:00 AM in the cafeteria // Attendance Wars Parent Raffle: Parent MUST be present to win.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, December 17
- Spirit Week "Rep Your Team Day": Wear a jersey or shirt for your favorite team!
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in Room 101 // ECE Open House: This is the third of six opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. Children are welcome to attend!
Friday, December 14
- 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM in ECE Wing // ECE Winter Holiday Event: The PreK Parent Committee is hosting a Winter Holiday extravaganza for parents and PreK3 and PreK4 students. Come join in the fun!
Thursday, December 13
- 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM // Winter Personality Photos: Studio K will be at Miner to take "Winter Personality Photos." You can obtain order forms from the front office.
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the ECE Kitchen // School Garden Team Meeting: The monthly status meeting about Miner's garden program. All interested in Miner's gardens are welcome to attend.
- 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM // PAL Winter Craft Night: Parents are welcome to join their PAL students for a good time making winter-themed crafts. Grades 1-5 are in the cafeteria and PreK & K are in Rooms 103 and 105.
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, December 12
- 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM in the cafeteria // Master Site Planning Meeting: The Miner community will have the chance to meet with representatives from DCPS to discuss feedback collected so far, and next steps for the Master Site Planning process. Visit our MSP webpage for information about the effort and feedback received from the Miner community.
Monday, December 10
- MySchoolDC Lottery opens: New families wanting to join the Miner family apply here. If you're already enrolled at Miner and wish to continue, there is no need to reapply.
Saturday, December 8
- 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM at the DC Armory // DCPS "EdFest": This is the annual DCPS event in which schools from across the city come together in one location so that prospective parents can meet school administrators and staff.
Thursday, December 6
- 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in Room 101 // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
Tuesday, December 4
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the ECE Wing // Curriculum Night: ECE parents will have an opportunity to experience first-hand Miner's early childhood curriculum and learning environment.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Saturday, December 1
- 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery.
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE Open House: This is the second of six opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
November 2018
Friday, November 30
Thursday, November 29
Wednesday, November 28
Monday, November 26
Wednesday, November 23 through Friday, November 25
Tuesday, November 20
Monday, November 19
Friday, November 16
Thursday, November 15
Wednesday, November 14
Tuesday, November 13
Tuesday, November 13 through Tuesday, November 20
Monday, November 12
Thursday, November 8
Wednesday, November 7
Tuesday, November 6
Sunday, November 4
Saturday, November 3
Thursday, November 1
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery.
Thursday, November 29
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM // Restorative Justice Information Night: Join us to learn more about the Restorative Justice work that Miner is engaging in this year. Representatives from Restorative DC that train our teachers will be here to lead a parent workshop.
Wednesday, November 28
- 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM in the Parent Center (Rm 103) // ECE Parent Committee Holiday Event Planning Meeting: ECE Parent Committee would like to invite all caregivers to join us if you're interested in helping to plan the ECE holiday event to be held in December.
Monday, November 26
- 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE Open House: This is the first of six opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner for PreK3 or PreK4 to come hear about our Early Childhood program and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
Wednesday, November 23 through Friday, November 25
- School Closed: Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, November 20
- 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, November 19
- 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
Friday, November 16
- 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM in the library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
Thursday, November 15
- 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the gym // Student Achievement Ceremony (3rd-5th): Miner will be honoring outstanding student performance in academics, attendance, and citizenship.
- 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM in the gym // Student Achievement Ceremony (K-2nd): Miner will be honoring outstanding student performance in academics, attendance, and citizenship.
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the Parent Resource Center (Rm 103) // School Garden Team Meeting: The monthly status meeting about Miner's garden program. All interested in Miner's gardens are welcome to attend.
- 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM at the Rosedale Recreation Center // Community Meeting: Proposed Rosedale Farm: ANC6A07 Commissioner Sondra Phillips-Gilbert is hosting a community meeting with potential bidders for the proposed urban farm to be located on Kramer between 16th and 17th, less than a block from Miner. Educational tie-ins with area students may be a part of this city-sponsored endeavor, so come out to learn more and to make your voice heard. Click to read a recent Washington City Paper article about the site.
Wednesday, November 14
- 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM in the library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM // Family Literacy Night: This year's theme is "An Enchanted Night of Literacy." Come out for a fun evening of literacy-theme crafts, activities, and book readings!
Tuesday, November 13
- 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM in the library // Scholastic Book Fair: Come check out the great selection of books and support literacy at home and at school.
- 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in the Parent Resource Center (Rm 103) // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Tuesday, November 13 through Tuesday, November 20
- Scholastic Book Fair: During our twice-yearly event, families will have the opportunity to browse an incredible selection of age-appropriate books and make purchases that support Miner's library and literacy programs. Parents, please consider buying an additional book or two and donating it to your child's classroom library! More information and online shopping is available on the Scholastic Book Fair website. Click to download the event flyer.
Monday, November 12
- School Closed: Veteran's Day Holiday (observed)
Thursday, November 8
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // DC Scores Soccer vs. Hope Tolson: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Hope-Tolson Elementary School!
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, November 7
- 4:00 PM at Miner // DC Scores Jr Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Junior Bears as they take on Trinidad for the final game of the season!
Tuesday, November 6
- No School for Students: Election Day
- 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM // Election Day Bake Sale: The Miner PTO will have coffee and other morning treats for sale.
Sunday, November 4
- Daylight Saving Time Ends: Remember to "fall back" and set your clocks back one hour.
Saturday, November 3
- 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Capitol Hill Day School // MoTH School Fair: The Annual Moms on The Hill (MoTH) School Fair is our chance to meet parents from the neighborhood who are interested in learning more about Miner. We've had a good presence the past couple of years, and engaged with a good number of few parents seeking information about Miner. If you're enthusiastic about Miner, we'd love to have you at our information table!
Thursday, November 1
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Thomas ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Thomas Elementary School!
October 2018
Wednesday, October 31
- 9:15 AM - 11:30 AM in the ECE Wing // Book-o-Ween: Our youngest Bears will dress in costumes representing a character from their favorite book. There will be fun family engagement activities such as apple dipping, cookie decorating, pumpkin painting, and more!
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the Gym // Oktoberfest Party: The PTO is hosting Miner's annual Oktoberfest party including a DJ, games & activities, food, and "trunk"-or-treating. See all the details on our dedicated Oktoberfest webpage, including a link to RSVP and how to volunteer.
Friday, October 26
- No School for Students: Professional Development Day for Teachers and Records Day
- 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM at Eastern Market // Hilloween: Come out and have some Halloween fun at this Capitol Hill tradition!
Thursday, October 25
- No School for Students: Professional Development Day for Teachers
Wednesday, October 24
- 4:00 PM at Miner // DC Scores Jr Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Junior Bears as they take on Van Ness!
- 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM // Lights On Afterschool Celebration: Come celebrate Miner's afterschool partner PAL (People.Animals.Love) in this nationwide event. Arts, crafts, games, and snacks will be provided.
Saturday, October 20
- 10:00 AM - Noon in the Peace Garden // "Fall in Love with the Garden" Party: Miner families, friends, and neighbors are invited to come out for some for some fall fun, and maybe a little gardening too! The Peace Garden is made possible through a partnership with Cultivate the City who helps to keep us growing! Click to download the event flyer.
Thursday, October 18
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Burrville ES // DC Scores Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Burville Elementary School!
Wednesday, October 17 through Thursday, November 15
- Thanksgiving Food Drive: Miner's fifth graders are leading the school's annual drive to collect food items to provide a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner to Miner families in need. Drop off your donations in the lobby or cafeteria. The PTO is also accepting donations of turkeys.
Wednesday, October 17
- 8:45 AM in the Parent Center (Rm 103) // Coffee with the Principal: Parents are invited to join Principal Jackson to hear about this month's special topic "TRC/Dibels" testing, and then ask him anything for an open discussion.
- 4:00 PM at Miner // DC Scores Jr Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Junior Bears as they take on Turkey Thicket!
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the Gym // Specials Teachers Meet & Greet: Specials Teachers Meet & Greet: Parents are invited to come and meet our five specials teachers and ask questions about Miner's special subjects: Library, Physical Education/Health, Visual Arts, Music, and World Language (Spanish).
Tuesday, October 16
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Thursday, October 11
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the Parent Resource Center (Rm 103) // School Garden Team Meeting: The monthly status meeting about Miner's garden program. All interested in Miner's gardens are welcome to attend.
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, October 10
- 7:30 AM in Lincoln Park // Walk-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then walk together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
- 4:00 PM at Miner // DC Scores Jr Soccer: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Junior Bears as they take on Amidon-Bowen Elementary School!
Monday, October 8
- School Closed: Columbus Day Holiday
Thursday, October 4
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Leckie ES // Soccer Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Leckie Elementary School!
Tuesday, October 2
- 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM in the Parent Resource Center (Rm 103) // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
September 2018
Saturday, September 29
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM // ECE Green space Cleanup: The new ECE playground will open on October 1, so the PTO is hosting a final cleanup of the adjacent green space to make sure it is clear of any small construction debris or trash, and is ready for play by our youngest Mighty Bears!
Thursday, September 27
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // Soccer Game vs. Boone ES: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Boone Elementary School!
Thursday, September 20
- 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM at Miner // Soccer Game vs. Turner ES: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Turner Elementary School!
- 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM // Back to School Night: Our first big event of the year! All Miner families are invited back to meet with the leadership team and staff at Miner. Learn what we have planned for the year and what your students will be learning this year.
Tuesday, September 18
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Thursday, September 13
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, September 12
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Master Site Planning Kickoff: Join DCPS, Miner's administration, and the PTO for a kickoff meeting of the "Master Site Planning" process in which Miner's staff and parents will establish a Master Site Plan Team to develop options for replacing Miner's north side playgrounds and other campus upgrades utilizing $1.5M in the city's FY2019 budget.
Tuesday, September 11
- 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM in the Parent Resource Center (Rm 103) // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: Join us for the first of the PTO's regular monthly meeting for membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Friday, September 7
- 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM in the Parent Resource Center // Welcome Back Breakfast: All of Miner's teachers and staff are welcome to come by and pick up breakfast sandwiches and oatmeal courtesy of the PTO.
Thursday, September 6
- 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM in the cafeteria // Grandparents Day Breakfast: Grandparents and grandparent figures are our honored guests for a very special breakfast event in honor of Grandparents Day!
Monday, September 3
- School Closed: Labor Day Holiday
August 2018
Thursday, August 23
- 8:45 AM // First Day of School for PreK: Welcome (and welcome back) to our youngest Miner Bears! Doors will open at 8:20 AM.
- 9:30 AM in the Cafeteria // PK3 & PK4 Parent Meeting: Principal Jackson will meet with all ECE families to give an overview of what to expect and answer questions.
- 3:15 PM // Aftercare Begins: PAL and Springboard aftercare programming begins for PreK students enrolled in these programs. Pickup starts and 5:30 and all students must be picked up by 6:00 PM.
Monday, August 20
- 8:45 AM // First Day of School for K-5: Welcome back to our returning Miner Bears for School Year 2018-19! Doors will open at 8:20 AM.
- 3:15 PM // Aftercare Begins: PAL and Springboard aftercare programming begins for K-5 students enrolled in these programs. Pickup starts and 5:30 and all students must be picked up by 6:00 PM.
Saturday, August 4
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM // DCPS Early Childhood Community Summer Splash Party: DCPS Office of Early Childhood will be hosting this fun event at the Joseph H. Cole Spray Park (map). This event is open to families who attend several of our sister school and is not hosted by Miner but open to our PK3 and PK4 families. Click to download the flyer.
Wednesday, August 1
- 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM // Miner Family Cook Out: Bring your family out and join us for a family cookout on the field at Miner. This event is open for all families in PK3 - 5th grade who have enrolled for School Year 2018-19.
July 2018
Saturday, July 28
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM // ECE Playdate: Come and join Principal Jackson for a playdate hosted in the Miner gymnasium for all current and incoming Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 families.
June 2018
Friday, June 15
- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: Students dismissed at 12:15
Thursday, June 14
- 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM // Garden Market, CSA Pickup, and Garden Work Day: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Also, get your hands a little dirty and help maintain Miner's Peace garden.
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, June 13
- 10:00 AM in the Gym // Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony: It's a celebration as our Kindergarten students move up to first grade!
Tuesday, June 12
- 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM and 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM on the Field // Field Day: A fun annual tradition with races and other outdoor games and activities. This year promises to be bigger and better than ever!
Friday, June 8
- 10:00 AM in the Gym // PreK-4 Promotion Ceremony: It's a celebration as our PreK-4 students graduate from our ECE program!
- 2:00 PM in the Gym // 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony: It's a celebration as our 5th students graduate from Miner on their way to Middle School! Congratulations!
Thursday, June 7
- 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM // Garden Market, CSA Pickup, and Garden Work Day: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Also, get your hands a little dirty and help maintain Miner's Peace garden.
Wednesday, June 6
- 9:30 AM // School Picture Day: Individual w/ Cap & Gown and Class Photos (PK4 & K)
- Lunchtime // Strawberries & Salad Greens Day: Schools across the District participate in this annual event to showcase locally grown produce. At Miner, students will be served strawberries and salad greens at lunch, with a live plant demonstration and lesson.
Tuesday, June 5
- 9:30 AM // School Picture Day: Individual w/ Cap & Gown and Class Photos (5th Grade)
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This will be the final PTO of the year. Results from the LSAT Parent Representative and PTO Executive Board elections will be announced. PTO will also discuss plans for next year. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Friday, June 1
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Kitchen // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
- 9:00 AM // DCPS Afterschool Registration Opens: Only students registered for the 2018/2019 School Year can register for Afterschool Programs online. If you have not completed your registration for the 18/19 School Year you will not be able to complete the afterschool registration:
- 9:30 AM // School Picture Day: Individual & Class (PK3 & 1st-4th)
May 2018
Thursday, May 31
Tuesday, May 29 - Friday, June 1
Monday, May 28
Friday, May 25
Thursday, May 24
Wednesday, May 23
Monday, May 21
Saturday, May 19
Thursday, May 17
Tuesday, May 15
Friday, May 11
Thursday, May 10
Wednesday, May 9
Monday, May 7
Monday, May 7 - Friday, May 11
Saturday, May 5
Friday, May 4
Thursday, May 3
Tuesday, May 1
- 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM // Garden Market, CSA Pickup, and Garden Work Day: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Also, get your hands a little dirty and help maintain Miner's Peace garden.
Tuesday, May 29 - Friday, June 1
- Voting period for PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representatives: Ballots will be sent home in student backpacks on May 29. Return ballots to the main office by June 1. One ballot per family, please.
Monday, May 28
- School Closed: Memorial Day
Friday, May 25
- No school for students: Professional Development Day
Thursday, May 24
- No school for students: Parent Teacher Conferences
- 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM // Garden Market, CSA Pickup, and Garden Work Day: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Also, get your hands a little dirty and help maintain Miner's Peace garden.
- 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Art & Music Showcase: Come see the incredible visual and musical art talent of our Miner Bears!
Wednesday, May 23
- 4:30 PM // ECE "Painting in the Garden": ECE parent and students are invited to the ECE garden and use watercolor pencils and paints to collaboratively sketch and paint plants and flowers they see in the garden. The event will be catered with dinner. Parents are welcome to bring cupcakes or cookies to share.
Monday, May 21
- 9:00 AM // DCPS Afterschool Enrollment Opens: *UPDATE*: Online enrollment did not open today as planned. DCPS will announce a launch date as soon as possible.
- 7:00 PM at Nationals Park // DCPS Night at the Nats: A DCPS annual tradition. This year the Nats take on the San Diego Padres!
Saturday, May 19
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Gym // Incoming & Prospective Family Playdate: We would like to welcome all incoming and prospective families to come and meet current parents and staff and hear about all the great things happening at our school! The bounce castle will be up and running!
Thursday, May 17
- 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM // Garden Market, CSA Pickup, and Garden Work Day: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Also, get your hands a little dirty and help maintain Miner's Peace garden.
- 4:00 PM at Thomas ES // Soccer Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Thomas ES!
Tuesday, May 15
- 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM at &Pizza (1118 H St NE) // Pizza fundraiser: &Pizza H St. will donate a portion of tonight's sales to the Miner PTO. So come on out for some tasty pizza and help out Miner at the same time. In-store or pickup order only.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM at &Pizza (1118 H St NE) // LSAT Meeting: Join us at &Pizza this month to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson.
Friday, May 11
- 8:20 AM - 9:30 AM in the Cafeteria // Muffins with Moms: Start the day with a smile and join together at Miner as mother and child for free pastries and breakfast drinks. A backdrop will be available for photos, and students can write Mom a special Mother's Day message! Click to download the flyer and RVSP form.
Thursday, May 10
- 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM // Garden Market, CSA Pickup, and Garden Work Day: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Also, get your hands a little dirty and help maintain Miner's Peace Garden.
- 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM // Family Garden Party: Join us in Miner's Peace Garden for family fun, including sign-painting, seed planting, and garden snacks!
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Eliot-Hine Middle School // "Basketball Fever": Eliot-Hine Middle School is hosting a basketball fundraiser featuring its feeder schools, including Miner! Click to download the flyer.
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, May 9
- 7:30 AM in Lincoln Park // National Bike-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then bike/walk together to Miner to start the day! More information here.
- 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM in the Library // Parent Leadership Information Session #1: PTO and LSAT elections are coming up! To prepare, Miner is holding three informal information and Q&A sessions for parents interested in learning more about leadership opportunities at Miner.
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM in the Library // Parent Leadership Information Session #2: PTO and LSAT elections are coming up! To prepare, Miner is holding three informal information and Q&A sessions for parents interested in learning more about leadership opportunities at Miner.
- 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM in the Library // Parent Leadership Information Session #3: PTO and LSAT elections are coming up! To prepare, Miner is holding three informal information and Q&A sessions for parents interested in learning more about leadership opportunities at Miner.
- 6:00 PM at Eliot-Hine Middle School // New Principal Search Kickoff Meeting: Join Cluster VII Instructional Superintendent Natalie Gordon and the Eliot-Hine community in a meeting to begin the search process for E-H's next principal. Miner Principal Bruce Jackson will be in attendance.
Monday, May 7
- 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM // Staff Appreciation Breakfast: It's Teacher Appreciation Week, so the PTO is hosting breakfast for our incredible educators and support staff to express our appreciation and to thank them for all that they do for Miner's students!
Monday, May 7 - Friday, May 11
Saturday, May 5
- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM // Peace Garden Infrastructure Improvement Day: Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City will be installing new garden beds and doing some other improvements and upgrades to the Peace Garden. The PTO will be painting new benches and tables. Come on out and lend a hand to make the garden beautiful (and functional!) for our scholars to learn in this spring!
Friday, May 4
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Kitchen // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
Thursday, May 3
- 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM // Garden Market, CSA Pickup, and Garden Work Day: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Also, get your hands a little dirty and help maintain Miner's Peace garden.
- 4:00 PM at Burrville ES // Soccer Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Burrville ES!
Tuesday, May 1
- Enrollment Deadline for Matched Students
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
April 2018
Saturday, April 28
Friday, April 27
Thursday, April 26
Tuesday, April 24
Monday, April 23 - Thursday, April 26
Saturday, April 21
Tuesday, April 17
Monday, April 16
Friday, April 13
Thursday, April 12
Tuesday, April 10
Friday, April 6
Thursday, April 5
Wednesday, April 4
Tuesday, April 3
Monday, April 2
- 9:00 AM - Noon in the Cafeteria and Gym // Third Annual Community Yard Sale: You're invited to shop, donate, or volunteer for this important PTO fundraiser. See the dedicated Yard Sale webpage for all the details on how you can get involved.
Friday, April 27
- No school for students: Professional Development Day
Thursday, April 26
- 4:00 PM at Miner // Soccer Game vs. Orr: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Orr ES!
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Gym // "Head to Toes" Family Fitness Night: As part of Every Kid Healthy Week, come get a bit sweaty for a fun and active Family Fitness Night.
Tuesday, April 24
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the Gym // Family Yoga Night: As part of Every Kid Healthy Week, come get your zen on for our third annual Family Yoga Night.
Monday, April 23 - Thursday, April 26
- Every Kid Healthy Week: There will be fun, healthy, and tasty activities all week long for Miner students and families. For all the details, click to download the flyer.
Saturday, April 21
- April Community Day:
- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Main Office // Enrollment Fair: Miner will be open and staff will be on hand to assist current and incoming families complete the enrollment process for School Year 2018-2019.
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 101 // "Growing Peace In the Family" Workshop: Little Friends for Peace will be holding an interactive workshop about family cooperation and problem-solving. The event is free and all ages are welcome! Click here to download the flyer.
- 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM in the Gym // Incoming & Prospective Family Playdate: We would like to welcome all incoming and prospective families to come and meet current parents and staff and hear about all the great things happening at our school! The bounce castle will be up and running to tire out the little ones just in time for nap!
Tuesday, April 17
- 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Work Day: Get your hands a little dirty and help prepare Miner's veggie garden for spring planting with our garden partner Cultivate the City.
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
- 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in TBD location // CHPSPO Meeting: Miner welcomes the Capitol Hill Public School Parents Organization for its monthly meeting! More information about CHPSPO here.
Monday, April 16
- School Closed: Emancipation Day
Friday, April 13
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Gym // Spring Dance: All Miner families are welcome to celebrate our students and Miner community by coming together for an evening of fun and elegance. We are looking forward to everyone coming out with their dancing shoes and dressed to impress for an evening to remember! RSVP and volunteer on the dedicated Dance webpage.
Thursday, April 12
- 4:00 PM at Beers ES // Soccer Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Beers ES!
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Tuesday, April 10
- 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Work Day: Get your hands a little dirty and help prepare Miner's veggie garden for spring planting with our garden partner Cultivate the City.
Friday, April 6
- PARCC Spirit Week "School Spirit Day": All students & staff dress in jeans and their Miner t-shirts. No Miner t-shirt? No worries! Dress in school colors: blue & white!
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Kitchen // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS Early Childhood Division.
- 12:15 PM // Students Dismissed: Records Day
Thursday, April 5
- PARCC Spirit Week "Dress for Success Day": All students & staff dress to impress in their favorite suit or dress - don't forget your tie fellas!
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the Gym // "Nifty Fifty" STEM Speaker Dr. Janet Hubka: Come hear how Dr. Hubka uses scientific art of human cells in her presentation "The Art of Science: Taking Art to the Cellular Level." This event is part of the USA Science Festival.
- 4:00 PM at Miner // Soccer Game vs. Hope-Tolson: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Hope-Tolson ES!
Wednesday, April 4
- PARCC Spirit Week "Wacky Tacky Day": All students & staff dress in a wacky way - wear mismatch shoes & socks, crazy colored shirts and maybe do a funny thing with your hair too!
Tuesday, April 3
- PARCC Spirit Week "Twin Day": All students & staff dress up as a twin with a friend or a teacher!
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Monday, April 2
- PARCC Spirit Week "Pajama Day": All students & staff dress in their pajamas - don't forget your slippers!
March 2018
Monday, March 26 - Friday, March 30
Friday, March 23
Thursday, March 22
Wednesday, March 21
Tuesday, March 20
Monday, March 19
Saturday, March 17
Friday, March 16
Sunday, March 11
Friday, March 9
Thursday, March 8
Tuesday, March 6
Monday, March 5 through Friday, March 9
Friday, March 2
Thursday, March 1
Friday, March 23
- Spirit Week "Spring Outfit Day": Wear your favorite Spring outfit!
- 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in Room 101 // Spring Break "Survival Packs" for staff: Miner's parents want to ensure that our incredible staff are well-provisioned for their week off from school, so the PTO is sponsoring Spring Break "Care Packs" of treats, drinks, and other yummy snack-type items for staff to choose from and take home over the break.
Thursday, March 22
- Spirit Week "Class Color Day": Homeroom Teachers will assign color
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the ECE Common Area // ECE End-of-Study Fashion Show: Our youngest Miner Bears will be hosting their very own fashion show! You will see some of the latest and the greatest wear in the DC area! So come out, bring your cameras and witness your children stroll down the Miner runway!
- 4:00 PM at Miner // Soccer Game vs. Turner: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears as they take on Turner ES!
Wednesday, March 21
- Spirit Week "Made in the Shade": Wear sunglasses or a hat!
Tuesday, March 20
- Spirit Week "March Madness Day": Represent your favorite college basketball team!
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson.
Monday, March 19
- Spirit Week "Wear Green Day": Wear Green for St. Patrick’s Day!
Saturday, March 17
- March Community Day:
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM // "Go Green" Spring Cleanup: Miner administration and PTO are hosting a spring cleaning day to tidy up the school grounds and gardens. It’s also St. Patrick’s Day, so there will be green lemonade on hand for thirsty volunteers. We hope you'll come out and join us to help spruce up for spring!
- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM // Incoming & Prospective Family Playdate: We would like to welcome all incoming and prospective families to come and meet current parents and staff and hear about all the great things happening at our school! The bounce castle will be up and running for the little ones to enjoy!
Friday, March 16
- 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM in the Parent Center // Women's History Month ECE Craft Activity: Join your fellow PK3 and PK4 parents after drop off to make books about historical women!
Sunday, March 11
- Daylight Saving Time Begins: Remember to "spring forward" and set your clocks ahead one hour.
Friday, March 9
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Kitchen // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS’s Early Childhood Division.
Thursday, March 8
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Tuesday, March 6
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Monday, March 5 through Friday, March 9
- Scholastic Book Fair: During our twice-yearly event, families will have the opportunity to browse an incredible selection of age-appropriate books and make purchases that support Miner's library and literacy programs. Parents, please consider buying an additional book or two and donating it to your child's classroom library!
Friday, March 2
- No school for students: Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, March 1
- MySchoolDC Lottery closes: Make sure to apply here before the deadline.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Second Floor Computer Lab (Rm 251) //Math Night: The Math Team will be having fun with math games and a preview of PARCC. Parents in grades three through five are invited to join in and learn about the ways you can support your child before, during, and even after standardized testing.
February 2018
Friday, February 23
- 9:00 AM in the ECE Common Area // Black History Month Student Presentations: After morning breakfast our ECE students will present what they have learned about Black history. Parents and relatives are encouraged to attend.
Tuesday, February 20
- 5:00 PM - TBD in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: This will be an extended version of the regular February LSAT meeting dedicated to SY18-19 budget discussions. The first 30 minutes will be open to all, with the remainder a closed session.
Monday, February 19
- School Closed: President's Day Holiday
Friday, February 16
- No school for students: Professional Development Day
Monday, February 12
- 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Common Area // Valentine "Trash to Treasure" Craft Activity: Join your fellow PK3 and PK4 parents in transforming various craft materials into Valentine cards for every ECE student. You can donate new or used craft materials: this includes anything around your house that could be used to create or decorate Valentine’s cards.
Thursday, February 8
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Tuesday, February 6
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the ECE Common Area // Prospective Parent Open House: This is the final of eight opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner to come hear about our programs and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Friday, February 2
- 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM in the Parent Center // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS’s Early Childhood Division. More information about the PreK Parent Committee here.
January 2018
Thursday, January 25
Wednesday, January 24
Friday, January 19
Thursday, January 18
Tuesday, January 16
Monday, January 15
Friday, January 12
Thursday, January 11
Tuesday, January 9
Friday, January 5
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM at JO Wilson Elementary (660 K St NE) // Summer Camp Fair: Here's your chance to visit over 40 camp exhibitors representing a wide variety of summer activities, ranging from traditional camps to academic, arts, music, sports, early childhood, and special interest camps. See for all the details.
Wednesday, January 24
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the ECE Common Area // Prospective Parent Open House: This is the sixth of eight opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner to come hear about our programs and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the ECE Common Area // Prospective Parent Open House: This is the seventh of eight opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner to come hear about our programs and what we have to offer. Children are welcome to attend!
Friday, January 19
- No school for students: Professional Development & Records Day
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in Room 101 // Winter Appreciation Lunch: The PTO is hosting lunch for our incredible educators and support staff to express our appreciation and to thank them for all that they do for Miner's students! Catering by our new partner, Chik-Fil-A!
Thursday, January 18
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the Gym // Winter Family Dance: You're invited to Miner's Winter Family Dance! Please wear your party best and parents/guardians are required to accompany students.
Tuesday, January 16
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, January 15
- School Closed: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Friday, January 12
- 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM in the Parent Center // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS’s Early Childhood Division. More information about the PreK Parent Committee here.
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the Parent Center // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: Afternoon version of the morning meeting. More information about the PreK Parent Committee here.
Thursday, January 11
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Tuesday, January 9
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the ECE Common Area // Prospective Parent Open House: This is the fifth of eight opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner to come hear about our programs and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Friday, January 5
- 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM in the ECE Common Area // PreK Parent Welcome Back Breakfast: During drop off, stop by and grab a lite “to go” breakfast (bagels, donuts etc.). A representative from ECE Central Office will be on hand so parents can make a video, take a picture, or create a card sharing what you love about Miner!
December 2017
Friday, December 22 through Tuesday, January 2
Thursday, December 21
Wednesday, December 20
Tuesday, December 19
Monday, December 18
Thursday, December 14
Monday, December 11
Saturday, December 9
Friday, December 8
Thursday, December 7
Tuesday, December 5
Saturday, December 2
Friday, December 1
- School Closed: Winter Break starts (school resumes on Wednesday, January 3)
Thursday, December 21
- Spirit Week "Ugly Sweater OR Holiday Best Day"
- 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM in Room 101 // Holiday Treats for Staff: The PTO will sponsor a "dessert bar" with a wide selection of baked goodies to express parents' continued appreciation of what Miner's teachers, staff, and administrators do for our students.
Wednesday, December 20
- Spirit Week "Wacky Hats and Socks Day"
Tuesday, December 19
- Spirit Week "Pajama Day"
- 2:45 PM // Attendance War Parent Raffle
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson. More information about the LSAT here.
Monday, December 18
- Spirit Week "Rep your Team Day"
Thursday, December 14
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Monday, December 11
- MySchoolDC Lottery opens: Apply here.
Saturday, December 9
- 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM at the DC Armory // DCPS "EdFest": This is the annual DCPS event in which schools from across the city come together in one location so that prospective parents can meet school administrators and staff.
Friday, December 8
- 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM in the Parent Center // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS’s Early Childhood Division. More information about the PreK Parent Committee here.
- 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the Parent Center // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: Afternoon version of the morning meeting. More information about the PreK Parent Committee here.
Thursday, December 7
- Holiday Picture Day: Studio K will be at Miner to take "Holiday School & Personality Photos." You can obtain order forms from the front office.
Tuesday, December 5
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM (Room 101) // Prospective Parent Open House: This is the third of eight opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner to come hear about our programs and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Room 101) // Prospective Parent Open House: This is the fourth of eight opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner to come hear about our programs and what we have to offer. Children are welcome to attend! Right after the Open House, you're invited to participate in this month's PTO General Meeting.
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Saturday, December 2
- 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery.
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Room 101) // Prospective Parent Open House: This will be one of eight opportunities for all prospective parents and families interested in Miner to come hear about our programs and what we have to offer. Children are welcome to attend! After the Open House, come visit our Greenery Sale.
Friday, December 1
- No School for Students: Teacher Professional Development Day
- 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the north parking lot // Holiday Greenery Sale: The Miner PTO will be selling Christmas trees and other holiday greenery.
November 2017
Wednesday, November 29
Thursday, November 23 & Friday, November 24
Tuesday, November 21
Monday, November 13 through Monday, November 20
Wednesday, November 15
Monday, November 13 through Friday, November 17
Friday, November 10
Thursday, November 9
Wednesday, November 8
Tuesday, November 7
Sunday, November 5
Saturday, November 4
Friday, November 3
Thursday, November 2
Wednesday, November 1
- 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM (Room 101) // Prospective Parent Open House: This is the first of eight opportunities for prospective parents and families interested in Miner to come hear about our programs and what we have to offer. This morning's session will include classroom visits. Children are welcome to attend!
Thursday, November 23 & Friday, November 24
- School Closed: Thanksgiving Holiday
Tuesday, November 21
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson.
Monday, November 13 through Monday, November 20
- Thanksgiving Food Drive: Miner's annual drive to collect food items to provide a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner to Miner families in need. Just drop off your donations in the box in the main lobby.
Wednesday, November 15
- 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM in the Gym // Specials Teachers Meet & Greet: Parents are invited to come and meet our six specials teachers and ask questions about Miner's special subjects: Library, Physical Education/Health, Visual Arts, Music, World Language (Spanish), and Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM).
Monday, November 13 through Friday, November 17
- Scholastic Book Fair: During our twice-yearly event, families will have the opportunity to browse an incredible selection of age-appropriate books and make purchases that support Miner's library and literacy programs. Parents, please consider buying an additional book or two and donating it to your child's classroom library!
Friday, November 10
- School Closed: Veteran's Day Holiday (observed)
Thursday, November 9
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, November 8
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
Tuesday, November 7
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
Sunday, November 5
- Daylight Saving Time Ends: Remember to "fall back" and set your clocks back one hour.
Saturday, November 4
- 9:00 AM - Noon on Kingman Island // Kingman Island Cleanup: Join our partner Christ City Church and the Anacostia Watershed Society to help remove invasive plants from Kingman Island, a true neighborhood treasure!
Friday, November 3
- No school for students: Parent Teacher Conferences
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in the Parent Center // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS’s Early Childhood Division.
- 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // Fall Appreciation Lunch: The PTO is hosting lunch for our incredible educators and support staff to express our appreciation and to thank them for all that they do for Miner's students!
- 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM in the Parent Center // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: Afternoon version of the morning meeting.
Thursday, November 2
- 4:00 PM at Thomas Elementary // Soccer Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
Wednesday, November 1
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
October 2017
Tuesday, October 31
Sunday, October 29
Friday, October 27
Thursday, October 26
Wednesday, October 25
Sunday, October 22
Saturday, October 21
Thursday, October 19
Wednesday, October 18
Sunday, October 15
Thursday, October 12
Wednesday, October 11
Tuesday, October 10
Monday, October 9
Friday, October 6
Thursday, October 5
Wednesday, October 4
Tuesday, October 3
- 9:00 AM in the ECE Playground // ECE Book-o-ween: There will be activity stations for the students, including a pumpkin-painting station. Students will then be able to take their pumpkins home! Children are asked to dress in the costume of their favorite literary character. Parent participation is encouraged.
- 1:45 PM - 5:00 PM in the Gym // Oktoberfest: Miner's scholars will have a costume parade around the block, then have fun playing games and engaging in other activities during our annual fall/Halloween festival. Download the flyer.
Sunday, October 29
- 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Capitol Hill Day School // MoTH School Fair: The Annual Moms on The Hill (MoTH) School Fair is our chance to meet parents from the neighborhood who are interested in learning more about Miner. We've had a good presence the past couple of years, and engaged with a good number of few parents seeking information about Miner. If you're enthusiastic about Miner, we'd love to have you at our information table!
Friday, October 27
- No school for students: Professional Development day & Records Day
- 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM at Eastern Market // Hilloween: come out and have some Halloween fun at this Capitol Hill tradition!
Thursday, October 26
- 4:00 PM at Burrville Elementary // Soccer Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
Wednesday, October 25
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
Sunday, October 22
- 4:00 PM at RFK Stadium // DC United Final Home Game at RFK: Miner has been invited to attend DC United's final home game at RFK at they take on the New York Red Bulls. Tickets are just $25 per person.
Saturday, October 21
- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Miner // School Beautification Day with Playworks: One of Miner's newest partners is Playworks, who will be coming to Miner to establish a high quality, multi-faceted program to improve the health and well-being of Miner's students by increasing opportunities for physical activity and safe, meaningful play. Playworks is hosting a "School Beautification Day" to spruce up a number of interior spaces.
Thursday, October 19
- 4:00 PM at Miner // Soccer Game vs. Orr: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
Wednesday, October 18
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
Sunday, October 15
- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Peace Garden // Garden Work Day: Get your hands a little dirty and help keep Miner's veggie garden neat and tidy. Miner is lucky to have Cultivate the City as our garden partner, and they need our help to prepare the garden for winter!
Thursday, October 12
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, October 11
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
Tuesday, October 10
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson.
Monday, October 9
- School Closed: Columbus Day Holiday
Friday, October 6
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in the Parent Center // PreK Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS’s Early Childhood Division.
Thursday, October 5
- Picture Day: Studio K will be at Miner to take "Fall Season School & Personality Photos." You can obtain order forms from the front office.
- 4:00 PM at Miner // Soccer Game vs. Imagine Hope-Tolsen: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
Wednesday, October 4
- No Extended Day for Grades 3-5: Cancelled due to the monthly staff meeting. PAL and DC Scores will run as normally scheduled.
- 7:30 AM in Lincoln Park // Walk-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then walk together to Miner to start the day!
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
Tuesday, October 3
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. Light refreshments and free babysitting provided.
September 2017
Thursday, September 28
Wednesday, September 27
Friday, September 22
Thursday, September 21
Wednesday, September 20
Tuesday, September 19
Thursday, September 14
Wednesday, September 13
Tuesday, September 12
Sunday, September 10
Friday, September 8
Wednesday, September 6 through Tuesday, September 12
Wednesday, September 6
Monday, September 4
- 4:00 PM at Moten Elementary // Soccer Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
Wednesday, September 27
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
Friday, September 22
- No school for students: Professional Development day
Thursday, September 21
- 4:00 PM at Turner Elementary // Soccer Game: Come cheer on our Mighty Miner Bears!
Wednesday, September 20
- 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM in the ECE Kitchen // Welcome Back Breakfast: The Miner PTO is providing breakfast to all of our hard-working educators and staff to welcome them back for another school year and to remind them just how much Miner's parents appreciate them! All staff are invited to attend!
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM // Back to School Night: Our first big event of the year! All Families are invited back to meet with the leadership team and staff at Miner. Learn what we have planned for the year and what your students will be learning this year.
Tuesday, September 19
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Jackson.
Thursday, September 14
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Further information and a meeting agenda are available on the ANC6A website:
Wednesday, September 13
- No Extended Day: Staff at Miner will have a staff meeting from 3:30-4:30pm which means Extended Day for grades 3-5 will be cancelled. PAL programming will continue as normal.
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
Tuesday, September 12
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's first regular monthly meeting for SY2017-18. All parents, staff, and community members are welcome to come hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Jackson, and special guests. This first meeting of the year we will also announce PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representative election results.
Sunday, September 10
- 9:00 AM - Noon in the Peace Garden // Garden Work Day: Get your hands a little dirty and help keep Miner's veggie garden neat and tidy. Miner is lucky to have Cultivate the City as our garden partner and they need our help to keep the garden growing!
Friday, September 8
- 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM in the Parent Center // ECE Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS’s Early Childhood Division.
Wednesday, September 6 through Tuesday, September 12
- Elections for PTO Executive Board and LSAT Parent Representatives: Paper ballots will be sent home in backpacks. Ballots should be returned to the ballot box in the main office (one ballot per family, please). More information about the election here.
Wednesday, September 6
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time.
Monday, September 4
- School Closed: Labor Day Holiday
August 2017
Thursday, August 31
Thursday, August 24
Tuesday, August 22
Monday, August 21
Saturday, August 19
Wednesday, August 16
Saturday, August 12
- 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM in the library // Parent Leadership Information Session #1: PTO and LSAT elections are coming up! (Info page here). To prepare, Miner is holding three informal information and Q&A sessions for parents interested in learning more about leadership opportunities at Miner. This includes PTO, Local School Advisory Team (LSAT), PreK Parent Committee, and various school committees that have parent membership (such as Wellness and Personnel). This first session is designed for parents who pick up their PreK-2nd graders at the regular dismissal time.
- 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM in the library // Parent Leadership Information Session #2: This second session is designed for parents who pick up their 3rd-5th graders after Extended Day.
- 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the library // Parent Leadership Information Session #3: This third and final session is designed for parents who pick up their students from PAL aftercare.
Thursday, August 24
- 8:45 AM // First Day of School for ECE: Welcome (and welcome back) to our youngest Miner Bears! Doors will open at 8:20 AM.
- 9:15 AM in the cafeteria // ECE Parent Orientation: After saying goodbye to your little ones on the first day of school, ECE families are invited to attend a brief orientation with Principal Jackson.
Tuesday, August 22
- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Rosedale Playground // ECE Home Visits: Miner's ECE teachers will be clearing their schedules just for YOU! Come to Rosedale Recreation Center (1701 Gales St) to introduce your family to your child's teacher! Teachers will be contacting incoming families to sign up for a time slot. Current families are welcomed to stop by Rosedale at your convenience or to contact the school’s main office at 202-397-3960 if you would like to sign up.
Monday, August 21
- 8:45 AM // First Day of School for K-5: Welcome back to our returning Miner Bears for School Year 2017-2018! Doors will open at 8:20 AM.
Saturday, August 19
- 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM // School Beautification Day: Miner's new administrators, staff, and teachers are working hard to get everything ready for the start of school on August 21. As proud partners to Miner, the Miner PTO is sponsoring a "School Beautification Day" so that families, friends, and community members can lend a hand with cleaning and tidying up of the grounds so that our scholars are greeted with a welcoming physical environment on their first day back. We hope you'll come out and join us in this important effort. See the Volunteer Page for details about what types tools and supplies are needed, as well as a general plan of action for the morning. Point of Contact: David Treat
Wednesday, August 16
- 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM in the Library // Meet & Greet with Principal Jackson: Parents are invited to stop in to meet Principal Jackson and discuss any topics that are important to them for this upcoming school year.
Saturday, August 12
- 10:00 AM - Noon at Joe Cole Splash Park // Prospective/Incoming Parent Playdate: This is a joint event hosted by the DCPS Family Support Team, ECE Parent Committee, and PTO. Come join us to meet and greet prospective and incoming families to welcome them to Miner! The Joe Cole Recreation Center Splash Park is located at 1299 Neal St. NE in Trinidad. Points of Contact: Matt Renaud and Dante Daniel.
July 2017
Wednesday, July 26
- 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM on the main playground // "Popsicles with the Principal" Meet and Greet: Please join Miner's new administrative team for an informal meet and greet event on the Miner playground. So bring your family out and enjoy a cold treat along with some music and fun! Point of Contact: Principal Jackson
June 2017
Saturday, June 17
Wednesday, June 14
Tuesday, June 13
Monday, June 12
Sunday, June 11
Friday, June 9
Thursday, June 8
Wednesday, June 7
Tuesday, June 6
Friday, June 2
Thursday, June 1
- 10:00 AM - Noon on the Main Playgrounds // Prospective/Incoming Parent Playdate: This is a joint event hosted by the DCPS Family Support Team, ECE Parent Committee, and PTO. Come join us to meet and greet prospective and incoming families to welcome them to Miner!
Wednesday, June 14
- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: Students dismissed at 12:15
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Tuesday, June 13
- 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM // ECE Field Day (9:30 AM - 11:30 AM) & Send Off Cookout (Noon - 1:00 PM): This is a joint event hosted by the DCPS Family Support Team, ECE Parent Committee, and PTO. All ECE families are invited to come out for some field day fun, plus an outdoor cookout! Point of Contact: Dante Daniel
Monday, June 12
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in the Gym // PK4-to-Kindergarten Promotion: Come celebrate this momentous occasion as our PK4 class graduates to Kindergarten! Students should be dressed in their Sunday best. Friend and family are welcome! To be followed by a cupcake reception in the ECE Common Area. Point of Contact: Ms. Luttmer
Sunday, June 11
- 9:00 AM - Noon in the Peace Garden // Garden Work Day: Get your hands a little dirty and help keep Miner's veggie garden neat and tidy. Miner is lucky to have Cultivate the City as our garden partner and they need our help to keep the garden growing! Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Friday, June 9
- 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in the Orchestra Room // Teacher Appreciation Lunch: Help the PTO thank all our wonderful teachers and staff for all their hard work and dedication they bring to Miner! Texas Tech University is donating brisket so the teachers can make tacos or salads with it! Point of Contact: Kristina Butts.
Thursday, June 8
- 3:30 PM on the soccer field // Student vs. Staff Soccer Game: Come cheer on our Miner Bears AND our teachers/staff! Point of Contact: Mr. Gee
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Details available on ANC6A website (
Wednesday, June 7
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Point of Contact: Amy Treat
- 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // New Parent Orientation: Miner's incoming families will have the opportunity to learn about Miner's ECE program, required documentation, and what elso to expect this summer and fall. Current ECE families are welcome to attend as well! Point of Contact: Dante Daniel
Tuesday, June 6
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's final monthly meeting for SY16-17! Come hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Mial, and special guests. We will also discuss planning for SY17-18. Contact: David Treat
Friday, June 2
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the Gym // Spring Talent Show: Come out to cheer on our super-talented Miner Bears!
Thursday, June 1
- 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Common Area // Parent Committee Meeting: PK3 and PK4 parents meet to discuss upcoming ECE events and get the latest news from DCPS’s Early Childhood Division. Contact: Dante Daniel or Matt Renaud
May 2017
Wednesday, May 31
Wednesday, May 24
Saturday, May 20
Friday, May 19
Thursday, May 18
Wednesday, May 17
Tuesday, May 16
Monday, May 15
Sunday, May 14 (Mother's Day)
Thursday, May 11
Wednesday, May 10
Monday, May 8
Saturday, May 6
Thursday, May 4
Wednesday, May 3
Tuesday, May 2
Monday, May 1
Monday, May 1 - Friday, May 5
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Wednesday, May 24
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Saturday, May 20
- 10 AM - Noon in the ECE Playground/Garden // Prospective/Incoming Parent Playdate: This is a joint event hosted by the DCPS Family Support Team, ECE Parent Committee, and PTO. Come join us to meet and greet prospective and incoming families to welcome them to Miner! Point of Contact: Dante Daniel
Friday, May 19
- No classes for students: Parent Teacher Conferences
- 4:30 PM // Deadline for Re-Enrollment Raffle: return your completed re-enrollment forms and proof of residency to the Main Office to be entered into a raffle to win one of five $100 Visa gift cards. Additional details here.
Thursday, May 18
- 8:10 AM - 9:10 AM in the Large Group Instruction Room // New Parent Orientation: Miner's incoming families will have the opportunity to learn about Miner's ECE program, required documentation, and what elso to expect this summer and fall. Current ECE families are welcome to attend as well! Point of Contact: Dante Daniel
- 12:15 PM // Students dismissed: Teacher Professional Development
Wednesday, May 17
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Tuesday, May 16
- 8:15 AM in the Main Lobby (15th St entrance) // Enrollment Fair: During morning drop off, Miner staff will be on hand to collect enrollment forms and residency paperwork, assist parents with filling them out, and answer any questions. Snacks and beverages will be provided.
- 3:15 PM in the Main Lobby (15th St entrance) // Enrollment Fair: During pickup at the end of the instructional day.
- 5:30 PM in the Main Lobby (15th St entrance) // Enrollment Fair: During pickup for afterschool programs.
Monday, May 15
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Mial. Contact: Kyle Serrette or Ms. Fisher
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM location TBD // Parent University: Our Children's Brain: Join Sheryl Freedman, Miner parent and long-time educator, as we explore what the current information in neuroscience can tell us about our children’s brains, how we can modify behavior, and how we can promote social-emotional development. Topics will include basic information about brain structure, the effects of stress and poverty on brain development, strategies for encouraging positive discipline, and the benefits of risk-taking and failure.
Sunday, May 14 (Mother's Day)
- 9:00 AM - Noon in the Peace Garden // Garden Work Day: Get your hands a little dirty and help keep Miner's veggie garden neat and tidy. Miner is lucky to have Cultivate the City as our garden partner and they need our help to keep the garden growing! Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Thursday, May 11
- 4:00 PM at Thomas ES // Soccer Game: Cheer on our Miner Bears as they take on Thomas ES!. Point of Contact: Mr. Gee
- 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in the gym // Family Yoga Night: Come get your zen on for our second annual Family Yoga Night. Points of Contact: Ms. Brown and Ms. Luttmer
- 7:00 PM in the cafeteria // Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6A Monthly Meeting: Details available on ANC6A website (
Wednesday, May 10
- 7:30 AM in Lincoln Park // National Bike-to-School Day: Join families from Miner and our sister schools on Capitol Hill for this annual tradition! Meet in the park to gather and hear speeches from local dignitaries, then bike/walk together to Miner to start the day! More information here. Point of Contact: Tammy Alexander
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Monday, May 8
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM in the Parent Center // Monday Morning Mocha with Mial at Miner (M5): Join Principal Mial for a cup of coffee or tea and discuss the Extended Day program, summer programs, or whatever may be on your mind. Point of Contact: Principal Mial
Saturday, May 6
- 9:00 AM - Noon // Second Annual Community Yard Sale: If you have any gently used clothing, toys, books, household items, or even furniture that you would like to donate, please feel free to bring them at any time to the Parent Center (Room 143) by the east entrance or Room 146 across from the cafeteria. Further details here, or sign up to volunteer here. Point of Contact: Holly Harper
Thursday, May 4
- 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM in the ECE Common Area // Parent Committee Meeting & Teacher Appreciation Craft Event: Join your fellow PK3/4 parents in creating baskets, flowers, and other tokens of appreciation for our ECE teachers. Contact: Dante Daniel or Matt Renaud
- 4:00 PM at Burrville ES // Soccer Game: Cheer on our Miner Bears as they take on Burrville ES!. Point of Contact: Mr. Gee
Wednesday, May 3
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City. If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Tuesday, May 2
- 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the cafeteria // PTO General Meeting: This is the PTO's regular monthly meeting for the membership to hear the latest news, developments, and plans from the PTO leadership, Principal Mial, and special guests. Contact: David Treat
Monday, May 1
Monday, May 1 - Friday, May 5
April 2017
Thursday, April 27
Wednesday, April 26
Monday, April 24
Monday, April 17 - Friday, April 21
Saturday, April 15
Thursday, April 13
Wednesday, April 12
Monday, April 10
- 4:00 PM at Miner // Soccer Game: Cheer on our Miner Bears as they take on Leckie ES!. Point of Contact: Mr. Gee
- 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the ECE Garden // ECE Garden & Craft Event: The ECE Parent Committee is hosting a special event in honor of Earth Day (April 22). Join your fellow PK3/4 parents in the ECE garden as we do some plantings in the garden and various craft activities. Light refreshments will be provided! Contact: Matt Renaud
Wednesday, April 26
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City ( If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Monday, April 24
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM in the Parent Center // Monday Morning Mocha with Mial at Miner (M5): Join Principal Mial for a cup of coffee or tea and discuss summer programs or whatever else may be on your mind. Point of Contact: Principal Mial
- 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM in the Large Group Instruction Room // LSAT Meeting: All are welcome to observe the Local School Advisory Team’s discussions with Principal Mial. Contact: Kyle Serrette or Ms. Fisher
Monday, April 17 - Friday, April 21
Saturday, April 15
- 9:00 - Noon in the ECE Garden & Playground // ECE Garden Prep Day & Prospective Family Playdate #1: This is a joint event hosted with the ECE Parent Committee and the PTO. Join us in doing some light work to help prep the ECE Garden for future planting, as well as meet prospective and incoming families. We could also use one or two volunteers to bring coffee and pastries and/or light snacks. Point of Contact: Matt Renaud
Thursday, April 13
- 4:00 PM at Miner // Soccer Game: Cheer on our Miner Bears as they take on Orr ES!. Point of Contact: Mr. Gee
Wednesday, April 12
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM // Cultivate the City Garden Market & CSA Pickup: See and purchase locally-grown produce and fruits from Miner's garden partner, Cultivate the City ( If you've purchased a CSA share, you can pick it up at this time. Point of Contact: Amy Treat
Monday, April 10
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM in the Parent Center // Monday Morning Mocha with Mial at Miner (M5): Join Principal Mial for a cup of coffee or tea and discuss Miner’s anti-bullying program, standardized assessments, or whatever else may be on your mind. Point of Contact: Principal Mial