Miner PTO Internal Page
For policies, processes, and forms.
Reimbursement Request (RR)All: Please use this form to request reimbursement of purchases for approved purposes.
Receipts or other proofs of purchase are required. They can be attached to this form when it is submitted, or simply take a photo of the receipt and email it to [email protected]. |
Purchase Request (PR) for StaffMiner Staff: Please use this form to request the PTO to directly purchase items for approved purposes (e.g. classroom or instructional use).
You may provide links, text descriptions with part or model numbers, or upload a photo or scan. Please provide quantities. You may include multiple requests from multiple vendors on the same form. |
Purchase Request (PR) for PTO Leadership TeamPTO Leaders: Please use this form to request the Treasurer to directly purchase items for approved purposes (i.e. budget line items).
You may provide links, text descriptions with part or model numbers, or upload a photo or scan. Please provide quantities. You may include multiple requests from multiple vendors on the same form |
Purchase (Expense) Record for Authorized PTO PurchasesPTO Purchasers: For those with authority to make approved purchases directly using PTO funds, use this form to record these purchases (expenses) directly into the database the Treasurer uses to maintain our financial records.
Receipts or other proofs of purchase are required. Please attach them to this form when it is submitted or email them to the Treasurer. |